On my phone and about 3/4 of my colleagues phone it works properly, however, on a couple of my colleagues phone it uses the selfie camera, and when you go to toggle between the camera, it doesn't toggle to the rear camera.

@LaurensM is an exceptional contributor to the Power Platform Community. Super Users like Laurens inspire others through their example, encouragement, and active participation. We are excited to celebrated Laurens as our Super User of the Month for May 2024. Consistent Engagement: He consistently engages with the community by answering forum questions, sharing insights, and providing solutions. Laurens dedication helps other users find answers and overcome challenges. Community Expertise: As a Super User, Laurens plays a crucial role in maintaining a knowledge sharing environment. Always ensuring a positive experience for everyone. Leadership: He shares valuable insights on community growth, engagement, and future trends. Their contributions help shape the Power Platform Community. Congratulations, Laurens Martens, for your outstanding work! Keep inspiring others and making a difference in the community! Keep up the fantastic work!

The Selfie Camera Download

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We are excited to share that the all-new Copilot Cookbook Gallery for Power Apps is now available in the Power Apps Community, full of tips and tricks on how to best use Microsoft Copilot as you develop and create in Power Apps. The new Copilot Cookbook is your go-to resource when you need inspiration--or when you're stuck--and aren't sure how to best partner with Copilot while creating apps. Whether you're looking for the best prompts or just want to know about responsible AI use, visit Copilot Cookbook for regular updates you can rely on--while also serving up some of your greatest tips and tricks for the Community. Check Out the new Copilot Cookbook for Power Apps today: Copilot Cookbook - Power Platform Community. We can't wait to see what you "cook" up!

I have noticed that my new s22 Ultra washes colours out of face in indoor lighting. At first selfies look great but after taking a photo the phone makes some sort of adjustment that is supposed to enhance the colours of the picture but instead it makes all photos overly lit and it fades the colours. Face looks pale and grey. Have anybody else noticed this same issue?

I'm experiencing the same thing and I can't find any setting to turn it off. Even if I wanted this feature, it's not useful when I have no idea what it will look like until after I've taken the photo. It takes away the user's control over how their photos turn out, which is incredibly frustrating.

I've noticed the same I think, it washes out indoor photos and even some outdoor ones. They look awful. I swapped over from a pixel and I'm so far regretting it.. feel like all the photos I took with that phone turned out decent but I'm struggling to get a good photo with this, especially the ones of people.

If you're finding that your selfies aren't turning out as you'd like them to, then please try opening the Camera app > Swipe up or down to switch to the Front Camera > Effects (top right, magic wand symbol) > Face, and adjust the settings from here. You can also tap the cog symbol > Selfie Tone Colour, and select 'Natural' or 'Bright' as the default. Let me know if you notice an improvement.

I'm having the same issue with my s22+. I have changed every selfie setting at least twice and it still happens. It is comical. You take a selfie, open the gallery, see the original photo for a millisecond and then watch it change in front of your eyes. It makes your skin look whiter and your face wider. (I have definitely turned off the retouch settings and have also tested in other apps with the camera and had similar issues.)

Thanks for the response, but messing around with those and every other settings was the first thing I tried. I believe what is happening is Samsung's advertised 'smart enhance' ai feature, but to us it's just an annoyance because it takes away user control. What's the point in using any of my camera settings in selfie mode if I have no control over the result anyway?

The background of my Ultra's selfie images are NOTICIBLY blurry compared to my Note 10. The tone of my face is clear but the background, e.g buildings, trees lack clarity. Even the S22 plus has a clearer background. Anyone else notice this?

I ended up returning the phone. It was an Asurion warranty replacement that just never worked right consistently. They sent a new phone everything seems okay now. My guess is you will need to have them replace that phone as something just is not right anymore. My guess is the camera just can't take abuse and is never the same even if reconditioned. The first phone with a dysfunctional camera was a reconditioned phone the replacement that works is a new phone.

I have a Moto X first gen. My camera was working fine until I did the lollipop update. I got the message saying camera busy and then my rear camera quit working. I've put it in safe mode and it's still the same. I'm not a selfie taker so please help me fix this!! By the way, I noticed after installing lollipop that I had a flashlight button on my pull down menu. But since the camera stopped working it's disappeared and my flashlight app no longer works.

I am having same issue with my droid MAXX... I installed various different camera apps and they all have the same problem.. I have tried all sorts of fixes and I am stuck in the selfie mode.. I am a few months from getting rid of this phone and trying to get Verizon to accelerate so I can switch to a samsung galaxy phone

Lets get your camera working picture perfect again. Are you completely up to date with your phone software? Lets do a couple things here to see about getting this fixed. First lets clear the app cache . Next we want to take all those 3rd party apps out of the equation & try the camera using the camera app that came with the phone. To do this lets put the phone in safe mode & try the camera while in safe mode . Please let us know the results.


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If my response answered your question please click the "Correct Answer" button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

In order to force an app to use the selfie camera, you will need to go into your phone's settings and locate the app permissions. From there, you can select the app in question and grant it access to use the front-facing camera.

It is possible that the app you are using does not support the use of the selfie camera. Some apps may only have the option to use the rear-facing camera. You may need to contact the app developer for further assistance.

Unfortunately, there is no way to permanently force an app to use the selfie camera. App permissions may be reset or changed during software updates, requiring you to manually grant camera access again.

This will depend on the specific app you are using. Some apps may have a built-in toggle to switch between cameras, while others may not have this feature. You can try tapping on the screen or accessing the app's settings to see if there is an option to switch cameras.

Hello people i use the QR Code Scanner plugin to scan QR codes. However on the mobile app, it opens the selfie camera. Ofcourse i want it to open the back camera, how can i fix this to open tha back camera of the phone?

I managed to fix the issue with the wrong camera being selected, ideally the component needs to allow the user to select which camera but the following code reverses the selection to the back camera. Note I have indicated where in the javascript I have changed the code, I hope this helps.

So why do the selfies you take using the selfie camera look normal after you take them? The iPhone flips the photos to look like someone else would see them. In other words, the images will look correct. The lettering on your t-shirt and the titles of the books behind you will be readable and not backward.

The lack of options on the camera really frees you up to focus on the photography side of things, or just goof off because you have a small plastic toy camera in hand, which is pretty much the route I took with the first roll.

Some freelancers will be eligible for digital photo verification in place of a video call. To complete digital photo, or "selfie" verification, you'll be asked to take a photo of yourself on your computer or mobile device. If you run into any issues with your Browser Settings for Visual Verification you can check this help article. For any other issues, please reach out to our support team. 

Hi, I try to verify my account. but in visual verification in time out again and again. Upwork, give me the last date to verify my account 17 June 2021. so I need help please guide me. I am working on many projects.

Hi Kenhit,

I can see you were able to submit a support ticket with our team regarding this. Please allow some time for our team to review and they will update you directly via ticket as soon as possible.

Just signed my first client through Upwork this past Friday the 1st. It's asked me to verify my identity through uploading a government ID as well as a selfie, but after learning of the biometric data collection in Upwork's terms of service here and attached:

Hi Bojan,

I am a new freelancer at Upwork, I was bidding on some jobs trying to land one. I accidentally bided on a wrong request so I withdrew my bidding. But that made this message appear suddenly: "Action required: Verify your identity to continue winning jobs on Upwork. Verify your identity." since then I couldn't bid on any job. And to be honest, I have the same concerns as Brian. I don't feel comfortable giving that information.

I want to know if I can verify my identity without letting my biometric data be collected.

 I also tried to find a contact email but this was the only venue I could find to ask.

Thank you,

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