The brainstem group

we are a group of enthusiastic scientists trying to unveil the mysteries of the brainstem

Our research

Our group focuses on investigating the brainstem control of respiration and the molecular mechanisms that direct cerebellar development

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Respiratory control

Using mouse genetics we study the brainstem control of respiration in health and disease

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Image taken from Hernandez-Miranda et al., (2018) PNAS 115:13021-13026.

Cerebellar development

Using sequencing techniques we study how the distinct subtypes of cerebellar neurons become specified.

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Image taken from Lowenstein et al., (2021) eLife 10:e64684.

Selected Publications

Lowenstein E.D., Rusanova A., Stelzer J, Hernaiz-Llorens M, Schroer A E., Epifanova E., Isik E.G., Buchert S., Jia S., Tarabykin V., Hernandez-Miranda L.R. (2021) Olig3 regulates early cerebellar development. eLife 10:e64684.

Hernandez-Miranda L.R., Ibrahim D., Ruffault P.L., Larrosa M., Balueva K., Müller T., van de Weerd W., Stolte-Dijkstra I., Hostra R.M.W., Brunet J.F., Fortin G., Mundlos S., Birchmeier C. (2018) Mutation in LBX1/Lbx1 precludes transcription factor cooperativity and causes congenital hypoventilation in humans and mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115: 13021-13026.

Hernandez-Miranda L.R., Ruffault P.L., Bouvier J., Murray A., Morin-Surun M.P., Zampieri N., Cholewa-Waclaw J.B., Ey E., Brunet J.F., Champagnat J., Fortin G., Birchmeier C. (2017). Genetic identification of a hindbrain nucleus essential for innate vocalization. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114:8095-8100.

Piwecka M.*,Glažar P.*,Hernandez-Miranda L.R.*, Memczak S., Wolf S.A., Rybak-Wolf A., Filipchyk A., Klironomos F., Cerda Jara C.A., Fenske P., Trimbuch T., Zywitza V., Plass M., Schreyer L., Ayoub S., Kocks C., Kühn R., Rosenmund C., Birchmeier C., Rajewsky N. (2017) Loss of a mammalian circular RNA locus causes miRNA deregulation and affects brain function. Science 357 (6357):eaam8526. (*co-first authors).

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