How to wire up the SKR E3 V3.0

The wiring is mostly the same as for the E3 V2.0 controller board. Be aware that the SPI1 header not only has more pins but also has a different pin layout, compared to the V2.0 board.

Also keep in mind: For this board you'll need SMuFF firmware version 3.x!

Lid and Wiper servos need to be wired to the Z-PROBE header. Hence, it's recommended using the optional Bigtreetech DCDC 5V add-on module for the +5V rail. In this case, you don't need the external LM2596 Buck Converter.

Keep in mind that this controller has the TMC2209 drivers soldered directly onto the board. Hence, the initialization of these drivers is different. All configurations, such as Vref and Microstepping, etc. are done by software. So, in order to initialize those values correctly, you have to - at least - set Mode to UART in the TMC settings for each stepper driver used.

WARNING: If you connect this board via USB (to OctoPrint for example), make sure that the USB_5V jumper (below the I/O header) is removed. Otherwise you risk damaging the MCU on this board as soon as you disconnect the 12V/24V power line while USB is still connected!

For wiring up the display, please refer to the Using other Displays page.

Bigtreetech DCDC 5V add-on module