About Me


I. To inspire other retail investors that they can also invest on their own and achieve financial freedom. This site is a collection of some tips and lessons for beginner investors, but let's be honest - majority of my tips and investment lessons I share are things you didn't know before . We were all beginners at some point. The difference is that I have gone ahead and done it, and that is why I share my knowledge with you - so that you can profit from it too!

II. To make sure you're not getting preyed on, by underperforming mutual funds who charge high fees. If your mutual fund isn't beating the market, it's not because they aren't trying. Every year they spend hundreds of millions on marketing gimmicks to get you to invest in them. But most won't beat the market--so stop giving them your money!

III. To convince you that you should not give your hard earned money to Paid Gurus. Fake Gurus are everywhere. The truth is, investing in the markets can be very risky. You see ads everyday on TV and social media for these so-called gurus who promise to make you “Rich with little investment”. The audacity! I am here to tell you that these are all fake and no one invests like them. Fake guru’s are especially harmful because they prey on the most vulnerable people - those who are looking for easy solutions and fast results. I am going to expose these charlatans so that you can avoid falling prey to their deceitful schemes.

What kind of Investor I am

Diversified Investor

As a diversified investor, I buy companies with different revenue sources at different sectors. This ensures that my portfolio is well-protected from market downturns and busts.

Diversification is a valuable tool for any investor. It can help remove price fluctuations so that your overall portfolio isn't destroyed by a single market event. It reduces the risk in your portfolio, allowing you to sleep at night whether it's a sunny or cloudy day.

Diversification is like an umbrella. It only provides protection when you put it up. Don't wait until it rains to open your umbrella or you'll end up soaked and crying over spilled milk!

Value Investor

I believe in value investing. It’s a proven way of making money, but few people do it. They want the easy way: to buy stocks that will rise sharply in a short time period. But those stocks are dangerous and volatile, and it’s impossible to guess which ones will be winners. Value investing is based on buying companies for less than their intrinsic value, as determined by the stock market and all inputs from analysts, management and competitors. This can be fun and exciting because if you invest wisely you get rewarded over time with good returns on your investment

The way to make money in the stock market is to buy stocks that are cheap, not expensive. I don’t try to guess what will happen next; instead I buy only when a company’s shares are cheap relative to their underlying value and when the market falls.

I like simple and time-tested strategies for making money. Value investing is just one of them, but it's probably the most difficult to master because you have to do a fundamental research and analysis, but I think its worth it.

Dividend Investor

Looking for a passive income strategy that can compound your wealth over time? Entering the dividend investing club may be the right move for you.

Dividend investing is one of the best ways to compound your wealth. You can make money while you sleep and grow a retirement nest egg with stocks that payout dividends.

Dividends are a great way to earn income from your investments. The stocks that pay dividends have the characteristics of good quality companies and have been able to make a profit consistently. If you invest in these types of companies, they will grow over time, just as they're paying you dividends.

Companies that pay dividends are the ones you want to invest in. When you buy shares in a company and it pays a dividend, that cash usually goes straight into your bank or brokerage account. At first glance, this might not seem like much – but consider that over time the dividends add up, compounding your wealth with each passing year.

DOES NOT Believe on Market Timing

and Day Trading (Stocks, Forex, Crypto, Commodities, etc.)

Technical analysis is a joke. No one can use it to predict future market price movements with any degree of success. Only Gurus become rich on technical analysis. It's a sham that has ripped off millions of investors and amateurs over the past century, and continues to do so to this day. Comically, it's still believed by most people to actually work.

There is no way for ordinary traders to know where the market is headed short of a crystal ball. The only people who make money with technical analysis are market analysts and those who earn their living peddling information about it to the gullible public, who eat up this kind of crap by the droves.

Trading for a living is a "BIG LIE"! IT'S A BIG SCAM GUARANTEED, WRITE THAT DOWN!!!