My Empowerer

The definition of goals

My Beyonce Knowles

The woman who always told me

Livi, Be the greatest Livi you can be

My Empowerer

My momma, Queen S

All she went thru so i can be here

Scars, See, i'm not supposed to be here

All the fear because

The big C and a tumor in her spine

None of that was fun

I bet she felt as if her life was done

Since I was born she was paralyzed from the legs down

Only 34 couldnt even get around.

She’s an over comer

My empowerer

She’s Strong, She overcame

Used her road blocks as stepping stones.

Almost 11 years later she's walking still using her stones

Never looking back but grateful to god she is still her but can have the sympathy

That My mamma, the "infamous" auntie shay, Ms.Johnson, My reason

My empowerer