Preserve the Past
Understand the Future

Our Mission

Our goal is to inspire future generations to understand the scope of the history of this amazing island and rethink how we view the past. From grand civilization to inter-ethnic conflict, it's important that we take time to realize how we have been shape by those that came before us. If we can share those stories and make them known, we can stop the more regrettable moments of our past from repeating and embrace what makes Sri Lanka special.

Remebering the Forgotten...

Oftentimes, the most interesting moments from our history are lost to time. They may never be spoken of due to the fear of reliving painful memories. They may be lost to time due to poor preservation or conflict. They may be forgotten because we have decided not to care. However, now more than ever, it's imperative that we change that trajectory and make sure these stories are remembered so we know how to create a better future.

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