At the suggestion of Lord Abinger, it was decided to introduce an accountof the resurrection-men into the book. The information for this was partlyobtained by Mr. Longmore from personal communication with some of theresurrection-men, who were then living in London. One of these handed overportions of a Diary he had kept during his resurrectionist days. This waspreserved for some years at Netley, and was afterwards presented to the[Pg vii]College, as stated above. A few extracts from the Diary were printed inthe Life of Sir Astley Cooper.

A grasp of human anatomy has always been fundamental to medical knowledge, and the author provides a succinct history of the problems associated with procuring adequate dissection material over the ages. The story takes us up to the present time, when medical schools are exploring new ways of teaching anatomy. But back in the late 19th century, procurement problems had reached a critical level in the United States. New medical schools were cropping up all over the country, and they all needed anatomical specimens. This demand expanded the ghoulish profession of grave robbing by body snatchers known as resurrectionists.

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The author describes in detail the process of grave robbing. The team typically consisted of the anatomy instructor, a couple of medical students, a wagon and driver from the livery stable and the resurrectionist. In the dark, early hours of morning (usually just after the funeral and interment, to ensure fresh tissue) the resurrectionist would place the body in a bag at a predetermined site, where the doctor, students and wagon driver would claim it and take it to the medical school.

At one time mentioned for possible inclusion on Fundamental, Neil and Chris later decided to make this truly outstanding synth-rocking track a bonus on the first single from that album, "I'm with Stupid." As with "Girls Don't Cry," they were still working on it as late as mid-February 2006. It was inspired, according to Neil, by Sarah Wise's 2004 book The Italian Boy: Murder and Graverobbing in 1830s London, itself based on an actual historical criminal case. The song takes its title from a darkly humorous nickname given to nineteenth-century graverobbers who supplied medical schools with cadavers: "resurrectionists."

Introduction:  The Scottish surgeon Robert Liston was an accomplished anatomist of the nineteenth century. The study of anatomy during this day was often overshadowed by the so-called resurrectionists. 006ab0faaa

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