But the choice of programming language differs in some crucial ways: the language you choose will tie into your recruiting strategy, your developer community, the collaborative environment of your team, and the toolchain you use (and its UX design, or lack thereof). It may take months to really feel the gravity of the decision.

The Tcl Programming Language is a comprehensive guide to the current version (8.6) of this immensely flexible and versatile language. Starting with the basic features, it expands its scope to include the more advanced concepts, facilities and programming idioms from which the language derives its power.

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In fact, there are somewhere between 300-700 known programming languages in existence right now, and possibly many more! Considering the first programming language was invented in 1883, some of these are no longer in use, but we have been able to maintain a fairly detailed record of the evolution of the programming language family tree. A lot has changed in the last 140 years. Programming has gone from one woman's unrecognized work and talent to an essential part of our daily life.

The benefits of programming languages have impacted almost every kind of industry. While large tech companies employ many coding professionals, they represent a small fraction of programming languages' impact. This, in part, is what makes learning to code so versatile. Once you understand the principles of how to talk to computers, numerous professional avenues open up.

What programming language you should learn depends on what you want to do, as languages are just tools. Some, like Python, are great multi-tools, while others are designed to perform very specific tasks.

There are five general categories of programming languages, although many languages fall into more than one. With hundreds of known programming languages in existence, there is more overlap than strict differences between many of them. Some programming languages are versatile and used across numerous projects, while others are specialized to perform certain tasks.

Functional programming languages are all based on functions. If you recall from math class, functions are mathematical objects that take one or more input values and produce a single output value. Generally, functional programming uses functions to create clean and maintainable software.

Functional programming languages typically provide mechanisms to define and compose functions and support their execution. They often avoid the concept of shared state (mutable data observed in object-oriented programming) and instead focus on expressions and declarations.

Object-oriented programming languages organize themselves around data or objects rather than functions and logic. For example, if you want to move a banner ad on your website, object-oriented programming languages will let you simply move the box instead of forcing you to figure out the logical process to do so.

Logical programming languages are based on formal logic functions. Program statements express facts and rules, setting constraints or relations, and the language's runtime system searches for a set of values that satisfy all of the defined conditions.

Procedural programming is less of its own category but rather an improvement on the way code is written or understood. In many earlier programming languages, if you wanted to refer back to a previous procedure, you had to write it all out again. With procedural programming, you can tell the code to refer back to where it was before. It might be easier to think about it like the song lyrics you look up online. Instead of writing out the chorus over and over again, there might be a section that says "[chorus]," which tells you to scroll back up and find it easily.

Scripting programming languages are typically used to automate tasks or processes. Often they are interpreted rather than compiled, which means they can run without being converted into a machine-readable format first. Because scripting languages translate the code while running instead of beforehand, they are often used for short scripts rather than full computer programs.

With 8.2 million worldwide users, Python has widespread applications in fields like web development, machine learning, mathematics, and data science. For example, developers can use this high-level language to work with large data sets, design web applications, and pair with other software to create workflows. This object-oriented programming language works on all major platforms, including Mac, Windows, and Linux. Python is a versatile and easy-to-learn language with vast libraries, making it great for general-purpose back-end development.

Python programming language was designed to be accessible and straightforward; many elements of its syntax resemble English writing and mathematics, and this language typically requires fewer lines of code. Python code can usually be executed immediately, allowing developers to create software prototypes rapidly.

With about 12.4 million worldwide users, JavaScript is one of the world's most popular programming languages. Because of its versatility and front-end and back-end applications, Javascript is frequently used to develop web browsers, embedded hardware controls, games, and software systems.

C is a middle programming language frequently used in engineering and commercial sectors. It supports procedural programming and allows users to develop code systems and applications using 32 total keywords. This language can be used cross-platform, meaning C can be executed comparably on different hardware and operating systems.

C#, pronounced "C sharp," was created by Microsoft; it is often used to design products like mobile applications, video games, and enterprise systems. This language consists of 86 total keywords, supports object-oriented programming, and allows users to work with high levels of abstraction.

Ruby is an object-oriented language and can support procedural and functional programming. Because it can be easily embedded into HTML, many developers use Ruby for web design. Many prominent companies like Twitter, Hulu, and GitHub use this language to construct their websites. Web developers using Ruby can access many open-source frameworks to create original projects.

If you want to try and learn your first programming language, there are loads of coding bootcamp options out there. These intensive courses are often cheaper and faster to complete than a four-year degree. They might teach specific languages or skill sets for a career. Check out coding bootcamps in your area, as well as popular online platforms such as BrainStation or General Assembly.

Ultimately, the difficulty of learning any given programming language is subjective and depends on the individual. Generally, it is advised for programmers to learn C before they start learning either C++ or C#.

CodingDojo analyzed how many times different programming languages appeared in listings found on job boards. They found that Python, SQL, Java, R, and Visual Basic were the top five languages that employers looked for.

Programmers are in high demand, so it might be advantageous to focus on what career you may want to pursue before choosing a language to learn. In the end, programming languages are just tools to help us create the things that interest us. If you want to work in data science, Python, R, or SQL are helpful. Or on the other hand, if you want to design websites, JavaScript, Python, and TypeScript are your best options.

Seniority, company type, and location are more likely to affect salary than what programming language you know. That being said, Python, Java, Golang, Ruby, C++, C#, and SQL are some of the most in-demand languages that often lead to higher-paying jobs.

Shauna Blackmon is a journalist and writer specializing in the intersection of technology and humanity. She is also currently finishing her master's degree in international relations, focusing on future technologies and smart borders.","image":"https:\/\/res.cloudinary.com\/highereducation\/images\/c_fill,g_face,f_auto,q_auto,h_60,w_60\/v1650558034\/BestColleges.com\/Shauna-Blackmon-Headshot\/Shauna-Blackmon-Headshot.jpg?_i=AA","link":"https:\/\/www.bestcolleges.com\/contributors\/shauna-blackmon\/","linkedin":"https:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/in\/shauna-blackmon\/","twitter":"","web":"","career":"","subject":"Intersection of technology and humanity","categories":[{"name":"Writer","slug":"writer"}],"interviews":[],"events":[],"featured":false}],"date":"April 21, 2023","content":"Picking one coding language can be overwhelming \u2014 there are so many options. Here is a breakdown of different types of coding languages.","id":45735},{"link":"https:\/\/www.bestcolleges.com\/computer-science\/coding-language-types\/","image":"https:\/\/res.cloudinary.com\/highereducation\/images\/v1648589157\/BestColleges.com\/BC_Computer-Science_Resource_3.29.22_FTR\/BC_Computer-Science_Resource_3.29.22_FTR.jpg","title":"Computer Science Basics: Types of Coding Languages","author":[{"id":12114,"name":"Meg Whitenton","description":"Megan Whitenton has over a decade of experience as an art educator. She has worked in web marketing and public relations for major arts organizations and produces web content for fields including higher education, healthcare, and the arts. Meg earned her BFA from California Institute of the Arts.","image":"https:\/\/www.bestcolleges.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2021\/09\/Meg-Whitenton-headshot-crop.jpg","link":"https:\/\/www.bestcolleges.com\/contributors\/meg-whitenton\/","linkedin":"","twitter":"","web":"","career":"","subject":"Higher education, healthcare, the arts","categories":[{"name":"Writer","slug":"writer"}],"interviews":[],"events":[],"featured":false}],"date":"April 22, 2022","content":"Discover the best coding language to learn for a variety of applications. Choose the right coding languages to launch your programming career.","id":27698},{"link":"https:\/\/www.bestcolleges.com\/bootcamps\/guides\/ultimate-guide-to-scripting-languages\/","image":"https:\/\/res.cloudinary.com\/highereducation\/images\/v1669227152\/BestColleges.com\/close-up-of-computer-source-code_568013b673\/close-up-of-computer-source-code_568013b673.jpg","title":"The Ultimate Guide to Scripting Languages","author":[{"id":11966,"name":"Bethanny Parker","description":"Bethanny Parker has been a freelance writer for 14 years. She writes about career advancement, higher education, and real estate. She is a homeschooling mom who writes stories for children in her spare time. She is currently working on her marketing management degree from Western Governors University.","image":"https:\/\/res.cloudinary.com\/highereducation\/images\/c_fill,g_face,f_auto,q_auto,h_60,w_60\/v1631900074\/BestColleges.com\/Bethanny_Parker\/Bethanny_Parker.jpg?_i=AA","link":"https:\/\/www.bestcolleges.com\/contributors\/bethanny-parker\/","linkedin":"https:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/in\/bethannyparker\/","twitter":"","web":"","career":"","subject":"Career advancement, higher education, real estate","categories":[{"name":"Writer","slug":"writer"}],"interviews":[],"events":[],"featured":false},{"id":51396,"name":"Nate Delesline III","description":"Nate is a writer for BestColleges. He focuses on tech bootcamps and skilled trades. Before BestColleges, he was a newspaper staff writer covering education, business, public safety, and local government.","image":"https:\/\/www.bestcolleges.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2022\/09\/nate-3.jpg","link":"https:\/\/www.bestcolleges.com\/contributors\/nate-delesline-iii\/","linkedin":"","twitter":"","web":"","career":"","subject":"","categories":[{"name":"Writer","slug":"writer"}],"interviews":[],"events":[],"featured":false}],"date":"December 14, 2023","content":"Scripting languages and markup languages are key parts of modern web and app design. Discover scripting languages and how you can learn them in a bootcamp.","id":56796}]; Explore More Bootcamps Resources View all The Ultimate Guide to Scripting Languages by Bethanny Parker UpdatedSeptember 16, 2022 Best Python Bootcamps by Nalea Ko UpdatedNovember 8, 2023 Bootcamp Types: The Ultimate Guide to Comparing Coding Bootcamps by Heather Mullinix UpdatedSeptember 8, 2023 FooterFind BootcampsResourcesCareersDo Not Sell My InfoBestColleges.com svg.icon-component.icon-component--facebook:hover { fill: var(--secondary-200); } Facebook svg.icon-component.icon-component--twitter:hover { fill: var(--secondary-200); } Twitter Advertising DisclosurePrivacy PolicyTerms of UseFacebookTwitter 2024 BestColleges.com a Red Ventures Company 17dc91bb1f

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