
Challenge for the month - Service

As social beings, service comes naturally to Stoics. Service is everything from picking up litter, to helping animals, to showing kindness for others, including and especially strangers.

The Month of Service is designed to inspire such acts during the month and beyond, toward a general awareness and regular habit.

Let's try to collectively get involved in helping in our local community this month.

Do you already do this? Here are some ideas .

Soup Kitchens and Food Banks

Animal Rescue Shelters

Local Mentorship Programs

Medical Appointment Escorting

Retirement Homes

National Parks litter pick

For us Stoics, it is important to practice virtue in the service of self, community, & humanity. While service is at the heart of this activity, I encourage you to take the opportunity to reflect upon the many Stoic principles that relate to the connections we all share and the underlying Stoic ethical structure and principles.