Zine Launch of Blossoming

We had a great time at the park officially launching the inaugural zine of the Rosebuds on Aug 20, 2022. Thank you to everyone who came out and/or sent kind messages to support this project, as well as to our finding grant from Rising Youth.

The digital copy of Blossoming is now available right here on our website, although we highly recommend the print version for a complete experience. (If you are in Montréal or Toronto, feel free to contact us to discuss how you can pick up a copy, while quantities last.)

Working Group

We meet for 1.5 h sessions every 2 weeks. Guided by a theme, we begin by a critical reading of published poetry, songs, or spoken word performances. Then, we share and discuss our own pieces.

Group members volunteer to facilitate sessions. Session facilitators choose our opening piece and the associated theme, which is emailed out beforehand. Discussions are thoughtful and encouraging to support our members' growth.

Contact us to be added to our mailing list! You may join at any time, and attend sessions as per your availability.

Special Events

Special events, such as our first open mic night held in summer 2021 and our zine release in summer 2022, celebrate the progress of our working group members, showcase the talent of our community members, and encourage all of us to interact with poetry and spoken word in meaningful ways.

Digital Zine

Stemming from the passion of the working group and the support of our community, we wanted to make our words corporeal! Thus, our inaugural zine emerged.

The digital copy of our 2022 zine, Blossoming, is now available right here on our website. For a print version, if you are in Montréal or Toronto, feel free to contact us to discuss how you can pick up a copy, while quantities last.

Our zine received a Rising Youth grant from Taking It Global and the Canadian Corps.