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My neighbor and have been listening to your teaching on The Antichrist in the mornings. I am 85 years old have been in church since birth and have been a student of the Bible. Was born again at age 27. Michael is by far the best teacher I have ever heard. Love your teachings. Marvin

Download The Book Of Romans Audio


Dear Mr Pearl,

I have to say you are one of the most wise, smart, and detailed people I have ever listened to concerning God,s word. I am so glad I found or was led to your ministries. I just love your no-non sense way of teaching in detail. Thanks and God Bless you and yours.

Mike Martineau

The book of Romans is foundational to Christian theology, but it has rarely been reconsidered in the light of Messianic Jewish revelation. This 2014 Bible study by D. Thomas Lancaster works through the book of Romans bringing commentary from Jewish sources and apostolic history to shed new light on this well-loved epistle. Each audio teaching has an accompanying PDF with amplifications, explanations, and re-translations to the English Standard Version of the book of Romans.

All roads lead to Rome, and all New Testament studies eventually lead to the book of Romans. Maybe you have studied the book of Romans, but have you ever studied it from a Messianic Jewish perspective? A Jewish reading of the book of Romans opens new insights, turns old ideas upside down, and reveals the original intention behind the epistle.

This first teaching from Pastor Lancaster's 2014-2015 Bible study on the book of Romans introduces Paul's magnificent treatise by describing the broader histroical and literary context. In this Bible study, we review the apostolic history leading up to the composition of Paul's epistle to the Roman believers and aquaint ourselves with the broader issues inspiring Paul to write to the assemblies at Rome. Download the PDF file below to study along with the class at Beth Immanuel.

Have you ever heard of "The Romans Road"? This lesson takes a few detours off the regular route. The second class in our study of Paul's Epistle to the Romans explains the concepts of faith and grace before launching into Paul's rhetorical diatribe against the godless Roman idolators--a rant which turns out to be a set up to turn the tables on his readers. This teaching also contains discussion on the Noachide laws and proselytes to set the stage for the ensuing discussions in the book of Romans.

This important study on the first three chapters of Romans makes sense of Paul's discussion about the Law, the Jewish people, the Nations, and how we all stand under God's judgment and in need of atonement and salvation. The discussion reverses several common assumptions about Romans 1-3 by clearly explaining the sequence of Paul's argument, the rhetorical devices he employs, and the specialized terminology he uses such as "under the law" and "the circumcision."

Are you a son or daughter of Abraham? Abraham is the father of us all, right? Does being a "child of Abraham" make you the same as a Jewish person? Romans chapter four introduces Abraham as the father of our faith for both Jews and Gentile believers in Yeshua. This teaching contains discussion on Paul's one rule for all the churches and the apostolic teaching regarding distinction between Jews and Gentile believers.

What does it mean to be "baptised" into Messiah? What is the Messianic Jewish view of baptism? What do we mean when we say that we are "dead to sin"? This study in Romans 6 begins with an overview of the Jewish concept of immersion in the mikvah as a backdrop for Paul's discussion about immersion into Messiah, the new life, and the resurrection.

What does it mean to be "under the law"? Conventional teaching understands Paul's use of the terminology, "under the law," to mean legalism. This teaching from Romans 6 takes a completely different perspective.

Why does Paul refer to the Torah as "the law of sin and death"? What does it mean to say that we have "died to the law"? This teaching tackles some of the most difficult material in the Pauline epistles to try to make sense of Paul's theology regarind the Torah.

What is the significance of the resurrection of Yeshua? In Romans 8, Paul enters into the deep mysticism of resurrection theology. The resurrection of Yeshua is prelude to the restoration of heaven and earth which will transform this present world into the world to come. Those in Messiah are swept up in that future transformation through His Spirit even now, and by that transformation, we have a hope for the future to come and victory in Messiah today.

Does God predestine some people for salvation and others for torment? Where does that leave free choice? In this teaching on Romans 8, we look beyond the weary argument about predestination and free will to try to understand the words of the Apostle Paul from within the context of the argument he is making. Take a closer look at the meaning of resurrection and the hope in which we were saved.

If Gentile believers receive the a share in the kingdom and the world to come and also enjoy the blessings promised to Abraham, what advantage does a Jewish believer have? What's the point of being a Jew at all? Does the inclusion of the Gentiles negate Jewish identity and priority? These are the questions that the Apostle Paul takes up in the much-misunderstood and often-misinterpreted ninth chapter of the book of Romans.

What advantage has the Jew? What is the value of circumcsion? Much in every way. They are Israelites, and to them belong the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the Torah, the worship, and the promises. (Romans 3:1; 9:4)

What about the Jewish people who rejected the Messiah? Did God "harden" their hearts? Why did they stumble over Yeshua, and what were the implications? Did the Messianic promises fail? Romans 9 is a pivotal passage for understanding Paul's theology regarding Messiah and Israel. This teaching takes the most difficult chapter of the Epistle to the Romans head on from a Messianic Jewish perspective.

In Romans 10:4, Paul declares that "Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes." Does this verse mean what most people think that it means? Does Paul mean to contradict Yeshua's own statement that he did not come to cancel the Torah? Unravel the riddle of this difficult saying in the midst of Paul's continuing discussion about the election of Israel despite the Jewish rejection of Yeshua.

Has God rejected his people? Did Israel stumble and fall? Romans 10-11 offers us a crash course on Paul's theology regarding the election of Israel, the Messianic Jewish remnant, the inclusion of the Gentiles, and the final redemption. This Bible study fills in the missing pieces in Paul's arguments to make sense out of these difficult passages:

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, "Your God reigns." (Isaiah 52:7)

In Romans 11, Paul speaks of the Gentile disciples as branches from a wild olive tree, grafted in to a cultivated tree, but the symbolism leaves room for ambiguity. Who is who in the metaphor, and where does the rest of Israel fit in to the picture? Who are the broken branches, who are the roots, and how do they all fit together? This teaching examines the famous "grafted-in" passage in the context of the broader discussion of Romans 9-11 and by comparing it with a similar Talmudic teaching.

Paul wants you to understand this mystery: A partial hardening has come upon Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. (Romans 11:25) Let's take some time to see if we can solve the mystery with a teaching from Romans 11 focusing on the meaning of the enigmatic phrase, "the fullness of the Gentiles."

What is "the measure of faith that God has assigned" (Romans 12:3)? What is the gift of "exhortation"? What are spiritual gifts and how do they function? Romans 12 depicts the body of Messiah in all its diversity, and calls upon us to commit ourselves to the body, offering ourselves as "living sacrifices" to the Almighty.

People who keep the Sabbath and eat kosher are weak in faith, but the strong in faith treat every day alike and eat anything. That's the conventional interpretation of Romans 14. Take a second look at this passage from Paul's Epistle to the Romans and consider a Messianic Jewish intepretation that turns the conventional one upside down.

What's the purpose and intention behind the Book of Romans? Is it eternal security, predestination, or God's soveriegn choice? Try "None of the Above." Romans 15 summarizes Paul's intention for writing the epistle and sets the record straight. Romans 16 introduces us to the original recipients of the epistle. This final installment from the 2015 Beth Immanuel class "Paul's Epistle to the Romans" features a completely unedited and poor-quality audio recording made on a cell-phone voice recorder. Enjoy!

Romans is the definitive statement of Christian doctrine - the most comprehensive book in the New Testament. Its impact on history is unequaled. This is the first in a trilogy (Galatians, Hebrews) on Habakkuk 2:4 - "the just shall live by faith" - which later became the mantra of the reformation. It has an international outlook: As a Roman citizen, and with both Hebrew and Greek culture of history, religion, philosophy, poetry, science, music, etc., Paul's Epistle to the Romans is the most profound writing that exists anywhere.

In this Audio Bible Study, Twelve Women of the Bible, Lysa TerKuerst, Elisa Morgan, Jeanne Stevens, and others look at the spiritual lessons learned from 12 biblical women and their implications in life today. 152ee80cbc

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