Neil and I celebrated our anniversary at our home in Maine. It was so lovely. But one of the best parts was remembering you and how much you helped us. We are not DYI people; we hurl ourselves into our jobs and sometimes miss the little things that make us tick. You made us focus on the incredible relationship that we are so blessed to have.

You can find this iconic Sweetest Thing filming location at New Grant Avenue Cleaners, 1327 Grant Avenue between Vallejo and Green Streets. Located around the corner from our last location, Grant Cleaners is still open at this location, so if you have anything that needs cleaning, why not bring it on by and kill two birds with one stone!

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No, I was lucky enough that it was the first. I was always bad at sports growing up. I tried playing baseball, hockey, basketball and I were terrible at all of them. Skateboarding was the first thing where I was instantly better at than the people around me.

Recommendation Tuesday started as a joke and is now an official thing. Basically, this is my way of making Tuesday a little more awesome. If you've got a book to recommend on this or any Tuesday, tweet me at @FullShelves and I'll help spread the word.

The Sweetest Thing You Can Sing captures a moment in Serena's life where she discovers that who she's supposed to be and what she wants aren't nearly the same thing, while also critiquing the tension between the sexualization and shaming of teen girls.

Few authors build and unfurl backstory as deftly as Martin does. She slowly lets the readers into Serena's world and we don't get the whole picture until far into the novel. It's a little thing, but it's yet another reason why her writing is so special.

By 2030 we expect to see 5.5 million people in the UK living with some form of diabetes but this is not something that just happens overnight, it is an insidious onset, & as described in this article in The Sunday Times, many will live with the underlying mechanical fault that progresses into unregulated blood sugar levels with seemingly no symptoms until it is 'too late' (I question this label as I would say for many there is a huge amount to be done even once a diagnosis has been given).

Our blood sugar balance is a very tightly controlled because excess sugar in the blood will cause significant inflammatory damage to our tissues. When we eat & said energy enters the blood stream our pancreas is stimulated to produce insulin & that molecular energy (glucose) is shuttled into our cells to feed into our cellular metabolism, or if there is extra then it is whisked off to fill up our stores (in muscles to becomes glycogen, in fat cells it becomes fat). The thing is if we do this too often our body can't keep up & to prevent those little energy factories in our cells from being overburdened to the point of collapse our bodies lock up a couple of the doors in those cell membranes by becoming insulin resistant (it is the insulin that rings the bell to drop those glucose molecules off for utilisation in the mitochondria). So as you can imagine on someone's blood tests we will then see raised circulating levels of glucose in the blood as those sugars have nowhere to go straight away. Over time we also consequentially see weight gain as the body attempts to protect itself from that inflammatory damage I mentioned at first by storing that excess energy.

If we are saying that the true manifestation of Type II diabetes only comes once we are at the point of diagnosis well that would be ignoring the other little alarm bells that someone like me would say "Hold on that is NOT a normal state of affairs, we need to jump on this ASAP". And these are the things you will suddenly become aware of even within a short week. This is why in addition to our general information we provided our little tracking table, drawing attention to things like energy levels, consistency of sleep, skin health, food cravings & even the most simple of things like how our food tastes. When the body had the opportunity to go for glucose it will because it is easy, but when asked to work just a tiny bit harder, well then it will do this with great gusto (2-4 days adjustment for someone with a medium consumption & only slight issues, a tad longer for those with significant perturbation of this system).

And when it does my goodness what a change we see - energy levels all of a sudden level off, restful, full nights of sleep become the norm, breakouts clear, moods stabilise, food cravings slip away & flavours of all things intensify.

So yes in short a week without sugar is not something to be sniffed at, & as I recount my own experiences & some commonly seen issues in this post I hope perhaps I have piqued your interest in potentially joining me in celebrating our inherent sweetness & kicking the sickly sticky stuff to the side....

Spring colors and soft greens in a loose garden style, gathered in a mason jar container are just the sweetest! Colors and blooms vary with the seasonal availability and typically include pinks with pops of white, orange, and yellow with gorgeous greens.

Citation: Salgado-Montejo A, Alvarado JA, Velasco C, Salgado CJ, Hasse K and Spence C (2015) The sweetest thing: the influence of angularity, symmetry, and the number of elements on shape-valence and shape-taste matches. Front. Psychol. 6:1382. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01382

The story of Stevia gave me, a protein database curator, the idea to search for the sweetest proteins to date. I found one such protein, thaumatin (IPR001938), produced by Thaumatococcus daniellii (also known as Katemfe), a shrub from West Africa. Thaumatin is around 2,000 times sweeter than sugar [2]!

I like Cameron Diaz. I just plain like her. She's able to convey bubble-brained zaniness about as well as anyone in the movies right now, and then she can switch gears and give you a scary dramatic performance in something like "Vanilla Sky." She's a beauty, but apparently without vanity; how else to account for her appearance in "Being John Malkovich," or her adventures in "There's Something About Mary"? I don't think she gets halfway enough praise for her talent.

Consider her in "The Sweetest Thing." This is not a good movie. It's deep-sixed by a compulsion to catalog every bodily fluids gag in "There's Something About Mary" and devise a parallel clone-gag. It knows the words but not the music; while the Farrelly brothers got away with murder, "The Sweetest Thing" commits suicide.

The plot is merely the excuse, however, for an astonishing array of sex and body-plumbing jokes, nearly all of which dream of hitting a home run like "There's Something About Mary," but do not. Consider "Mary's" scene where Diaz has what she thinks is gel in her hair. Funny--because she doesn't know what it really is, and we do. Now consider the scene in this movie where the girls go into a men's room and do not understand that in a men's room a hole in the wall is almost never merely an architectural detail. The pay-off is sad, sticky, and depressing.

The response to The Sweetest Thing after its April 12 debut was anything but, with critics panning the crass and campy movie and audiences failing to show up at the box office. But in the past 20 years, it has amassed a cult following, with Diaz telling Entertainment Weekly in 2018 that people still approach her about The Sweetest Thing.

"You know what's really funny about this movie is I get people who come up to me often and they'll be like, 'Oh my God, The Sweetest Thing is my favorite movie,'" she said. "It's not like anybody comes up to me and says, 'Oh yeah, I love that movie.' It's like, when they reference it or say something to me about it, it's always, 'No, but it's my favorite movie.' I'm always like, 'Wow. All right, I know you now. I know you.' I love it."

"We were going to push way more boundaries and [the studio] got scared," star Christina Applegate told Entertainment Weekly in 2018. "Don't you remember, you guys, that they got really freaked out about it and they were like, 'Oh, women shouldn't be talking like this,' and they toned it down? We couldn't say c--k and things like that."

"I had a banana in my mouth. I have really, really bad TMJ and that was so painful to stay like that all day," Blair explained. "I remember Cameron so soothingly stroking my hair. It was really a dramatic scene for me. I didn't view it as a comedy. It was a really low point, but also I knew somewhere, this was going to help people get through something one day. It was so pathetic, and I still have pain from it."

"That was one of Roger's glorious brain farts," Blair said. "He was like, 'This scene needs something. Those girls are having such a great time. What's a great time for you?' Animal sex! It was really absurd. I remember being really comfortable. It was so cozy."

8. While it has been reported for years that Pimental's friendship with Grey's Anatomy star Kate Walsh was the inspiration for the movie, the writer clarified the rumor in 2018. Pimental explained that she and the actress met while waitressing together, forming a group of friends that "were running around town and partying at these different clubs and just owning our womanhood," she said. "I just thought, 'God, there's not an example of this sort of girl posse where we're more like guys.' Yeah, we decide if we want to give you a fake number or not kind of thing. There wasn't this empowerment, I guess, or this example of it. Anyway, that's really how it started."

11. The woman who comes into the laundromat with schoolchildren as Blair's character is trying to drop off an, um, soiled item of clothing was Applegate's mom, Nancy Priddy. "That was so ridiculous. I turned beet red," Blair admitted to EW. "I cringed a lot. I can't watch that."

"It was one of those things that I had never done something quite that far," Applegate said. "I realized in that moment that I am as crass as anyone, and I did the thing with my tongue, miming eating someone out, and I was like, 'Oh my God, who am I? I'm discovering so much about myself right now. I am severely disgusting and loving every second of it!' I don't think, up until that point, I had said the word p--sy in my whole life, and I think after that I haven't stopped saying it. It was a true awakening for me." e24fc04721

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