News and Events

Here you will find videos, articles, links, and general information on some of the activities our lab members have been involved in.



Dr. Manon Jones and collaborators -- Dr. Cameron Downing from Leeds Trinity University, Dr. Marketa Caravolas from Bangor University, and Professor Charles Hulme, from University of Oxford -- have been awarded a grant from the Nuffield Foundation to run a randomised controlled trial of the Remote Instruction of Language and Literacy project across England.


The Remote Instruction of Language and Literacy project has been featured in local news outlets.

The Remote Instruction of Language and Literacy project has been featured in a press release by the Welsh Government.

Dr. Manon Jones and collaborators -- Dr. Cameron Downing from Leeds Trinity University, Dr. Marketa Caravolas from Bangor University, and Professor Charles Hulme, from University of Oxford -- have been awarded a grant from the Welsh Government to develop and test a national Welsh-language literacy programme for COVID education recovery in primary-aged children over the next two years. The project will be carried out with the help of staff in the Miles Dyslexia Centre.


Dr. Manon Jones has joined the organising committee for the Current Opinion on Audiovisual Integration and Reading (CO-AIR) webinar series. You can watch all the previous CO-AIR webinars here.


Dr Manon Jones has appeared in The Telegraph and in Nation.Cymru as she explains the psychology behind the Welsh word ‘cwtch’.



Data collected during the Remote Instruction for Language and Literacy project has just been made publicly available at the UK Data Service ReShare website:


Below you can watch the set-up for our Audiovisual Learning in Dyslexic and Typical Adults study recently published in Frontiers in Psychology:



Simone Calabrich, one of our PhD students, delivered a presentation at BeOnline2021 conference. In her talk, Simone explained how she built an engaging child-friendly task for remote administration. You can watch her presentation below:

Dr. Manon Jones was invited to deliver a lecture to staff at the University of Oxford on the Neurobiology of Dyslexia. You can watch her presentation below:



Dr. Manon Jones and her PhD student, Simone Calabrich, presented their work at the Current Opinion on Audiovisual Integration and Reading (CO-AIR) webinar. You can watch their presentation below:

COAIR3_Manon Jones_Simone Calabrich.mp4


We have gotten another grant from the Welsh government (GwE) to administer the Remote Instruction of Language and Literacy project to students based in North Wales.

Simone Calabrich, one of the PhD students from our lab, has been shortlisted for the Postgraduate Teacher of the Year award in the Student-Led Teaching Awards at Bangor University.


One of our PhD students, Simone Calabrich, was invited by Gorilla Experiment Builder to deliver a presentation on webcam-based eyetracking research at Gorilla Presents Webinar Series. You can watch her presentation below:

Dr. Manon Jones was invited to speak at the All Party Parliamentary Group on Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) about the Remote Instruction of Language and Literacy Project. She presented with Dr. Cameron Downing, one of our collaborators who is a lecturer at Leeds Trinity University. You can see their presentation below:


Simone Calabrich, a PhD student from The Reading Brain lab won the best poster award in the School of Psychology's PhD Winter Conference 2020/2021.



The Remote Instruction of Language and Literacy project, created by Dr. Manon Jones and collaborators, has been featured in several local news outlets:

Our lab has gotten a grant from the Welsh government (GwE) to adapt our Remote Instruction of Language and Literacy Programme for use in both English and Welsh.


Simone Calabrich, one of our PhD students, delivered a video poster presentation at BeOnline2020. Her poster was one of the five winners in the conference competition:


Our lab has just gotten a grant from the Economic and Social Research Council:



Dr. Manon Jones organised a symposium called 'Bilingual grain size' for the iWORDD conference at the Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language (BCBL) in San Sebastian. Dr. Marie Joseph Tainturier and Dr. Diego de Leon Rodriguez were her guest speakers in the symposium. The iWORDD conference conference was organised by Dr. Marie Lallier and Dr. Manuel Carreiras.



Dr. Manon Jones and PhD student Ceri Ellis published an article in The Conversation on perception of truth and bilingualism. You can read their article in the link below: