What is a Zine?

Zines are self-published (and typically self-printed) collections 

of art and/or text. They can be collections of essays, artbooks, mini-comics, or more! 


Per-zines are often personal and autobiographical works. Beyond this, there are no limitations. Per-zines can be about anything and in any format you want.

<<< Here are some of mine from the past year!

Charity Zines:

Charity zines are put together by communities that want to raise money for a cause. These zines are usually centered around one theme and feature works (art, comics, poetry, fiction, etc.) from multiple artists. 

Level Ground Comics is a grassroots publisher that publishes annual charity zines. I had the pleasure of participating in both of these zines!

Cryptid Catalogue is currently raising money for the Coastal Pet Rescue.

Nod to Nature's proceeds were donated to the Savannah Tree Foundation.

I've also worked with Easterday Editorial who also publishes charity zines! 

Untold Treasures: A Pirate Zine donates its proceeds to Ocean Conservancy.