Top driving tips from Be VIP

Top driving tips from Be VIP

Top driving tips from Be VIP to be sheltered on Dubai streets

Remaining quiet consistently regardless of unpredictable driving of others must be number one. This is simpler said than done. There are some extremely inconsistent driving styles on the streets that should be maintained a strategic distance from/adapted to.

Here's tips on driving in Dubai and what's in store on the streets the great, the awful and the terrible and how to remain quiet and safe while in the driver's seat in Dubai.

Lane order

This is by all accounts non-existent in driving on the streets here. Individuals will viciously veer from the Fastlane to an intersection off the street at an exceptionally late minute be prepared for this. All paths are driven in and at different diverse rates and you will see 120 or more being done in the "moderate" path and 80 in the "quick" path! There is none of the standard this path utilized for over taking, haul out of the moderate path to give approaching traffic a chance to consolidate rule being pursued.


Remain as far from the trucks as would be prudent. They don't stop all around rapidly and can't see you in the event that you are close by them or are preceding them. The drivers are frequently exceptionally worn out and traverse the Gulf. A great deal of trucks have worn tires and victories happen all around every now and again so be prepared for those as well.


Utilization of markers here is indiscriminate in spite of the fact that the police do have split downs-particularly on the trucks so there has been some improvement. So don't depend on the way that somebody is demonstrating implies they really are going to move or that they are not moving if not showing.

Wet or foggy climate

This happens so rarely that a few people don't have a clue what to do in these climate conditions-they will even now speed unreasonably, drive with their danger lights on giving you no sign in the event that they are moving path or killing and utilizing their full shaft. Most autos here don't have haze lights as they are Gulf spec cars which does not help.

The best thing for you to do is to back off, remain in the moderate or second path and go at your own pace. In the event that perceivability gets extremely poor for example amid a dust storm or mist fix once in a while it is more secure to maneuver over-ideally into a carport and endure it. On the off chance that it rains in all respects vigorously the vast majority of the streets get overflowed as the waste framework can't adapt be watchful about aquaplaning and if your voyage isn't earnest remain home!


Satellite route frameworks are not constantly dependable as streets change all the time. We prescribe you keep the Explorer Street map in your car as this is a standout amongst the most dependable assets.

If you are looking for car rent in UAE, do contact us and book a car today!