How to wire up the Wanhao i3 mini

This controller board is heavily outdated now but just in case you have built the "old" version, here's how to wire everything up on this controller board.

Keep in mind, the Selector stepper motor has to be connected to the X-Motor, the Revolver to the Y-Motor and the Feeder to the Z-Motor headers. Likewise, the endstops for Selector, Revolver and Feeder have to be attached to the X- / Y- / Z- endstop headers.

Also important, to obtain +5V for optical endstops and/or servos, you have to make your own adapter board and attaching it to the +5V/GND of the ISP header.

Before you attach your stepper motors to the board, make sure you have set the Vref voltage to meet the specs. of your stepper motors.