How to wire up the SKR E3-DIP V1.1

Please notice: This board has two different wiring schemes, depending on whether you're going to use it in DDE or non DDE (a.k.a. Revolver) mode.

For this board you'll need to wire up the +5V from the SPI header along with the endstops when using optical endstops (or any other endstop that requires power).

Although the Feeder stepper is connected to the E-Motor header, you'll need to use the Z-Stop signal as the endstop input.

The Y-Stepper driver socket is being used for the Lid & Wiper servos by utilizing the DIY adapter.

As well as on the SKR mini V1.1, the Z-Motor driver socket may be used as a additional serial port (Serial 3), as long as you operate the board in non DDE mode.

Important: Please check the jumper settings under the stepper drivers. They have to match the type and mode of your stepper drivers (i.e. STEP-DIR or UART mode; SPI mode is not supported yet).

WARNING: If you connect this board via USB (to OctoPrint for example), make sure that the +5V wire (the red wire) of the USB cable is cut. Otherwise you risk damaging the MCU on this board as soon as you disconnect the 12V/24V power line while USB is still connected!

Wiring for non-DDE or Revolver mode

Wiring for DDE mode

For wiring up the display, please refer to the Using other Displays page.


Pin diagram Schematics