The Bloxburg Hotel

Hello, Welcome to The Bloxburg Hotel, please check out our discord on this page to hear the newest updates and events also if you do not have discord, then we have a calendar.

Admissions- To stay at our hotel:

per/ Night- $150

per/ Week/ Extended Stay: $1,050

The Floors:

1st Floor Main Lobby

2nd Floor rooms 200-208

3rd Floor Room 300-308

4th Floor Room 400-408

5th Floor, Restricted- Cooperate Offices


We will also have a office building near the hotel.

1st Floor: Lobby

2nd Floor: Offices

3rd Floor: Vice President and Presidents Office;

The hotel will have security cameras on each floor of the hotel and also the office building, we recommend that you do not come to the office building because that's the head quarters. We do not allow any guest in that building if you come in that building you will be in trouble.


Parking;There is a fee if you park in the handy cap parking spot. but if you have the parking pass to do that then your fine. but if you disobey our regulations then you will be paying a extra $200 fee for the parked car. Also you will be in huge trouble. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The President will also have a house, on the plot, that is private property, if you go on to his house without any permission you will be kicked off the plot and no longer allowed to be on. We recommend that you do not just walk around the property, because the owner of the hotel is staying at that house. also we will have the hotel on The Presidents account. if he is not active (Online) then there's no roleplay to worry about. He might want to take the day off. Currently, he doesn't have a proper computer to make his hotel. So Please be patient, He will get a new computer soon.

[C] Copy Right of The Bloxburg Hotel 2020