Holiday Activities

May half term begins on Saturday, May 23rd and ends on Monday June 1st. Here you will find lots of activities to keep you busy.

Remember you can also keep using your Mathletics, Reading Eggs and Purple Mash logins over the holidays, too!

Most importantly make sure you have a fun and relaxing time with your families. Stay safe and remember to be kind!

We would love to see what you get up to, so feel free to share with us on Twitter.

Here is a History activity and some extra Maths tasks to keep you busy :)

Easter Holidays begin on Saturday, April 4th and end on Sunday, April 19th. Here you will find lots of activities to keep you busy.

Remember you can also keep using your Mathletics, Reading Eggs and Purple Mash logins over the holidays, too!

Most importantly make sure you have a fun and relaxing time with your families. We would love to see what you get up to, so feel free to share with us on Twitter.


Have a look at these examples to inspire your own amazing Easter egg design!


Here is a reminder of what some different Human and Physical features you might be able to spot from your window.


Look at this example of the Dinner Train, then watch the video to remind you about syllables.

This chant sounds like a train getting faster and faster.

It's a dinner menu in reverse.

The last one, SOUP, is just done once, like the train's whistle - very loud and long and high-pitched.

It's really funny!

Notice how each line (except for coffee and soup) has 4 syllables?

When you write your own, remember that each line needs to have 4 syllables.

Here are some ideas of foods you could add to your dinner train:

The Dinner Train

Coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee,

cheese and biscuits

fruit and custard

beef and carrots

fish and chips


2 x 5 = 10

5 x 2 =10

5 + 5 = 10

2 + 2 + 2 + 2 +2 = 10

1 x 4 = 4

4 x 1 = 4

Maths - Arrays

Look at these examples of household arrays.

What can you find to help you make your own?

How many different arrays can you make usuing each household item?

For example in a 6 egg tray, you could fill all of the egg holes and write the number sentence 2 x 3 = 6, because 2 rows of 3 is 6.

You could also make 2 x 2 = 4 by only filling 2 of the spaces in each row.

Don't forget that multiplication and repeated addition are the same! You can add these number sentences to help you teach your families everything you know about multiplication.


Watch this video to learn about the Christian story of Easter.

Discuss with your family why you think Easter is important for Christians.

You could even draw a storyboard to show the key events and order they happen in.