Is A Full Facelift Better Than A Deep Plane Facelift?

Facelifts are a popular cosmetic surgery procedure for people looking to restore their youthful complexion and facial shape. A full facelift has long been the gold standard in facial rejuvenation, but advancements in plastic surgery have led to the emergence of deep plane facelifts as an alternative option. In this article, we will explore whether a full facelift or a deep plane facelift is the better choice for those considering facial rejuvenation surgery.

The first thing to consider when deciding which type of facelift is best suited to your needs is cost. While both procedures can be expensive, a full facelift typically requires more time with the surgeon, resulting in higher fees than a deep plane lift. On average, patients can expect to pay between $10,000 and $20,000 for either procedure depending on where they live and other factors like regional prices.

Beyond financial considerations, it’s important to understand how each type of procedure works so that you make an informed decision about which one fits your individual needs. Both involve lifting the skin off underlying muscles and fat pads before redraping them over different parts of the face so that wrinkles and sagging disappear from sight. However, there are important differences between them which may affect outcomes such as duration of results and degree of visibility after healing is complete. We will examine these differences in detail throughout this article.

 Definition Of Facelift

A facelift is a type of cosmetic surgery that helps to reduce the signs of aging in the face and neck. It can help to tighten skin, remove excess fat deposits, smooth wrinkles and jowls, bring back facial contours, improve sagging in the cheeks or jaw line, and create more definition in the chin. The end result aims to give patients a refreshed look with improved self-confidence.

The two main types of facelifts are full facelifts and deep plane facelifts. A full facelift involves making an incision beginning at the temples and extending along the natural crease in front of the ear before ending behind it. This gives surgeons access to underlying tissues so they can lift them up and reposition them for tighter looking skin on top. Meanwhile, a deep plane facelift works by tightening muscles beneath the deeper layers of tissue while still releasing any tightness found around surface areas like eyes or forehead. Deep plane lifts also do not leave as many visible scars due to shorter incisions being made near just one ear instead of both ears.

Each procedure has its own benefits depending on what kind of results someone is looking for when it comes to reducing wrinkles or improving their overall appearance. For example, if someone wants drastic changes then a full facelift would be better suited since it allows for more aggressive lifting techniques compared to a deep plane lift which does minimal adjustments mostly focused on muscle tightening rather than skin removal or repositioning.

 Overview Of Full Facelift

A full facelift, also known as rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that removes signs of aging from the face and neck. It can be used to restore a more youthful look by reshaping sagging skin on the face and neck, removing fat deposits from areas such as the cheeks and chin, smoothing wrinkles around eyes, lips and mouth, tightening underlying facial muscles and restoring elasticity to aged skin. The goal of this type of procedure is to reduce or eliminate visible signs of aging in order to give patients a more youthful appearance.

Full facelifts involve making incisions along predetermined borders in order to access deeper layers of tissue beneath the surface. Once these tissues are accessed, they are lifted up and tightened with stitches. This helps create a smoother contour while also reducing excess sagging skin. In some cases additional procedures may be performed during a full facelift such as liposuction or fat injections for volume restoration. Additionally, laser resurfacing techniques may be used to further refine results.

The recovery period following a full facelift will vary depending on an individual's unique situation but typically lasts between two weeks to one month before all swelling dissipates completely. During this time it is important for patients to take special care when cleaning their face and using any products containing alcohol or fragrances which may cause irritation or dryness. Aftercare instructions should always be followed closely so that optimal healing occurs without any complications arising.

 Benefits Of Full Facelift

A full facelift can offer a variety of benefits to those seeking improved facial appearance. Those wishing to reduce wrinkles, sagging skin and jowls may be ideal candidates for this procedure. The main benefit of a full facelift is that it provides the most significant improvement in facial contours compared to other procedures such as mini or mid-facelifts.

The results of a full facelift are usually long lasting because the underlying layer of muscle and tissue is repositioned rather than removed like with some other procedures. In addition, the deep plane technique used during the surgery helps support deeper structures resulting in more natural looking outcomes without visible scarring. This approach also encourages better healing by preserving blood vessels which nourish the treated area providing more reliable recovery times.

When considering whether to have a full facelift or a deep plane facelift, patients should discuss their options with an experienced plastic surgeon who can recommend what would best suit their individual needs and desired outcome. During consultation they will undergo a comprehensive assessment including medical history review, examination of face shape, skin type and condition and discussion about lifestyle factors that could influence recovery time and final result.

 Overview Of Deep Plane Facelift

A deep plane facelift is a type of cosmetic surgery that can be used to improve the appearance of loose, wrinkled skin and restore facial volume. The procedure involves making an incision beneath the hairline on one side of the face and extending it around towards the earlobe. Once the incision has been made, deeper layers of tissue are manipulated in order to lift sagging muscles and create a more youthful look. In addition, excess fat may be removed from other parts of the face in order to enhance contours and make them appear smoother.

The results of a deep plane facelift will depend on several factors such as age, lifestyle habits, genetics, previous medical conditions and any medications taken prior to surgery. Generally speaking, however, people who undergo this procedure should expect some degree of improved facial symmetry with fewer wrinkles or lines visible after recovery. Results are typically long-lasting but may require touch-ups over time if aging continues naturally.

Deep plane facelifts offer benefits compared to traditional procedures because they allow for better access to underlying tissues which helps achieve a natural looking result without having overly tight or pulled skin afterwards. This makes it a popular choice among those seeking significant improvements in their overall appearance while still maintaining a balance between youthfulness and maturity.

 Benefits Of Deep Plane Facelift

A deep plane facelift is a cosmetic surgery procedure that aims to improve the appearance of aging skin by restoring facial contours and reducing wrinkles. This type of face-lift differs from traditional methods because it involves deeper structures within the face, such as muscle and fat layers. The result is a more natural look with minimal scarring. As such, many people opt for this technique in order to achieve dramatic results without having to go through an extensive recovery period.

The primary benefit of undergoing a deep plane facelift is that it can provide long-lasting improvements that are difficult to replicate through other procedures. Traditional methods can often only offer temporary or short-term solutions, whereas this approach offers lasting rejuvenation with little downtime afterward. Additionally, its effects tend to be softer than those achieved using standard techniques, since it does not involve pulling on the skin too much or excessively removing fatty tissue.

Moreover, due to its precision and accuracy when targeting specific areas, a deep plane facelift may also give patients a higher degree of satisfaction compared to other options available today. It eliminates sagging skin while preserving underlying tissues which helps maintain the patient's natural facial expressions and prevent them from looking overly “windswept” after their operation. Furthermore, since this method utilizes smaller incisions than other types of face lifts which leads to less risk of infection and quicker healing time overall.

In summary, a deep plane facelift offers numerous benefits over conventional approaches including improved longevity and greater safety with fewer risks associated with it. Its ability to address problem spots effectively while simultaneously providing lasting results makes it an attractive option for anyone looking for significant yet subtle changes in their appearance.

 Factors To Consider When Choosing A Facelift Procedure

When considering a facelift procedure, there are several factors to consider. The first factor is the type of facial surgery being considered. A full face-lift can provide extensive rejuvenation by tightening skin and soft tissue on the lower half of the face as well as around the eyes and neck areas. This technique involves making an incision along the hairline that extends down in front of and behind the ears, allowing access to deeper layers of fat and muscle beneath the skin. In contrast, deep-plane facelifts involve creating strategic incisions only around the ear area or at certain points near them; this approach allows for more precise repositioning of tissues while maintaining natural contours of the face.

The second factor is patient preference. Some people may prefer a full facelift due its ability to achieve dramatic results quickly with minimal scarring. However, others may opt for a less invasive procedure such as a deep plane lift which produces similar effects but requires much smaller incisions resulting in less visible scars post-surgery. Additionally, some patients may want their entire face lifted whereas other prefer focusing on specific problem areas.

It is important to note that both types of procedures have advantages and disadvantages associated with them so it is essential to consult with your doctor before making any decisions regarding cosmetic surgery. Ultimately, it is up to each individual person to decide which option best meets their needs; however, it is important to weigh all options carefully before undergoing any type of surgical procedure.

 Risks And Complications Associated With Both Procedures

When considering a facelift procedure, it is important to be aware of the risks and complications associated with both full facelifts and deep plane facelifts. While there are certain benefits that come from having either procedure done, they also involve some form of risk or complication.

Full face lifts involve making incisions around the hairline, behind the ears and along the lower scalp line which can lead to scarring in these areas. In addition, patients may experience temporary numbness or tingling as well as bruising and swelling in their face, neck and scalp area. There may also be a slight change in skin sensation due to nerve damage during surgery. Full face lifts tend to last longer than other procedures but may require more maintenance over time.

Deep plane facelifts involve making an incision at the temple near the hairline before continuing down toward the earlobe, then back up towards the temporal area and finishing off just below the bottom edge of your ear. Complications here include extended healing time for bruises and swelling, increased scarring potential due to deeper tissue disruption and possible nerve injury causing changes in facial sensation or numbness. Deep plane facelifts do provide excellent results although they often have shorter longevity compared to full face lifts.

While there are many advantages when choosing between full facelifts and deep plane facelifts, understanding the risks involved should be part of any patient's decision-making process. The best way for individuals to make sure they understand all aspects of each type of procedure is by consulting with a qualified cosmetic surgeon who can help guide them through this process safely and effectively.

 Recovery Timeframes For Each Procedure

Full Facelifts and Deep Plane Facelifts are major surgical procedures. While both will result in a more youthful look, the recovery timeframes for each procedure vary depending on individual factors such as age, health status, etc.

The average recovery period following a Full Facelift is around two weeks; however some patients may experience swelling or bruising for up to four weeks after the surgery. During this time it is normal to feel tiredness and soreness. It is important that patients follow their post-operative instructions closely during this time to reduce the chance of infection and scarring. Most people can return to work within seven to ten days of having the procedure performed.

For those who have chosen a Deep Plane Facelift, they should anticipate an extended healing process compared to the full facelift—usually three weeks or longer due to deeper incisions being made into facial tissue layers and muscles. Bruising and swelling will likely be present for several weeks afterwards while skin continues to heal properly from the inside out. Patients must also take care not overexert themselves physically until all signs of redness or swelling has dissipated fully. As with a Full Facelift, most individuals typically resume their usual activities about one month after surgery if no complications arise.

Recovery times for either type of procedure are variable between individuals, but these estimates provide insight into what one might expect when considering either option as part of their cosmetic treatment plan.

 Cost Comparison

When considering a facelift procedure, cost is an important factor to consider. The price of each type of facelift will vary depending on the patient’s individual needs and desired outcome. A full facelift typically involves more work than a deep plane facelift and therefore costs more. In general, a full facelift can range anywhere between $10,000-$15,000 while a deep plane facelift can usually be completed for around $8,000-$12,000. However, these prices may increase if additional procedures such as fat grafting or laser resurfacing are added. Additionally, it’s also important to take into account any potential fees associated with anesthesia or hospitalization that might not be directly included in the quoted cost of surgery from the doctor’s office.

It is always wise to shop around when looking for the best pricing and quality care from a qualified surgeon. Many practices offer financing options so patients don’t have to pay for their entire procedure up front. It's also possible to find discounts through special programs like CareCredit which offers low-interest loans for medical expenses including cosmetic procedures like face lifts. Ultimately, before deciding whether a full or deep plane facelift is right for you, make sure you understand all the financial implications involved in your decision so that you can make an informed choice about which option fits within your budget constraints.

 Long-Term Results

When it comes to long-term results, a full facelift can provide more dramatic effects than a deep plane facelift. Full facelifts involve the removal of excess skin and then tightening underlying muscles in order to create a smoother and tighter facial contour. This procedure is designed for those seeking drastic changes in their appearance. In contrast, deep plane facelifts focus on repositioning fat pads and creating improved definition without removing any skin or tissue. The results are more subtle and natural looking with this type of lift, but they may not last as long over time when compared to a full facelift.

The longevity of the two procedures will depend entirely upon the individual’s lifestyle habits after surgery. For example, individuals who smoke or spend excessive amounts of time outdoors can reduce the longevity of both types of lifts by dehydrating their skin or causing premature aging due to sun exposure. Adequate hydration, sunscreen use, and regular moisturizing all help increase the longevity and quality of results from either procedure.

In addition to lifestyle choices, genetics also play an important role in long-term outcomes from these procedures. Those with fair skin tones, thinning hair follicles, or other signs of aging may see less dramatic improvements with either kind of lift than someone whose bone structure leads naturally towards achieving youthful looks. A consultation with a board certified surgeon should be sought out prior to making decisions about which type of lift would best suit one's needs given individual's specific characteristics and goals.



The decision between a full facelift and deep plane facelift ultimately comes down to the individual patient's aesthetic goals, comfort level with risk of complications, financial resources available for cost of procedure, and recovery time needed. Both procedures can provide beautiful long-term results when performed by an experienced plastic surgeon. A full facelift is ideal for those seeking comprehensive facial rejuvenation with minimal downtime and fewer risks compared to a deep plane facelift. On the other hand, a deep plane facelift may be better suited for more advanced signs of aging as it offers more dramatic results that last longer than traditional face lifting techniques. Ultimately, patients should consult their physician to determine which option would best suit them based on their individual needs and desired outcomes.