THE LUMP! The new episode of THE SLOW POISONER SHOW. Feel it NOW.
A mysterious package arrives at the lair of the Slow Poisoner and his golem, Ook. Inside is a lump, and it proceeds to grow many, many eyeballs. Phantasmagoria ensues, and a journey into a Black Hole is undertaken. Nothing is learned, but a snappy song is sung!
The Slow Poisoner (alias Andrew Goldfarb) is an artist and musician based in San Francisco. Since 1996 he has performed six hundred shows all across America, in nightclubs, libraries, science fiction conventions, beauty parlors, donut shops, bowling alleys, park bandshells and quite a few laundromats. Like a late night horror movie host or a creepy camp counselor, The Slow Poisoner invites the audience into a weird world of his own design, augmented by theatrical elements like a giant tentacle and a song accompanied by only a chain. Pounding on an amplified acoustic guitar in a folk-punk fashion, he spins stories of Hot Rod Worms and woods full of wizards, invoking the oddness of antecedents such as Bowie, Bolan, Screamin' Jay Hawkins, Screamin' Lord Sutch, Alice Cooper and the Cramps. Andrew is also a cartoonist whose work has been featured in MAD Magazine and he currently edits and publishes the magazine FREAKY.
"Mutant Sex Monsters"
The new album from The Slow Poisoner. Dripping now, wherever music streams.
Invocation of the Sun
I’ve been experimenting with a creative process called Trepanning. It involves boring a hole in your head with an electric drill (don’t try this at home; use the shed). This brings in new ideas straight from the flaming fist in the sky, such as this danceable ditty, which features the appearance of alien life forms as well as the plastic magic of Lite Brite!
Thanks to Rani Goel (cinematography), Bulk Foodveyor (visitation from space) and Ed Goldfarb (music production).
The Old Country
Writing a song in the latter part of 2020 was like taking a screwdriver made of weasels and inserting it into your own aching gut.
Produced by brother Ed Goldfarb, mixed by Jeff Stuart Saltzman and cinematography by Rani Goel.
CONTACT: TheSlowPoisoner (at) gmail (dot) com