How to set up Prusa/Super Slicer

Prusa/Super Slicer settings for use with the SMuFF

To give you a reference what settings you have to modify in either one of the mentioned slicers, here are a couple of screenshots of my setup for the Ender-3-SMuFF printer. 

I've set the printer up as you usually do, by picking the according template for my printer (Creality Ender-3) in the setup wizard, which will preset all of the parameters. In the screenshots below, you'll see the changes I've made - please notice the unlocked (orange tinted) padlocks. Those indicate the parameters I've modified for the SMuFF. Compare those with your printer profile and set it up accordingly.

Please keep in mind: I'm using the Filament-Cutter, hence Ramming is being turned off in this profile. If you don't use the Cutter, set up Ramming for your specific needs or use the predefined values.

Max print height needs to be changed in order to have enough room for the Filament-Cutter add-on.

Repeat this for all the tools/extruders you have defined and make sure to assign a different Extruder Color for the preview, otherwise it'll be hard to tell which item uses which tool. 

No cooling whatsoever, because of the Filament -Cutter.

Keep in mind that Filament load/unload times will be taken into the printing time calculation. You can easily cheat here... but why would you?

Enabling "auto cooling" will slow down your print... just saying!

Enable the Wipe Tower option unless you have a decent purge bin solution. 

When using the Wipe Tower, make sure you have disabled the Purge function on the SMuFF and you've set up the purging volumes before you slice the model. In the Plater tab click the "Purging volumes..." button, which will open the according dialog window.

You can use either the simplified settings (left) or the advanced settings (right). The advanced settings will give you more control over the purge volumes, since transitions from dark to light materials usually require to purge a bit more material than the other way around. In order to set up the volumes correctly, it'll help defining the material colors according to the ones you have loaded on your printer.The values shown in the advanced settings above are decent for a E3D-V6 hotend but may vary on your hotend/printer. 

Please keep in mind: The more material you purge, the bigger the Wipe Tower will get. So, it's worth playing around with those values and testing them on a smaller model before you go all in with your final model.

It's recommended placing the Wipe Tower close to the nozzles parking position while swapping tools (0;0 in my case), because any oozed out material will rather be caught by the tower than by the model.