Iris Scott is the first Professional Artist to dedicate the rest of her career to finger painting. She takes the classic finger painting, that was used in prehistoric times, to create fun, bright, and lively paintings now.

The students will be creating their own finger paintings of a dog shaking off water, just like Iris's paintings.

Iris's Paintings

Our Project

Link to our Zoom meetings (this link is the same each week):

All of the PowerPoints used for classes will be posted below!

Scott LP1

Introduction - Week 1

Learning about who Iris Scott, what she does, and what she took from the past and uses now.

Making Art - Week 1

Here will be the demo for our first week of class learning about the Iris Scott. Follow along as we get started on our project!

Scott LP2

PowerPoint - Week 2

Learned about cave paintings, with a focus on the Lascaux cave in France. Also discussed the cool colors in Iris Scott's paintings.

Making Art - Week 2

Here will be the demo for our second week of class learning about the Iris Scott. Follow along as we get start painting our dog with short, stipple marks and texture.

Scott LP 3

PowerPoint - Week 3

Learned about cave paintings, with a focus on the Lascaux cave in France. Also discussed the cool colors in Iris Scott's paintings.

Learned about implied movement in paintings, just like Iris Scott uses in her paintings.

Here is the link to our zoom from the third of class!

Making Art - Week 3

Here is the demo for our third week of class learning about Iris Scott. Follow along as we finish our dog shaking off water painting with short, stipple, marks.

Share Your Learning

Fill out this form to share what you learned with your teacher for Week 1!

Share Your Learning

Fill out this form to share what you learned with your teacher for Week 2!

Drawing Dog Examples

We will be drawing a dog on the first day of class and here are some tutorials that I will show in class and demonstrate.

Extra Activities

Here is a link to a matching game but with some of Iris's paintings.

Here is a link to a word search with terms we used during our first class.

Extra Facts About Iris Scott!