Section 7.2.3


Adequate restraint shall be provided to support the structure, distribute roof loads and prevent wind uplift. Strapping shall be of adequate strength and durability and fixed using appropriate fixings.

  • Restraint straps should be provided every 2m, up 3 storeys, and every 1.25m when the roof is 4 or more storeys.

  • Restraint strap Spacing should as per design.

  • Noggins provided between the first 3 trusses, with the primary noggin fitted tightly between the masonry blockwork and the final truss.

  • Restraint straps fixed to the underside of the noggins using:

  • 4 steel screws 50mm or;

  • 4 steel nails, 75mm x 4mm with 1 fixing in the 3rd truss.

  • Restraint straps should be fitted tightly to the masonry, turned down onto a substantial piece of blockwork.

  • Restraint straps can be placed on longitudinal bracing members.

  • Fixed using eight 25mm x 4mm screws.

  • Where straps do not coincide with longitudinal bracing, an additional piece of 100mm x 25mm timber extending over 4 trusses can be used.

  • In all circumstances, timber members must be fitted tightly against the gable.

  • Restraint straps should be fitted tightly to the masonry, turned down onto a substantial piece of blockwork.

  • When designed, gable ladders can be used to provide restraint to the external walls.

  • Blocking timbers spaced at maximum centres of 2m should be provided between the blockwork and first truss.

  • Soffit board is tightly fitted against external leaf and securely fixed.