A husband is a man involved in a marital relationship, commonly referred to as a spouse. The specific rights, responsibilities, and societal status attributed to a husband can vary significantly across different cultures and historical periods, reflecting a global perspective on this role.

In many parts of the world, monogamous marriage is the prevailing norm, where a husband and wife form the basic unit of a family. Legal systems in numerous countries enforce monogamy and prohibit bigamy and polygamy. Traditionally, husbands often held the position of being the head of the household and the primary provider, a role that was often considered paternalistic. However, the evolving dynamics of modern society have led to a shift in these roles. Today, a husband is not automatically designated as the sole breadwinner, especially when his spouse pursues a more financially rewarding career. This change reflects a global trend in the changing dynamics of gender roles and family structures.

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Moreover, the term "husband" continues to be applicable as long as a man remains married. However, it ceases to apply upon the legal dissolution of the marriage through divorce or the death of the spouse. Following the death of a spouse, the man is referred to as a widower, while after a divorce, he may be identified as the "ex-husband" of his former spouse. These terms and concepts are recognized worldwide, with cultural and legal variations shaping the specifics of husband-wife relationships on a global scale.

After of a valid wedding, the marrying parties acquire the status of married persons and, while the marriage persists, a man is called a husband. In heterosexual marriages the woman is called a wife; in same-sex marriages between males, each male is called a husband.

Although 'husband' is a close term to 'groom', the latter is a male participant in a wedding ceremony, while the husband is a married man after the wedding and for the duration of the marriage. The term husband refers to the institutionalized role of the married male, while the term father refers to the male in the context of his offspring, a state which may or may not indicate that a marriage ceremony has taken place.

In some cases of heterosexual marriage, before the marriage, the forthcoming husband or his family may have received a dowry, or have had to pay a bride price, or both were exchanged. The dowry not only supported the establishment of a household but also served as a condition that if the husband committed grave offences upon his wife, he had to return the dowry to the wife or her family. At the time of the marriage, they were made inalienable by the husband.[1] He might leave his wife (or wives), then widow (or widows), a dower (often a third or a half of his estate) to support her as dowager.[2]

Husband further refers to the institutionalized form in relation to the spouse and offspring, unlike father, a term that puts a man into the context of his children. Also compare the similar husbandry,[3] which in the 14th century referred to the care of the household, but today means the "control or judicious use of resources", conservation, and in agriculture, the cultivation of plants and animals, and the science about its profession.[4]

In premodern heterosexual unions (ancient Roman, medieval, and early modern history), a husband was obliged to protect and support not only his wife and children but servants and animals of his domain. The father (as the "patron") was awarded much authority, differing from that of his wife (in these cultures, no polygamy existed).[5]

In the Middle Ages and Early Modern European history, it was unusual to marry out of love, but then doing so became an influential ideal.[6][7] During this period, a husband in a heterosexual marriage had more opportunities in society than his wife, who was not recognized as legally independent.[8]

In contemporary secularized Western culture, the rights of spouses have been made equal. Civil marriage generally forces the wealthier spouse, the "breadwinner", to provide alimony to the former spouse, even after separation and also after a divorce (see also Law and divorce around the world).

The legal status of marriage allows each spouse to speak on the other's behalf when one is incapacitated (e.g., in a coma); a husband is also responsible for his spouse's child(ren) in states where he is automatically assumed to be the biological father.[9]

In Islamic marital jurisprudence, husbands are considered protectors of the household and their wives. As a protector, the husband has various rights and obligations that he is expected to fulfil and thus is offered opportunities different from that of his wife or wives, not only in legal and economic affairs of the family but within the family as well. As in most cases in Islam law and culture, everything is related to the Qur'an.

In modern times once again after 1951, equal rights for women through society and law jurisdiction are given. In Hinduism, based on the different regions, the marriage process is observed differently with the same Saat Pheras around agni kund (light pyre) to be taken to become a husband and wife.

The Encyclopdia Britannica mentions that "In Hindu law, the male members of a joint family, together with their wives, widows, and children, are entitled to support out of the joint property."[17]

China's family laws were changed by the Communist Revolution; and in 1950, the People's Republic of China enacted a comprehensive marriage law including provisions giving the spouses equal rights with regard to ownership and management of marital property.[18]

Although there is generally an expectation for a spouse not to have sexual relations with anyone other than his spouse(s), historically, in most cultures, this expectation was not as strong as in the case of wives, a situation which was evident in legal codes which prohibited adultery, with male adultery often being criminalized only if "aggravating" circumstances existed, such as if he brought his mistress into the conjugal home, or if there was a public scandal.[20] The double standard was also evident in divorce laws of many countries, such as the UK or Australia, which differentiated between female adultery, which was a ground of adultery by itself, and male adultery, which was a ground only under certain circumstances.[21] This double standard continues to be seen today in many parts of the world. For instance, in the Philippines, a wife can be charged with the crime of adultery (for merely having one act of sexual intercourse with a man other than her husband), while a husband can only be charged with the related crime of concubinage, which is more loosely defined (it requires either keeping the mistress in the family home, or cohabiting with her, or having sexual relations under scandalous circumstances).[22][23]

A breach of this expectation of fidelity is commonly referred to as adultery or extramarital sex. Historically, adultery has been considered a serious offence, sometimes a crime. Even if that is not so, it may still have legal consequences, particularly a divorce. Adultery may be a factor to consider in a property settlement, it may affect the status of children, the custody of children, etc.

Some advise being extra sombre in appearance and to even refrain from wearing any fragrance during this period. I shunned make up and I limited my outings to responsibilities and activities with my toddler son.

This was my time, to heal, to mourn, to reflect. The relationship between a husband and wife is so sacred that perhaps it takes longer for the souls of the living to mourn the souls of their departed mates.

"Iddah is required in Muslim Law for women; but there is no indication that a man should not spend time in mourning as well when his wife passes away. The only difference is that it is in the canonical laws of Fiqh for women while, it does not have the same status for men. There are different sides to why women are required to observe iddah and I can count the following:

It is a period of healing for a woman who may, under the shock of it all, be vulnerable and subject to manipulation of any new marriage proposal. It is a time for her to heal and gather herself to see where she wants to go and what she wants to do.

There are social reasons too, since it gives a woman time off from the public scene and therefore protect her dignity; she can still go out to run her necessary affairs. One may think that since we live in Europe, this social context is not there. But the reality is, religious rulings are universal in nature and they consider all contexts.

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My husband , Griffen Lawrence McRanie, was in the Air Force from 2/1359 until 12/12/1962. AF14686360. He told me,his brother and our children that he was in Vietnam. He also told us he flew C-47 (?pilot or Flight engineer?) The planes transported, brought supplies and whatever occurred.

My question is: how to confirm his service in Vietnam. I have two military patches, and my research found they were for the 6560th Operations Squadron. I have tied in my husband's presence at Patrick AFB and the patches. I have tied the information given in the description of the patch to Patrick AFB. On the bottom of the patch is a banner which says FACIETUR. The banner means, IT WILL BE DONE.

There are other clues about his service, but I cannot trace information. If you can find something concrete, I will be grateful. I have Parkinson's Disease and severe levoscoliosis. The help of confirmation will, if approved, will help me mentally and physically. I will be able to get better treatments.

Thank you two times for all your information and time spent to help me. I have already contacted many of the records centers you provided. Tell me this, can a classified record be opened merely to check for a particular AIr Force enlisted man's name. I don't want know what the service man did. I only want to be made aware he was in Vietnam. Do you think this is possible? 152ee80cbc

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