Pine Nut Tree

This single, lonely pine nut tree was planted with a sister tree so that they could pollinate each other and make pine nuts, but the sister tree died when it was a young sapling. The pine nut is growing vigorously but will never make nuts unless other trees are planted nearby so that they can pollinate each other on the wind.

Pine nuts produced in Europe mostly come from the Stone Pine which has been cultivated for its nuts for over 5,000 years. Pine nuts have been harvested from wild trees for far longer. 

Pine nuts are about a third the size of a peanut with a tough dark-brown outer coat or shell. Inside, its edible kernel has a cream white, delicate buttery flavour, and sweet taste. As with most nuts, the pine nut it’s packed with fat, protein and a long list of vitamins & minerals.

Congratulations – you have found the only pine nut tree in the Barnsdale Nuttery