Juniper Faeberry
Shady Lady Theatre Co Costume Designer

Siren since 2024

In sylvan realms where Juniper did dream,

A tree transformed by whispers soft, unseen,

Her leaves to limbs, in dawn's embrace she gleamed,

Seeking love's touch where hearts had once convene.

Through cities' pulse and quiet hamlets' hush,

Her quest unfolded, seasons wove the tale,

Yet love, a wistful dream, a fleeting blush,

Eluded Juniper, like ships set sail.

Beneath the moonlit meadows, wild and free,

Where flowers bloomed, and night's gentle gleam,

Juniper stood alone, a forlorn tree,

Love's elusive dance remained a distant dream.

For days and days where Juniper did roam,

Her quest for love took an enchanting turn,

A swan, a graceful friend with wings that burn,

Guided her path to Madam’s vibrant home.

And there, she danced and found that love did true

Mean smiles and glances that come from you.

Her berries still bring health and wellness abound,

Though now wiggle and bounce as she dances around.


Performer Bio:

Kristyna has been running around on stage and backstage since she was 7 years old.

When she hit adulthood, she hit the ground running starting with a degree in theatre at Cedarville University and a certificate of film at Prague Film School.

Over the last 10 years of her life, she has been traveling on and off. Right out of college, she traveled the USA with a women’s performing group. Then, in 2015, she took off to South Korea to become a theatre teacher for a few years.

This nomad then found herself in China from 2018-2022, again teaching theatre. But, this time, she was also in the community meeting people and making important introductions. She developed the Hangzhou Repertory Theatre as well as two improv teams. Her multicultural community of artists included dancers, actors, singers, artists, and more! When Covid hit, however, she could no longer travel home. So, after the borders opened up, she said her goodbyes and took off for home.

Now living in Columbus, OH, Kristyna is a full-time voice actor (she particularly loves doing video game characters) and part-time bartender. She is the mama to two rescued feline overlords (Jasper and Wednesday). She spends her free time devouring some sort of romantasy or philosophy book. And--most importantly--she gets to see her parents anytime she wants.

Kristyna is thrilled to finally be with the Sirens! Years ago, when she first saw them perform at the Ohio Renaissance Festival, she looked at her friend and said, “I want to be one of them someday.” Now, that day has finally come, and she can’t wait to be on the other side of the show!