About six-in-ten Americans (61%) say the higher education system in the United States is going in the wrong direction, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. But Republicans and Democrats differ over why they think this is the case.

Partisan differences in attitudes about the direction of the higher education system are consistent with findings from 2017 Pew Research Center surveys, which found that Republicans feel colder toward college professors than Democrats do and that Republicans have grown increasingly negative about the impact of colleges and universities on the direction of the country.

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Republicans and Democrats are worlds apart when it comes to some of the reasons why they think higher education is going in the wrong direction. Among Republicans with this view, three-quarters or more cite professors bringing their political and social views into the classroom (79%) and too much concern about protecting students from views they might find offensive (75%) as major reasons. Relatively small shares of Democrats say the same (17% and 31%, respectively).

While Republicans of all ages are about equally likely to say higher education is going in the wrong direction, younger Republicans who express this view are less likely than their older counterparts to cite professors bringing their social and political views into the classroom, colleges and universities being too concerned with protecting students from potentially offensive views, and students not getting the skills they need for workplace success as major reasons why. For example, practically all Republicans ages 65 and older who say higher education is on the wrong track (96%) say professors bringing their views into the classroom is a major reason why, compared with 85% of those ages 50 to 64, 73% of those 35 to 49 and 58% of those 18 to 34.

Younger and older Democrats who say higher education is going in the wrong direction generally give similar explanations for why they think this is the case, but Democrats 65 and older are more likely than their younger counterparts to cite professors bringing their political and social views into the classroom as a major reason. About a third of Democrats who are 65 and older (32%) say this, compared with 15% of those ages 50 to 64, 10% of those 35 to 49 and 18% of those 18 to 34.

You might need to invert the Y homing direction in the vendor config. Did your machine come this way, or did you install the controller, reset the settings, or something else like this that might have corrupted what the manufacturer set up?

The lift runs a conveyor across the floor at an elevated height, goes over a conveyor stack pole, connects to another lift which then is to run into a storage unit. Every conveyor runs in the correct direction. Inputs move away and outputs move in. But this last conveyor when finally connected, it moves in the opposite direction.

I got a cube that I want to create some windows, the problem is that the offset of the panel is going in the opposite way in two faces even if the normals of the 4 faces are correct (see pic 1,2)

This is happening in this simple example and also in more complex geometry (see pic 3)

How can I fix this so the offset always goes in the same direction?

I wanted to pick up Akshan, and I have a friend that often complains about a bug that causes him to fly the wrong direction. How often does this bug happen to you guys? For him it's atleast twice a game.

Extrude along curve does not rely on the actual location of the curve, only the curves shape and direction. That shape is interpreted from the profile onward. (Essentially a sum surface). The flipping is because some of your curves are flipped (they start at the higher point of the curve and are drawn downward). Flip those curves direction.

Always be aware of face orientation as you model.

A properly constructed model has all front faces oriented outward (visible)

Also keep in mind Push/Pull Double-Click typically extrudes in the direction of the front face.

Randomly oriented coplanar adjacent faces will yield unexpected P/P Dbl-Click direction.

Folks, I have just completed my tool build and am trying to get through the Machine Setup. I have gotten to the homing set in Easel but have run into a problem. My Y-axis moves in the wrong direction. The other two home just fine but not the Y. I go through the troubleshooting when I indicate a problem with axis motion and it says it will change the Grbl settings but the Y-axis keeps moving to the back of the tool to home and the limit switch is at the front. Can anybody give me some help?

i think the rotation value of the pistol has to be 0 but when i attach it to camera it changes to -90. Camera and pistol should point the same direction but pistols rotation value has to be 0. How am i gonna do that?

Had this issue, and saw a couple of previous posts about the same issue, and no real answer. After messing with it I figgured it out. The issue is that when the lock is initiated, it attempts to lock, but in the wrong direction, sensing an obstruction, and then throws an error. There seems to be no way to reverse the direction. No code, no mechanical change to the hardware etc.

SOLUTION: What caused this issue for me, was I initiated the lock BEFORE actually installing it on the door. When you 1st power it up, it does a test. It says "press the Yale Logo" and then it attempts to lock, and if it fails, it will automatically try the other direction. This is critical, as it only does this once on initial startup. In my case, I powered it up before install to test it, so on it's 1st attempt, it encountered no resistance (going the wrong way, as it was not on a door), so it assumed it was correctly configured for my door. Thereafter, it always goes that direction. I had to factory reset the lock, re-install it, and power it up. Sure enough, it's 1st attempt was again the wrong direction, but then, instead of thowing the error, it switched to the other direction, and it worked correctly.

But then, at this point, it created two commits. One from handtracking into master, which is where all the wrong way stuff happened; and then a second one from the updated master back into an apparently new handtracking branch ("apparently new" because the color changed on the Insights -> Network view).

What the heck happened? What was my mistake? I can't understand where that first handtracking -> master merge came from, especially because at every point there were descriptions stating clearly that the merge was going the other, correct direction.

So I noticed the other day that the windsock object on my airfield is out by 180 degrees.I opened the XML and sure enough the 'heading' is set to 179.9995 (it's not even exactly 180).Resetting it to 0 makes it indicate the wind direction...

I just wanted to take the opportunity to pass on few bugs I have seen during my flights, mainly in french/european airspace. The bigger one deals with ILS on stock airports; I noticed all ILS directions are in the wrong direction, like at LFJL, where the charts only show ILS on runway 04. Did I miss something in navdata updates ? However, GNSS LPV approaches work like a charm, and in the good direction :-) I'll keep digging further onto this throughout my flights

Brett S is correct. In the real world, sometimes ILS approaches to the same runway in opposite directions share the same frequency, and they cant both operate simultaneously, because the interference would make the signal unreliable. So the tower controller turns on only the one for the runway in use (usually the one with headwind). There is an option in X-Plane to "turn off downwind ILS" - and this is the default (since its more realistic). If this is enabled, you wont see the downwind ILS symbology on the map (or users would be crying "I cant receive the ILS!!!").

I've researched this, and found the cause is a fictional ILS for the wrong direction in the nav data file associated with the Global Airports package. The file has an ILS for both directions, but they have identical identifiers. The ILS for runway 4 appears first, and the duplicate identifier causes the correct one for 22 to not load. There's a handful of French airports with the same problem. The problems can be fixed by editing the file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/earth nav data/earth_nav.dat and removing the fictional ILSs (and associated glideslope transmitters).

I am using a custom robot. I want to use move_base, either with defining a goal by clicking in the map, ob by using a move_base_square.py script. In rviz I see the thin blue line, as the computed path, but the robot is moving in an other direction, with short flashing red line in different directions. When usinga nave-Square script or using the arbotixGUI the robot ist moving correct. A screenshot of rviz you can find here: www.kunst-raum.de/files/screenshot.png Because I am very new to ROS I actually have no idea where to look to solve this problem.

and so onThis means the robot is shortly(1 sec?) moving foreward and turn somewhere, than move constantly backwards in the wrong direction with yellow arrows in foreward direction. untill the end of the map. When I compare the turtlebot_node and ours, the main difference seems that we do all the calculation and odometry stuff in combination with the Motor/cmd_vel and not as a function in spin(). My only idea is to change this, but I am not sure if this may solve the problem.

From the movement menu, all axis respond as expected. It heats bed and nozzle with no issues, and it extrudes in the correct direction when told to do so. The BLTouch correctly homes the z axis. It works 100% no issues with the Creality board, so I am going with this being strictly a firmware issue. I confirmed this by plugging everything back into the Creality where it functioned with no issues.

On the more pressing issue (I would like to resolve the endstop issue after I resolve the homing direction) I now tried reversing the stepper plugs. To make them move in the correct direction, I had to set the X and Y_INVERT_DIR to true. e24fc04721

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