Just as you write in a notebook, you can click any time slot in the Outlook Calendar and start typing. By using the Calendar you can create appointments and events, organize meetings, view group schedules, and much more.

Click any time slot in the Outlook Calendar and start to type to create your appointment or event. You can opt to have a sound or message remind you of appointments, meetings, and events, and you can color items for quick identification.

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Select a time on the Calendar, create a meeting request, and select the people to invite. Outlook helps you find the earliest time when all the invitees are free. When you send the meeting request by email, the invitees receive the request in their Inbox. When the invitees open the request, they can accept, tentatively accept, or decline your meeting by clicking a single button. If your request conflicts with an item on the invitees' Calendar, Outlook displays a notification. If you, as the meeting organizer, allow this, invitees can propose an alternative meeting time. As the organizer, you can track who accepts or declines the request or who proposes another time for the meeting by opening the request.

You can create calendars that show the schedules of a group of people or resources. For example, you can view the schedules of all the people in your department or all the resources, such as conference rooms, in your building. This helps you schedule meetings quickly.

You can view side-by-side multiple calendars that you created and also calendars shared by other Outlook users. For example, you can create a separate calendar for your personal appointments and view both your work and personal calendars side-by-side.

You can also copy or move appointments between the displayed calendars. Use the Navigation Pane to quickly share your own calendar and open other shared calendars. Depending on the permissions granted by the owner of a calendar, you can create or appointments on shared calendars.

You can use overlay view to display multiple calendars that you created and also calendars shared by other Outlook users. For example, you can create a separate calendar for your personal appointments and overlay your work and personal calendars to quickly see where you have conflicts or free time.

If you have access to a SharePoint site, you can view the lists of events from that site in your Outlook Calendar. You can change the list in Outlook, even when you are working offline. The changes are automatically synchronized when you connect to the Internet again. Also, you can view the SharePoint calendars side-by-side with other personal or shared calendars.

You can send your calendar to a mail recipient as an Internet Calendar, but keep control over how much information is shared. Your calendar information appears in the body of the email message as an Internet Calendar attachment that the recipient can open in Outlook.

With the Delegate Access feature, one person can use his or her own copy of Outlook to easily manage another person's calendar. For example, an administrative assistant can manage the calendar of a manager. When the manager designates the assistant as a delegate, the assistant can create, move, or delete appointments and can organize meetings on the manager's behalf.

I am a Microsoft 365 user and have an issue with the calendar regarding a recurring appointment that is no longer relevant that I have tried to delete but it will not go away! I have tried so many different strategies that I have found online and nothing has helped. I put in a support ticket to Microsoft 365 a MONTH ago and I get a lot of emails apologizing about the delay, but nothing besides that (!!). SO, I come to you, forum...

The appointment was entered into the calendar while I was logged in to my user account; it is set as recurring indefinitely. It needs to be removed, but will not go away... Any attempts to remove it result in it disappearing for a few seconds and returning.

I have tried to change the parameters of the appointment- changing the time to like 11 pm or changing the date to like Saturday so that at least it does not interfere with the days/hours on the calendar use... changing the end date of the recurrence... removing the recurrence... etc. - all from being logged in to the different accounts above-- still no success.

MFCMAPI is a powerful tool that can be used to manage Exchange mailboxes, including deleting appointments. However, it is important to note that MFCMAPI is a complex tool, and it should be used with caution. It is important to make sure that you have a backup of your mailbox before using MFCMAPI.

Our company is trying to find how to merge Outlook to Asana, I am seeing how to merge Asana to Outlook, but now the other way. Also When I import a task from Asana to my outlook the task shows up but not the overall project the task is linked to, it makes it confusing as to what the task is meaning without the full task when doing a quick look at my Outlook Calendar.

I have created a separate project that defaults to calendar view. Inside this project I create sections for active projects. I add all tasks to this project and filter to the appropriate sections. This has been the easiest way to manage the sync and to utilize the calendar view. I almost went with My Tasks, but as a PM I wanted the view to include tasks assigned to others as well.

This is a good idea, the functionality is there but only useful if you have a couple of tasks per day. I have over 30 all day tasks per day sitting in my calendar which is overwhelming. Are there any other options?

I am trying to create a flow that will perfectly reflect my Outlook calendar (in real time) to my Google Calendar. I primarily use Outlook over Google, but need the synchronization for personal & professional reasons.

My biggest issue/headache is figuring out how to Update and Delete events in both calendars. For example, I can easily create a flow that creates an event in Google Calendar after I create the event in Outlook Calendar. However, after this event has been added to both calendars I cannot figure out how to associate the event IDs together so that when I update the event in Outlook the same event is updated in Google. This is the same issue I have with deleting events in Outlook, I can delete them in Outlook but the event remains in the Google Calendar.

I believe I need to try linking the event IDs together somehow, but I'm not quite sure how to do that. I am new to flow, but want to learn more about it and how to create my own automations, and I think learning how to create this "simple" calendar syncing flow is a good starting place for me.

Hey there. You are exactly right, you will need an intermediate 'table' to track corresponding event ID's. I did the blog post below a while ago, and it's going primarily the other direction (Google to Outlook), but the principles should still apply. Take a look, maybe it will help: Calendar Sync with Switch in Power Automate / Flow

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I'm tinkering and searching for online guides on this but can't seem to figure this bit out. Once I can create a reference pool of linked Outlook and Google event IDs I think the rest will fall in place.

You bet. So, if your trigger is 'when an event is created/updated/etc...' in Outlook, that will have the Outlook event ID with it as a dynamic value...that's one side of the table. Then, when you create the corresponding Google event, that will create a Google event ID....which is the other side of the table.

If you create a table (Excel, SharePoint List, CDS, whatever) with two columns...one for OutlookID and one for GoogleID, then you can have a step that adds a row to that sheet when an item is created.

@LaurensM is an exceptional contributor to the Power Platform Community. Super Users like Laurens inspire others through their example, encouragement, and active participation. We are excited to celebrated Laurens as our Super User of the Month for May 2024. Consistent Engagement: He consistently engages with the community by answering forum questions, sharing insights, and providing solutions. Laurens dedication helps other users find answers and overcome challenges. Community Expertise: As a Super User, Laurens plays a crucial role in maintaining a knowledge sharing environment. Always ensuring a positive experience for everyone. Leadership: He shares valuable insights on community growth, engagement, and future trends. Their contributions help shape the Power Platform Community. Congratulations, Laurens Martens, for your outstanding work! Keep inspiring others and making a difference in the community! Keep up the fantastic work!

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I switched to New Outlook on a machine thats running Windows 10 but I had to switch back to Callendar app because the taskbar callendar on the right bottom corner is no longer working with the calendar within the New Outlook app. Im a student so when theres a new assignment or exam coming nearby i immediately fill it in the calendar on the taskbar. In the callendar app everything is great! Because Callendar app synchronises not only with gmail accounts but also with the Personal account of the windows! 152ee80cbc

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