You are a member of an elite group of individuals that have been charged with the supervision and care of the single most powerful force crafted in nature.

It is our sworn duty to uphold the sanctity of the natural forces; rain, wind, ice and surge, else we shall all be subject to its unbridled fury.

Our ancestors, our brethren who have come before us had created and christened this union as being the guardians of the storm, we will not lay false claims to them or their honor.

We will learn how to commune with nature, and we will respect the guises of a storm. For if we fail in our sworn oath, we fail everything and everyone at the same instant.

When the storm peaks and presents itself to us, to show us its majestic power as a reminder to all how frail our mortal existence can be, and our natural place of order.

We shall be the ones who will provide shelter and care to all those that have need of our help. We are the guardians of the storm, and we shall not waiver!

Long may we live!

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