
Our research in the news

What is the Large Magellanic Cloud?  Keith Cooper,, Jan 16 2024

Astronomers find 100,000 light year bow shock in the Milky Way's outskirts Monica Young, Sky & Telescope, Dec 19 2023

Astronomers find stars cast away from galactic neighbors. Katya Gozman, Sky & Telescope, Oct 2 2023

When the Magellanic Clouds cozy up to each other, stars are born.  Ken Croswell, ScienceNews, Apr 1 2022

How our largest dwarf keeps the others in line, Monica Young, Sky & Telescope, Dec 6 2021

An Asymmetric Dark Matter Halo, Kerry Hensley, AAS NOVA, Oct 18 2021 

Dark Matter "Wake" in the Milky Way's Outer Reaches, Monica Young, Sky & Telescope, Apr 28, 2021

New Milky Way map reveals a wave of stars in our galaxy's outer reaches, Ashley Stickland, CNN, Apr 25 2021

UArizona Astrophysicists Help Chart Dark Matter's Invisible 'Ocean' , Daniel Stolte, UArizona News, Apr 21, 2021

Astronomers Release New All-Sky Map of Milky Way's Outer Reaches, Calla Cofield, NASA/JPL Press Release Apr 21 2021

The Milky Way is Gaining Stars from a Collision that Hasn't Even Occurred Yet,  Ethan Siegel Forbes, Jan 9 2020

Hunting for a Dark Matter Wake, Susanna Kohler, AAS Nova, Nov 13 2019

Gaia clocks new speeds for Milky Way-Andromeda collision, European Space Agency Release, Feb 7 2019

Featured Image: Tracking Motions of Local Galaxies, Susanna Kohler, AAS Nova, Feb 11 2019

Small Magellanic Cloud: A Satellite Dwarf Galaxy Neighbor, Nola Taylor Redd, Dec 13 2018

Evidence Mounts for a Magellanic Collision, Sky & Telescope, Emily Sandford, Nov 7 2018

Using Satellites to Weigh the Milky Way, Susanna Kohler, AAS Nova, June 18 2018

How Do You Weigh A Galaxy? Especially The One You're In? Daniel Stolte, UArizona Press Release June 6 2018

A History of Collisions Between the Magellanic Clouds, Susanna Kohler, AAS Nova, July 11 2016

Interacting Dwarfs Shed Light on Milky Way Neighbors, Ramin Skibba, Inside Science, 2016

The Milky Way's Missing Mass: Partially Found, Ken Croswell, Scientific American, Sept 16 2015

New Hubble Data Sheds Light on what keeps the Magellanic Clouds GlowingKen Croswell, Scientific American, April 1 2013 

Star Performers: The Magellanic Clouds, Ken Croswell, Scientific American, March 20 2013

NASA'S Hubble Shows Milky Way is Destined for Head-on Collision with Andromeda Galaxy, NASA Press release May 31 2012

Milky Way Sidelined in Galactic Tug of War, CfA Press release,, Sept 30th 2010

Magellanic Clouds are First Time Visitors, CfA Press Release Sep 2007

AstroBiTES Articles


A Wake in the Dark (Matter)  Universe Unplugged : Ask the Astronomers Live Series. May 28th 2021

ASTRO 2020, Appendix N: The State of the Profession and Societal Impacts .  UArizona Colloquium April 14 2021