Whether playing in single-player or multiplayer mode, each game begins roughly the same way; the player is positioned at a set location on the map, with three prebuilt "Special Buildings"; the Castle, the Cathedral, and the Storehouse and accompanying marketplace.[20][21] The Castle determines the upper limit of soldiers, is where the player's knight heals if injured, and is where the player sets the tax rate and soldiers' salary.[20] The Cathedral determines the upper limit of settlers. Sermons can also be called here, which generate income, and temporarily raise the city's reputation.[22] The Storehouse is where raw materials are stored and where traders collect items to make their produce. Trade with other settlements is conducted from the Storehouse.[23] Attached to the Storehouse is the Marketplace, where the player can organise festivals.[16][23] When the player calls for a festival, a certain number of male settlers will attend. At the same time, women will emerge from the Storehouse. If a man and woman are attracted to one another, they will talk, then dance, and subsequently become a couple. When the festival is over, the woman will return with the man to his place of work. Women acquire more food and take care of cleaning, thus giving men more time to work, which increases productivity.[24]

The basic gameplay revolves around serfs (the titular "settlers"), who populate and perform the requisite task of each building. As in all previous Settlers titles except Heritage of Kings, the player is unable to directly control any individual settler.[11] Instead, when the player elects to construct a building, a settler automatically emerges from the Storehouse with the necessary construction material, travels to the site, and constructs the building.[25] Unlike all previous Settlers titles, in Rise of an Empire, buildings are constructed and upgraded by the settlers who work within them.[26][27] Each settler's workplace is also his place of residence.[13] Each time a building is upgraded, an additional settler joins the workforce of that building, with the new settler bringing the required construction material to the site, upgrading the building, and then moving in.[28] All buildings can be upgraded twice.[29] When a resource building is upgraded, the amount of resources that can be stockpiled before a worker must bring them to the Storehouse increases from three to six, and finally, to nine.[24] Each upgrade also improves the mode of transport; at level one, settlers carry resources on their back; at level two, they transport resources via a hand-drawn cart, and at level three, they do so via a donkey and cart.[21][30] To assist in the transportation of goods, the game features an optional road network.[31] Initially, the player can only build trails, on which settlers move a little faster than on rough ground. When the player's knight reaches a certain level of promotion, the player can build roads, on which settlers move much faster.[24]

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The game's economic model is considerably streamlined when compared to previous Settlers titles.[35] A settler in a resource building will walk to the nearest source of raw materials, gather them, and return to his building. When the building is full, one of the settlers living there will take the resources to the Storehouse. A settler in a produce building will then walk to the Storehouse and bring the raw materials back to his building, using them to make finished goods, which are then sold from that same building.[15][36] All resources except water are gathered by resource buildings; water is gathered as needed from the well in the Marketplace by the settlers in the produce buildings.[36] New to Rise of an Empire are needs and wants. Settlers in resource buildings have only one need (food), and no wants.[26] Settlers in produce buildings have wants under two headings (prosperity and decoration), and as the city grows, they acquire increasingly diversified needs.[37] Needs fall under four headings; food, clothes, cleanliness, and entertainment. If the player doesn't ensure a settler's needs are met, that settler will eventually go on strike.[24][38]

Gold is the only way of upgrading Special Buildings, recruiting an army, building military outposts, and staging festivals. The main way for the player to earn gold is through taxation; tax collectors regularly ride through the city collecting tax from each produce building at a rate set by the player.[39] Secondary sources of gold include collections at sermons, selling surplus goods to another settlement, stealing from other settlements' Castles, and stealing other settlers' trade carts.[40]

Similarly to Settlers IV, in Rise of an Empire, the player's military strength is tied to the reputation of their settlement; the higher the reputation, the higher the combat strength of the army.[53] A settlement's reputation is determined by the upgrade level of Special Buildings, the status of needs and wants, the acquisition of rare items such as salt and dye, the diversity of food, clothing, and cleaning products, the entertainment available, the frequency of sermons at the Cathedral and festivals at the marketplace, the amount of decorations in the settlement, and the number of rich buildings. Reputation will fall if enemies invade, taxes are set too high, soldiers cannot be paid, or settlers are striking because of unfulfilled needs.[3][53]

The party travel to the province of Hendalla in Hidun, where they learn that priests recently told the settlers Hidun was cursed, and only Khana, the priests' leader, could save them. Praphet soon arrives, telling the party he has sent a spy into Khana's camp, before heading for Thela, Hidun's capital. Meanwhile, the spy sends word that Khana is in Amesthan. Accompanied by a battalion of Praphat's troops, the party are ambushed as soon as they arrive, having been led into a trap. Holding off Khana's troops, they are shocked when Praphet's battalion also attacks them. They repel the attack, but cannot understand how Khana could have persuaded the troops to join her.[68] They soon learn that the battalion attacked on the orders of Praphat himself.[69] Marcus then brings word that Khana has attacked Thela, which is badly damaged, but unconquered. Subsequently, Praphat has his men abduct Saraya, telling her: "I have come to rescue you from the invaders. Khana will protect us both".

Blue Byte were designing the game upon the cornerstones of city-building, real-time strategy, and economic simulation, with graphics based around a combination of the caricatured cartoon-like design of the settlers from the first four titles (dubbed "Wuselfaktor"), and the more realistic 3D graphics from Heritage of Kings.[75] To best facilitate their search for the Settler gene, the development team was populated with numerous Settlers veterans; Andreas Suika and lead programmer Dietmar Meschede had worked on The Settlers IV and Heritage of Kings; map designer Frank Hoffmeister had worked on Heritage of Kings and The Settlers II (10th Anniversary); lead artist Thorsten Mutschall had worked on The Settlers III, The Settlers IV, and Heritage of Kings; and Benedikt Grindel had worked on Heritage of Kings.[31][76]

By June 2007, the designers were confident they had isolated the Settler gene, revealing the game would feature a combination of some of the more popular game mechanics from previous titles in the series; the road network from The Settlers, The Settlers II and The Settlers II (10th Anniversary), expansion by means of military outposts from The Settlers, The Settlers II, The Settlers III, The Settlers IV, and The Settlers II (10th Anniversary), a correlation between military strength and the prosperity of one's city from The Settlers IV, and the inclusion of heroes, taxation, and soldier's salary from Heritage of Kings.[3] Grindel stated of the game: "It is a building strategy game, paired with the strengths of its immediate predecessor; easy access, use of heroic knights through whom the story is told, and outstanding graphics".[25] Similarly, at Ubisoft's Ubidays event in July, Grindel stated that "we really wanted to grab the essence of what people like about the different games, to make one Settlers game that really summarises what the series is about".[42] This was reiterated by associate producer Dennis Rohlfing just prior to the release of The Eastern Realm expansion in 2008: "We returned to the roots of the series, but also included the many strong features of Heritage of Kings, such as a gentle learning curve, and heroes who carry the story. Also, the look changed again; although still a medieval world, it is quite idealised, with many references to the look of older Settler games".[77]

In terms of graphics, Rise of an Empire uses the same engine as Heritage of Kings, RenderWare, albeit heavily modified.[52][78] Five times more polygons have been used for the buildings, and three times more for the settlers and soldiers, whilst texture resolution has quadrupled.[52] Thorsten Mutschall explained that the graphical goal was primarily to maintain what Blue Byte refer to as "the aquarium effect" (detailed graphics clearly depicting a settler's task; such as a settler in the siege engine workshop operating machinery). In tandem with this, the designers also wanted to create a living world that responds to events in a realistic manner; for example, settlers emerging from a tavern will be unsteady on their feet, men and women can be seen dancing together at festivals, when two settlers approach one another on the road one will move out of the way of the other, animals react to the presence of nearby settlers, butterflies land on flowers, dogs urinate against walls, lights in windows shimmer in different patterns depending on the time of year.[52][79] 9af72c28ce

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