Let's get real. Look around you. How many people do you know who are living their dream career? Not just a cushy career, but a life calling which impactsthe world in a meaningful way and produces that sense of deep satisfaction and love for life!

Having coached dozens of clients one-on-one on finding their life purpose and dream career, I've distilled my process down into a convenient course that explains it all in EVEN GREATER detail than possible over the phone.

The Ultimate Life Purpose Course Free Download

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Your videos are an uplifting resource I will forever be grateful for. They have contributed to a majority of the inner work I had to do before feeling safe in this world. Surrounded by dysfunctional people the majority of my life, your videos are encouraging me to stay determined and love personal development.

Thank you for being the outlier in my life and decreasing my chances of a dysfunctional future. It means a lot more than I can comprehend. I know that this is just the start and that we will be seeing your work develop rapidly and am beyond excited to see the results. Hold a seminar in Australia and I am there.

I would thank you for all your work and your very, very inspiring and moving videos, but it will be 10,000 times more valuable when I do it in person, some day. It is part of the vision I'm forming for my life to meet my most valued virtual mentors, which are not many, and you're one of them. I have lots of respect for you, your work and your purpose.

I just want to say thank you. I am amazed actually. You have done a service to mankind of unprecedented value. When I first found a video of you on Youtube, it was about what women want. I found you to be quite entertaining at first, and was simply mesmerized by your solid and unwavering delivery of ideas and information. I am on a life mission, to change my life, not unlike what you have been doing. Only, I feel such a strong sense of gratitude to you for the efforts you have put forth on behalf of so many. Obviously that information will only be useful to those willing to use it.

Leo I am a 36 year old man in South Africa that has always been a dreamer and never had the balls to stand up and reach for my goals! A failure in that sense. I recently came across Actualized.org and have set a goal of listening to at least 2 topics a day. This small goal that I have reached has made me goal-hungry in every way and has changed my life. In just a few short months I have gone from unemployed to self employed to "wow I am about to live my dream" and it's because of your coaching that helped me get on the correct wavelength to draw my dreams into being.

They have been a great help to improve my self-confidence and create a happier life. The pieces of advice you give are so empowering and practical. I am on this journey on working on myself to become more fulfilled. I am also working to launch a platform to help women from mixed cultural background to improve their self-confidence and improve their life circumstances.

Hello all.

I'm considering taking the Life Purpose Course. Right now I am studying at university, but I don't know if I want to make a living from it. I will have completed my first degree in summer 2021 and then have to decide whether to do something else or continue studying. I mean the study really does interest me, but I don't feel a sense of passion. I think i can get more out of life than that. I wonder what my Life Purpose will be, right now I don't have a fucking clue . It probably has to do with helping others.

Anyways, my question to you guys is: How much time does one need on average to find (not to actualize!) his/her Life Purpose with the help of the Course? The course lasts 25 hours, and I guess that's not even the half of the work? Could someone share their experience? I have a few months pause between my current study and my next one, which starts in autumn 2021 and hopefully that is enough time.

I still don't feel I have a direct and confident sense of some elements of my life purpose, like my medium, zone of genius (some hints), and some other stuff. Though, I'm 60-70% confident that my long-term vision is to create some sort of retreat center/research center for consciousness and psychology and perhaps self-sustainable community with it.

Emotional-mental issues I think are also hampering my progress some. But am working through them and gaining knowledge along the way. These troubles will also probably (I can't see how not) be integrated into my life purpose and how/what I contribute.

Figuring out your life purpose could take you as long as the course, months, or years. I think it depends on your level of development and authenticity, and genuinely doing the exercises and contemplation.

Practically speaking - As I do the course, I feel more motivated, focused, solidifying my direction in life, facing fears, and I am learning how to judge what's really important. So I appreciate the course!

I'm a late bloomer or something, but I took the course 2,5 times. Meaning, took it once on whole and was still confused (clearly not ready, I had very poor knowledge of myself). Some time passed and I started it again, but I dropped out after dabbling around (0,5). I finally committed to it and took the course again on whole. So yeah, hours... A lot. But what else am I going to do to kill time between these two eternal darknesses, eh? And yeah, it definitely was worth it, I'm pursuing my purpose at the moment fully committed.

@EternalDream as much as you want.. Anything between 15' and an hour. I'm guilty of not doing them consistently and therefore my results are coming alot slower. Of course i'm planning on changing that. If you have the discipline needed and keep working at it for years i can't see a reason to fail exactly because almost noone is doing those things daily.

@EternalDream I purchased the Life Purpose Course about 2 years ago. I finished about 70% when got sidetracked/lazy and went back to general personal development for a year and a half. During that time I was reading a lot of books from Leo's book list. I also researched careers revolving around things I was most interested. Ecosystems, animals, history professor, martial arts, guns (I was fascinated by the mechanisms and with competitive shooting sports), military (almost enlisted twice because I didn't want to take responsibility for my career/life, thank God I didn't!!!), race car driver, park ranger, & amateur hockey scout among others. I researched people who had careers in these fields and what their experiences, regrets, etc. were so I didn't have to go through the whole process myself. I saved myself a lot of wasted years doing this, although finishing the course the first time through would have been ideal. The 2-3 years it took me to find my purpose was absolutely worth it.

As for my purpose, I was browsing Leo's older video's a about a month back and finally decided to re-watch his life-coaching videos. I knew as I was watching the first video that that was what I wanted to do. I am now finishing up the LPC to get inspired, create a plan, etc. I can't recommend the LPC enough. It will change your life if you take it seriously and do the work. Best $250 I ever spent. Good luck

This course is short and simple, but with big impact. The questions help you figure out how to spend your time to make your life feel more full. It helped me realize too that I am actually living a purposeful life already, but also taught me how to enhance that purpose moving forward.

There are few courses that actually go deep into answering the question of finding your purpose where you come out the other side with a solid answer, and a plan on how to get there. This is one of those courses. Humor sprinkled throughout and layers of deep questions.

Nice course, and a nice mix of theoretical arguments and practical exercises to do. I will probably return to this course more than once. What inspires me the most is the fact that I can still start doing something when I reach the age of 60 and still be able to master it (if I live long enough). That honestly makes me feel hopeful.

This was a great course. I was feeling like an unfulfilled hamster on a wheel, and this helped me to do some actual work in order to improve my life. It was in-depth enough to give me great new insight and actionable plans, yet concise and straightforward so I actually completed the course.

The course is designed to not only help you discover your purpose and innate genius but also to empower you with the tools needed to maintain long-term fulfilment and success in your personal and professional life.

Operating on an unconscious level, your Genius Drivers remain hidden until you discover them. Once revealed, you can design your life around these genius elements, enabling you to reach your full potential and achieve maximum fulfilment. 006ab0faaa

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