Comments! Share your thoughts

Q: How are original memes added? A: It needs to meet one of the requirements, more than 25k+ views on the video AND/OR other people making the meme (enough to be called an "original" meme)

Q: What if there's more than 1 original? A: I'll state under the video's info box if it has more than one and add the one based on the following categories: the oldest, most people linking as original, first best impression

Ex. There were two original memes, 'A' was created in 2021, while 'B' was created in 2022. People started to credit 'B' as original and the meme was trending because of it. So I'll add 'B' as the original, but will tell others that they're free to credit 'A' , 'B' or other 'originals' 

There was an argument in which people will fight over who's the original because of that I've decided to go with which one people acknowledged the most as the "original" from the descriptions. Though please feel free to give suggestions, if you believe there has been a mistake.

This website is only made by one person, so adding and response will be slow. Thank you for understanding ^^;