What is the Garden Club?

The Goodwater Montessori School Garden Club represents and supports outdoor education to the 15+ Communities in the school. We do this by connecting and supporting volunteers along with Guides, and school support staff to get our kids out in nature on a consistent basis. We will provide plenty of volunteer opportunities throughout the school year both during school hours, as well as some weekend and Summer opportunities.

What is a Community Ambassador?

We are looking for 1-2 parents per community [your child’s class] to be that Community’s Garden Ambassador. This person would then coordinate weekly outings to the orchard for the kids in their class, preferably in small groups of 5-10. The Community Ambassador will lead simple activities for their small groups outdoors. These activities are completely flexible and can be tailored to the needs of your Group, and your particular skills [art, music, nature walks, gardening reading...]

How can I get involved?

Step 1 - please fill out a volunteer application to go through a background check available at this link below: https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/NTIzOmVuLVVT

Step 2 - Please send an email to gardenclub@goodwatermontessori.org to let us know you are interested in volunteering for the club. We will then send you a questionnaire where you can tell us exactly what you would like to work on and when.

Is there a time commitment for volunteering?

Volunteer opportunities are flexible and can be set up during the week, after school, on weekends, or even over summer break! No matter how much time you can offer, we could use your help. You may choose to volunteer in the following capacities:

Occasionally (school-wide workdays or when I have extra time) Time required could be 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours - your choice.

Recurring Volunteer (daily, weekly, or monthly to help with tasks on the to-do list) Time required is appx 1 hour per visit.

Community Ambassador (weekly orchard activity with your community) Time required could range from 45 mins - 3 hours per week - depending on the schedule and needs of your Guide.

Garden Club Committee (help organize and lead orchard projects) Time requirements vary

Are there opportunities to help outside of school hours?

Yes, we understand it is sometimes difficult to get time during the school day to volunteer, but if you are available to stay after school one day, or come on a weekend for a project - we would love to have you join the Garden Club. Additionally, there will be some opportunities to help remotely if you want to get involved, but can't make it to the school.

What sort of projects will we be working on?

There are so many possibilities for projects that are available within the Garden Club. Based on your interests and strengths, you can choose to work in an area that suits you. Current projects include:

  • Gardening & planting

  • Chicken care

  • Monarch Way Station

  • Composting

  • Tree care & mulching

  • Nature Art projects

  • Building, construction, and general Orchard maintenance

  • Researching grant & sponsorship opportunities

What are the Garden Committee opportunities?

The Garden Committee will be comprised of up to 12 people that will include parent volunteers, Guides, community members, and school support staff. Committee will hold meetings periodically throughout the year. The individual assignments vary from Project Specialists to Donations Manager, to Committee Leader. Please contact us if you are interested in sitting on the Garden Committee and we can discuss the available openings with you directly.

Can I only volunteer in one area?

We welcome all volunteers to help in any capacity they can. If you are able to help in multiple areas, that is wonderful and we would be so thankful.

Who do I reach out to for more info?

For any questions, suggestions, or feedback, please send an email to gardenclub@goodwatermontesosori.com

In the near future, we are also planning on having an in person volunteer meet & greet at the Orchard to allow us to communicate with everyone directly.