The Bonneville Game


Minty Lam

Art by HoMArtworks

Laura Bates

Art by HoMArtworks

Ingrid Sullenberger

Art by HoMArtworks

Bex McQuoid

Art by HoMArtworks

Araminta "Minty" Lam

Full Name: Araminta Joy Lam

Nicknames: Minty, Mint, and the Spooky Girl

Age: 25

Birthday: November 22

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Gender: Female

Height: 5’4”

Nationality: American

Place of Birth: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Occupation: Supernatural Podcaster (The Night Owls of Philly) and Social Media Manager

Voice Actor: Rachanee Lumayno

Personality: Minty is excitable and bubbly. Despite being the Spooky Goth Girl, she’s known as being friendly and cheerful. She can be one-track minded, especially when it comes to anything related to the supernatural. This can make Minty seem rude when she’s just bulldozing right past someone’s point. She’s a little too confident in her knowledge of the supernatural, believing she can handle whatever is thrown at her because she’s seen a lot of scary movies. She’d never be “stupid” like a horror movie character would be.

She’s a healthy skeptic. She doesn’t believe everything she hears and prefers to investigate before she buys into something. She knows there are a lot of scam artists out there that will take advantage of people who believe in the supernatural. Minty desperately wants to find proof and she refuses to lie to her audience. So far, she’s come up empty.

History: Born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Minty has always loved all things spooky and creepy. For as long as she can remember, she has always hunted down and/or collected every scary/spooky movie, book, podcast, and TV show she can get her little mitts on. It wasn’t a shock to anyone when she started her own supernatural podcast that discusses monsters, cryptids, strange happenings, and spooky mysteries.

Minty graduated from the Pennsylvania State University, or Penn State, with a BA in Communications. She was still in school when she met Laura and Ingrid. Laura had been another student at Penn State and Minty met Ingrid through Laura. They bonded over their love of scary things and started a podcast together called The Night Owls of Philly.

Sadly, their podcast doesn’t pay the bills. She works from home as a Social Media Manager for a real estate company.

There is something in Minty's past driving her to seek out the paranormal. Stay tuned to learn more!

Likes: Her friends and family, horror and sci-fi, romcoms, socks, laughing at Hallmark movies with her mom and sister, scary stories, podcasts, podcasting, autumn, rainstorms, MST3K, rock, death rock, goth rock, post punk, rockabilly, coffee shops, and video games

Dislikes: Humidity, feet, styrofoam, doing laundry, glue smell, cold fries, wearing pants, and flies

Favorite Foods: Grilled Cheese and Pickle Sandwiches, Siopao Asado, Picarones, Hong Kong Egg Tarts, Egg and Banana Roti, Mooncakes, and Wawa Soft Pretzels

Favorite Drinks: Boba Milk Tea and Pumpkin Beer

Favorite Animal: Bats

Favorite Color: Green


Levi Lam (father)

Faye Lam (mother)

Trophia "Trophie" Lam (older sister)

Laura Bates

Full Name: Laura Marion Bates

Nicknames: Laurie, Lulu, Lars, and Lala

Age: 25

Birthday: November 4

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Gender: Female

Height: 5’6”

Nationality: American

Place of Birth: Pennsylvania

Occupation: Supernatural Podcaster (The Night Owls of Philly) and Accountant

Voice Actor: Krystal Gem

Personality: While Laura’s love of all things supernatural and macabre could rival Minty’s, she’s a lot less excitable. She’s sarcastic and deadpan sense of humor without being cynical. Laura is blunt about her opinions, but she has some sense of tact. She gives off slight Jenny Nicholson vibes.

Laura is a natural born leader. She’s talented and brilliant, but she doesn’t trust people easily. Minty and Ingrid are the only two people she truly trusts. She struggles with her self-worth and PTSD, preferring to fight her inner demons in private. Laura doesn’t reach out for help nearly as often as she should. She is a lot better at helping other people with their problems and she’s a humanitarian at heart.

History: The only thing that she's revealed about her past is that she was born in somewhere in Pennsylvania. Nothing is known about her family or where she grew up.

She met Ingrid when she first arrived in Philadelphia to attend school. She went to the tattoo shop that Ingrid was working at to get a tattoo, creating a long-lasting friendship with Ingrid in the process. 

She would later meet Minty at Penn State. Laura, Minty, and Ingrid clicked almost instantly. In time, Minty would suggest creating a podcast together, which is how The Night Owls of Philly was born.

At college, Laura studied Accounting and went on to become a Bookkeeper at a medical spa as her day job. 

Likes: The macabre, scary movies, Halloween, autumn, the countryside, small cottages and cabins, farms, theme parks, sci-fi, the Star Battles franchise, terrible YA romance books and movies, murder mysteries, punk rock, reading, books, video games, dark academia, and cottagecore

Dislikes: Talking about her past, the smell of glue, folding laundry, heights, and sports

Favorite Foods: Seafood, Croquettes, Chocoflan, Philly Cheesesteak, Sweet Potato Muffins, Pineapple Salsa, and Guava Pastries 

Favorite Drinks: Strawberry Mint Tea and Long Island Iced Tea

Favorite Animal: Horses

Favorite Color: Orange

Ingrid Sullenberger

Full Name: Ingrid Ellen Sullenberger

Nicknames: Inga, Ingri, and Ing

Age: 24

Birthday: February 22

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Gender: Female

Height: 5’3"

Nationality: American

Place of Birth: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Occupation: Supernatural Podcaster (The Night Owls of Philly) and Tattoo Artist

Voice Actor: Kat Walker Shea

Personality: Ingrid is soft-spoken and timid. She can be shy, but once she feels comfortable, she loves to talk! She seems like she would be the polar opposite of Minty, but she’s just as into horror, spooky things, and alternative culture. She just also really likes cutesy stuff and romance movies. Most of her tattoos are also very easy to hide with clothing, making her appear more conservative than she actually is.

She’s a pushover and she lacks assertiveness. While she’ll always come through in a clutch, she is the easiest to scare. Ingrid is incredibly kind and she has a strong sense of empathy. She believes in the paranormal and she takes it deathly serious.

History: Ingrid was born in Philadelphia as the only child of her father’s second marriage. While in high school, Ingrid became interested in tattoos and wanted to become a tattooist. She honed her art skills and, at 18, she secured an apprenticeship at a tattoo shop. 

She would spend hours cleaning, stocking, sterilizing, drawing, and anything else they needed. They taught her how to tattoo, starting with pig skin and oranges. She bought gear from one of her coworkers and began practicing on herself. Once the owner of the shop trusted her, she was able to begin to book clients. She’s been tattooing ever since. She was the one to give Laura her first tattoo, cementing their friendship almost immediately.

Laura would introduce her to Minty and the three would become fast friends, eventually starting up the podcast, The Night Owls of Philly.

Likes: Tattoos, tattoo artistry, drawing, scary movies, Halloween, Christmas, romance movies, cute accessories, stuffed spiders, sweets, animals, autumn, sweaters, musicals, cinema history, the beach, forests, and winter

Dislikes: Disrespecting the occult, standing up for herself, baking, animatronics, sand (it gets everywhere), and bitter foods

Favorite Foods: Strawberries, Hidden Rose Apple Toast, Pasta, Black Bean Burgers, Tacos de Papa, Potato Soup, and Russian Honey Cake

Favorite Drinks: Thai Iced Coffee and Mai Tai

Favorite Animal: Spiders

Favorite Color: Blue

Rebecca "Bex" McQuoid

Full Name: Rebecca Elspeth McQuoid

Nicknames: Bex, Beck, and Becka

Age: 36

Birthday: October 5

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Gender: Female

Height: 5’6”

Nationality: American

Place of Birth: Bonneville, Pennsylvania

Occupation: Cook at Bonneville Podcasters' Retreat

Voice Actor: Kat Walker Shea

Personality: Bex is a little weird. You have to be a little weird when you’re raised in a white trash family in the middle of nowhere. Bex is intelligent, but flippant. Not very many things upset her, but when they do anger her, she goes from 0 to 60 in the blink of an eye. She can typically diffuse tense situations simply by a lack of reaction or by telling a joke. She generally keeps a cool head, so much so it seems like she doesn’t care. In reality, she’s tired. She’s seen some shit and she is over it.

Her philosophy is life is hard, why make it harder? She tries to help people out and, while she’s not perfect at it, she tries to be encouraging. She's friendly yet apathetic to most people when she meets them at first. She doesn't hate a lot of people either. Someone would really have to press her buttons or give her a reason to hate them. She’s the type of person who prefers to stick up for the underdog.

She struggles to trust people on a deeper level, yet she continues to seek out connection with others. Under all her bluster, she has a good heart. She's just used to taking care of herself with little to no help from anybody else. Some people see her as trashy and she'd tell them they're correct. Although not cruel, she doesn’t always do or say what someone needs her to. She’s blunt, but she’s never intentionally hurtful. Sometimes she just sucks at wording herself. She’s never been one to brush off someone else’s hurt feelings with “I’m just being honest” either.

She’s good at playing dumb in order to get what she wants. She knows how to game the system and happily teaches people she trusts to do the same. When she feels wronged, she won’t hesitate to be cruel in retaliation. She can talk people into things and her charisma can get her out of sticky situations. Her life is mostly ruled by giving into the existential dread and some form of nihilism, which can make it difficult for her to form and maintain relationships with people.

History: Bex was born in Bonneville, Pennsylvania. The McQuoid family is a well-known natural disaster in Bonneville. 

We'll learn more about her as the series progresses.

She's currently the cook for the Podcaster Retreat.

Likes: Her dog and cat, animals, money, cooking, baking, discovering new recipes and foods, working out, being outside, collecting cookbooks, oat milk, and reading

Dislikes: Cops, debt collectors, working customer service, large crowds, amusement parks, almond milk, and being seen as “soft”

Favorite Foods: Homemade Bread, Macarons, Brownies, Kimchi Carbonara, Paella, Bobotie, and Pretzel Pot Pie

Favorite Drinks: Vanilla Lattes and Corpse Reviver

Favorite Animal: Cats and Dogs

Favorite Color: Pink

Lark Pepperberg

Full Name: Lark Pepperberg

Nicknames: Ranger Pepperberg

Age: 29

Birthday: March 15

Pronouns: He/Him/His and They/Them/Theirs

Gender: Transmasc Nonbinary

Height: 5’5”

Nationality: American

Place of Birth: TBA

Occupation: Forest Ranger

Voice Actor: Allegra Rodriguez Shivers

Personality: Lark is a stickler for rules and he’s very protective of nature. They feel more at ease around animals and nature than humans. They’re high strung and he struggles with being assertive. He feels truly at home when they’re out in the forest.

History: Lark is fairly secretive about their past, but we'll slowly learn more in time.

Likes: Nature, hiking, being outside, the sun, fruits and vegetables, studying animals, photography, sewing, foraging, and gardening

Dislikes: Big cities, religion, Christianity, pollution, litterbugs, and eating meat or dairy

Favorite Foods: Oyster Mushroom “Bacon” Sandwiches, Crispy Greens, Honeysuckle Pancakes, Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies, Pawpaw Bread, and Lindon Fruit Ice Cream

Favorite Drinks: Lavender Tea and Lemon Ginger Tea

Favorite Animal: All of them

Favorite Color: Green

Other Characters

Season 1

Annie Stephenson – Becca Lerman

Annie (she/her) is one of the hosts of Info Dumping! She was born and raised in Bonneville and she knows more than she’s letting on. Her number one priority is making sure this retreat goes off without a hitch, which includes scolding nosy podcasters from wandering into the woods late at night to summon demons. She’s convivial, determined, and secretive.

Briar Holland – Socks Whitmore

Briar (Xe/Xem/Xyrs) could be compared to Jaws’ Quint. Xe are a survivalist who prefers to live in a tiny house in the forest, away from civilization. Briar is worldly, grizzled, and disillusioned. Xe have very little patience for “city slickers” with no respect for nature.

Brooke Calhoun – Michelle Kelly

Brooke (she/her) hails from Chicago, Illinois. Brooke is a true crime podcaster and hosts Merry Murderers Murdering with Charlotte “Chili” Agnello. She can be glib or insensitive when covering a case for her show, more focused on views than the crime at hand. She’s determined to uncover a mystery of her own which makes her quick to point fingers. She’s passionate about justice, judgmental, and self-assured. Since Chili isn’t too bright, Brooke is left to be the brains of the team.

Charles “Chuck” Ogden –  

Chuck (he/him) is the main of the hosts of 3 Guys Talking and it’s exactly what it sounds like. Chuck’s known for long awkward silences on his podcast and dad jokes. He’s an older guy who is only mildly good with technology. He leaves that side of things to his co-hosts, Ellis and Pye. 

Charlotte “Chili” Agnello – Liza Dally

Chili (she/her) is another native of Chicago and she grew up in the same neighborhood as Brooke. She’s Brooke’s friend and co-host. Chili isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, but she’s nice. She’s obsessed with true crime and she’s a great hype man for Brooke.

Davina Fox –  

Davina (she/her) runs a sex and relationships podcast. She’s known for her “tough love” approach and there are plenty of people who simply see her as a bitch. Some have gone as far as to say, “She’s just really good at telling you that you suck.” Some of her views are antiquated. The Bachelor and 90 Day Fiancé are her favorite shows.

Ellis Bean –  

Ellis (he/him) is the one who persuaded Chuck to start a podcast with him. Once he gets going, he’s a real chatterbox who tries really hard to be funny. He’s not as funny as he thinks he is.

Goose – BK Dawson

Goose (he/him) is the guy who warns everyone that something is wrong with the Retreat and gleefully announces it.  It’s unclear if he actually knows anything or if he just likes predicting everyone's doom.

Grace Baird – Lauren Kong

Grace (she/her) is the female host of the Podcast of Milk and Honey. She’s a devout Christian who doles out her Christian love with a smug smile and sanctimonious attitude. She’s the type of influencer who would be invited as a guest on Girl Defined. She’s passive aggressive to other Christians she feels aren’t “doing it correctly.”

Justin MansfieldD Sumner

Justin (he/him) wishes he could be Andrew Tate. He’s misogynistic, racist, homophobic, and transphobic. He’s also a coward and instantly folds at real confrontation. It’s not clear why he wanted to come on the retreat. Perhaps he wanted to harass everyone there, prove a point, or maybe he just wanted to feel included.

Old Lady Rags – 

Rags (she/her), or Zelda Ragsdale, is an elderly woman who lives deep in the forest. She’s friendly and jovial, but she’s also reclusive and paranoid. She may know more about O'Malley than she lets on.

O’Malley the Smiling Demon – Kat Walker Shea

O'Malley (she/her) is the infamous Smiling Demon you can only summon in Bonneville. More info to come!

Paul BairdStefonTV1

Paul (he/him) is the male host of the Podcast of Milk and Honey, a Christian podcast aimed at helping people follow the Lord the “right way.” He’s condescending, self-righteous, and bigoted. He’s good at making the “God’s love” sound like a curse rather than a blessing.

Pye Robertson –  

Pye (he/him) is the third guy in 3 Guys Talking. He’s stoic and he’s only doing the podcast as a favor to Chuck. If Chuck decided to stop the podcast one day, he wouldn’t care. He’s aloof and reserved. 

Romina Rojas – Lena Garcia

Romina (she/her) is the co-host of Info Dumping! She only recently moved to Bonneville and she isn’t aware of the local lore. Romina is a no-nonsense woman who does care about other people. She just doesn’t have time for everyone’s shenanigans. When it comes to Annie, her best friend, her patience has been starting to run thin.

Tierney McElfresh – Weylinn Ashby

Tierney (she/her) is the ASMR podcaster. She’s the voice of reason in most scenarios and the peacemaker. She almost always speaks very softly and calmly. Tierney has mastered keeping her anger buried deep down, but how much longer can she keep it up?