
People have so many questions about Psychics and what we do. We tried to answer some of the most common questions below. More will be added as they come in. If you have questions you need answered right now please reach out to our Spiritual Experts At Oranum

Q: What do psychics see when they do a reading?

Answer: It varies, but the intuitive might see images around the person. The more common answer is that you will "see" greater detail of an event depending on how important it is to you or how well-trained your mind is to picking up subtle information from your environment. For most people these days, there's not much need for this skill since we have TVs and radios and even mobile phones with cameras. But just because we are in a sensory-rich (no pun intended) society doesn't make us all amateur psychics. The more common readings are feeling that particular "energy" coming off someone or sensing emotions without knowing where they came from, etcetera... But if you were grandmaster material then I'm sure many

Q: What do psychics say about the afterlife?

Answer:This question pertains to the afterlife and life after death. Psychics usually provide predictions or information with regard to these topics to find out, ask them if they can see what happens in Heaven or speak with the souls of people who have died. As any psychic will tell you, it's possible to know about your personal future and that of others by a process called intuitioning--that is, using spirit guides and angels as sources of knowledge."-Evelyn Sirena Vargas."In all societies there are those who claim contact with spirits-beings beyond the ordinary sensory world of living human beings." –Raymond Prince

Q: What does the bible say about psychics and mediums?

Answer: Psychics are real, and the Bible isn't always clear on how it deals with this topic. The apostle Paul seems to have at least believed in some kind of spiritual phenomena, referring to "holy men" or "men who spoke from God." (Acts 3: 22 ) However, Paul also made it clear that he worshiped only one God, so he probably didn't believe psychics were actually part of a divine encounter. It's possible they were invoking demonic spirits. The issue is unresolved in Christianity as well because the Bible appears innately biased towards rationalism; for example, it employs tests for wizards by first asking them to use their skills--something which cannot be done if they are not psychic.

Q: Why don't psychics win the lottery?

Answer: A psychic would have to interpret the numbers differently from everyone else in order for them to win. Also, psychics protect themselves with mental barriers, so it's unlikely they'll know how many friends and family members are playing the lottery on a given day. I would say that about 99% of all psychonics don't play the lottery because their powers allow them to see into other worlds and dimensions-- not this one!

Q: How do psychics see your future?

Answer: It's not information that they know, it's information that you give out. Psychics work by tapping into people's energy. Sometimes this means "reading your energy," and sometimes they pick up on thoughts or dreams that have drifted off from you before they've fully formed. But all of those are just data-capture methods for moments when a person has given out some information about their future. But remember, there is a difference between what someone is thinking and their conscious intention - it is possible for psychics to perceive both data but tap into only the first one if they're not mindful of the second even though it was present at one point in time as well.