
Patient Co-Production HSJ

Good luck to Jimmy, Diane and Ruth who are presenting to the HSJ Patient Safety Awards judging panel today on behalf of the Patient Experience Co-Production Group and everyone across the Trust who has helped to design and implement the New RNOH Patient Charter!

The initiative ‘Co-Producing our Patient Charter Together’ has been shortlisted for the Service User Engagement and Co-production Award and we wish the team the best of luck for this great piece of work!

To find out more and to access our range of new resources, please contact the Improvement Team on: Or why not visit the new Patient Charter Web Page via the following link: The Patient Charter (

Patient Experience for Improvement Conference - People in Partnerships

Diane and Jimmy from the Patient Experience Co-Production Group did a great job presenting the new RNOH Patient Charter at the Patient Experience for Improvement Conference - People in Partnerships on 16th and 23rd March 2022. The conference showcased improvement work undertaken in partnership between, staff, patients, carers and families. The themes presented covered patient leadership, inclusion and diversity, person-centered care, and communication and communication skills.

The team were nominated for a HoPE Network award by other members of the conference; the awards are for those who were felt by other members to have contributed to the development of good practice.

Congratulations Team!

NOA - Paediatric Way-Finding

In late 2021, the parent of a child with special needs made a complaint about the anxiety created by their hospital visit.

Reflecting on this patient’s story, our team took inspiration from a video made for anxious Heathrow Airport passengers that helps prepare for their visit.

Building on that concept, we tailored our approach to paediatric patients with special needs and developed a point of view video walking the route of a typical hospital visit.

Our hope is that this video would help our patients know what to expect on the day, become familiar with the hospital surroundings and increase their sense of control.

This initiative has been shortlisted for the inaugural 2022 NOA (National Orthopaedic Alliance) Excellence in Orthopaedics Awards for the prestigious Digital Innovation in Orthopaedics Award.