What is KAMBO?


Optimize the Body, Mind , and Spirit

Using Alternative Healing Modalities


Kambo is not psychedelic And very much legal. It is a cocktail of peptides which help the body reach back a state of homeostasis and part of that process is a deep cleanse of body, mind, and soul through a purgative process. 

The secretion named Kambo is a very individualized 20 minute ordeal that requires a water and fasting protocol planned by your practitioner.  It goes through small, superficial blister points created on the skin allowing it to enter the body and into our bloodstream crossing the blood brain barrier to help reactivate cells that don’t work efficiently as we age or become toxic from stress, depression , chronic pain, disregulation of our nervous system,   hormone imbalances, and disease such as immune disorders.  

Many clients report improvement in symptoms of conditions like:

Chronic Pain, HPV, Lyme, Fibromyalgia , MS, Raynaud's syndrome, AIDS, Herpes, Thyroid issues, Candida, Gut Health, Parasites, Skin conditions, PTSD, Anxiety/Depression, and Diabetes Insulin Levels. 

Other benefits include helping with fertility issues and increasing libido in both men and women.

Peptides in Kambo:

Vittorio Erspamer, an esteemed Italian pharmacologist from the University of Rome, who had the honor of being nominated twice for the Nobel Prize, was the pioneer in analyzing Kambo in a controlled laboratory setting. Through his research, he deduced that Kambo encompasses a "remarkable chemical blend with potential medical applications unparalleled by any other amphibian."

Kambo is derived from the secretion of the Amazonian giant waxy tree frog, Phyllomedusa Bicolor.  This secretion contains bioactive  and neuropeptides which offer profound benefits for both our physical and mental well-being.  

Kambo helps our body feel more energized,  helps increase endurance, it fosters mental clarity and tranquility, and a connection or more awakened awareness of self since it heightens sensory perceptions.

The peptides contained in this secretion named Kambo contribute with helping various systems of the body such as the gastrointestinal , cardiovascular , the immune system, and the nervous system (such as opioid peptides). 

Holistic and Ethical Harvest of Kambo:

Indigenous tribes of the Amazon reverently term Kambo as "Hunting Magic," extolling its ability to fortify both the body and clearing the spirit from "Panema" or bad energies.  They believe that the Giant Monkey Frog is a spirit of the forest, a healer, and a carrier of sacred medicine.  They treat the frog with the most utmost respect and care.

The tribe will go into the jungle and imitate the frog's singing so that the frog will sing back and come down the top of a tree.  When the frog comes down from the tree, it climbs on the hands of the tribe member who sang to it and it is taken for a moment with the intention of being returned alive and unharmed.  The frog is gently tied with a thin white string by its legs and only enough secretion is scraped off different parts of its body in order to leave enough for it when it is returned back to its tree and natural habitat.  

This white string leaves a temporary 3 month mark around the frogs legs.  The tribes make sure that no frog with a white mark is used for harvesting the Kambo secretion.  

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) endangered species database lists them in the “Least Concerned” category due to its thriving population and no known predators.