Self Help, Inc. is a nonprofit Community Action Agency (CAA) created to help low-income families and individuals stabilize and secure their lives through education, strategic assistance, and building on opportunities in their communities. We provide a range of services for families and households across Southeastern Massachusetts.

Want your children to be better prepared for school? Is someone in your home struggling with addiction? Need help keeping your family warm this winter? Need help finding a job? Self Help, Inc. can help you today, and help you help yourself better tomorrow.

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The mission of Self Help, Inc. is to reduce poverty, increase self-sufficiency and improve the community by providing resources for people to create healthier, better lives and achieve their full potential.

On the eve of each new year, people commit to making lifestyle changes they believe will usher in personal satisfaction and happiness. But while an entire industry exists to help people meet these pressing goals, most individuals still flounder. How many times can a person try to lose weight, quit smoking, cut back alcohol consumption, or try to find a more suitable purpose in life? One answer: As many times as it takes to get it right.

In contemporary parlance, the term self-help is associated with actions and interventions that a person can take on their own or with guided literature, as opposed to working with a clinician. Self-help can help you think about your goals with a big picture view. It encourages you to, for example, outline your short-term and long-term goals, and whether they are realistic and achievable. Self-help can also help you be more systematic in the way you approach the changes you want to see. For starters, making a list of the benefits of achieving your goals can be motivational, and setting a timeframe for meeting both short-term and long-term goals helps, too.

From the dawn of recorded time, humans have sought to better themselves and their lot in life. And using self-help to change your life starts with identifying one's needs. Addressing these needs both specifically and broadly can help. Knowing what you want to change and what you need to do to affect that change are key.

Conventional wisdom says that improving willpower is supposed to help you reach your goals. But reaching those goals have little to do with sustained willpower; it's more about structuring your environment, habits, and conditions so that you do not have to worry about willpower. Change your environment if you want to stop engaging in a bad habit.

Self-improvement can be highly useful. But going to legitimate sources is important. There are numerous books and websites that are legitimate, applicable, and serviceable. Some websites provide tools that help users assess whether the website is actually helping them. Also, responsible books and sites use peer-reviewed research and evidence.

Self-help can work wonders for common problems like worry and anxiety. We look around for the next mishap waiting to happen. This is an area where self-improvement can be effective, it can point out how to surmount anxiety just through simple methods of reducing stress like mindfulness and visualization, for example. Stage-fright is another case in point, self-help can be enormously useful for this common problem. This type of anxiety can turn into a fight-or-flight scenario and become debilitating mentally and physically. It may present itself with memory blanks, self-doubt, shame, and shaking, but self-awareness does improve the situation.

Yes. You cannot make much headway without deploying much-needed self-care. You have to invest in yourself through self-care. Yet, two in three people do not engage in such care. The basic checklist of self-care entails eating right, adequate sleep, physical fitness, stress reduction, annual visits to your physician.

Engaging in self-improvement is better than doing nothing. And depending on the problem at hand, it can be just as effective as one-on-one attention from a professional clinician. Generally, information based on peer-reviewed science is the standard to adhere to; self-help, when executed intelligently, can work.

In partnership with The San Francisco Department of Disability and Aging (DAS), we run a program called CHAMPSS. CHAMPSS, or Choosing Healthy Appetizing Meal Plan Solutions for Seniors, helps promote healthy, active living among seniors.

The Seismic Safety Outreach Program seeks to provide the participants with hands on training and education on how residents can prepare before, during and after an earthquake. In language workshops are available. See 2019 Schedule.

Self-help groups associated with health conditions may consist of patients and caregivers. As well as featuring long-time members sharing experiences, these health groups can become support groups and clearinghouses for educational material. Those who help themselves by learning and identifying health problems can be said to exemplify self-help, while self-help groups can be seen more as peer-to-peer or mutual-support groups.

The genre of mirror-of-princes writing, which has a long history in Greco-Roman and Western Renaissance literature, represents a secular cognate of Biblical wisdom literature. Proverbs from many periods, collected and uncollected, embody traditional moral and practical advice of diverse cultures.

The hyphenated compound word "self-help" often appeared in the 1800s in a legal context, referring to the doctrine that a party in a dispute has the right to use lawful means on their initiative to remedy a wrong.[5]

Conflicts can and do arise on that interface, however, with some professionals considering that, for example, "the twelve-step approach encourages a kind of contemporary version of 19th-century amateurism or enthusiasm in which self-examination and very general social observations are enough to draw rather large conclusions."[16]

Self-talk also plays an important role in regulating emotions under social stress. People who use non-first-person language tend to exhibit a higher level of visual distance during the process of introspection, indicating that using non-first-person pronouns and one's own name may result in enhanced self-distancing.[24][25] This form of self-help can enhance people's ability to regulate their thoughts, feelings, and behavior under social stress, which would lead them to appraise social-anxiety-provoking events in more challenging and less threatening terms.[25]

Gerald Rosen raised concerns that psychologists were promoting untested self-help books with exaggerated claims rather than conducting studies that could advance the effectiveness of these programs to help the public.[29] Rosen noted the potential benefits of self-help but cautioned that good intentions were not sufficient to assure the efficacy and safety of self-administered instructional programs. Rosen and colleagues observed that many psychologists promote untested self-help programs rather than contributing to the meaningful advancement of self-help.[30]

The self-help world has become the target of parodies. Walker Percy's odd genre-busting Lost in the Cosmos[32] has been described as "a parody of self-help books, a philosophy textbook, and a collection of short stories, quizzes, diagrams, thought experiments, mathematical formulas, made-up dialogue".[33]

In their 2006 book Secrets of The SuperOptimist, authors W.R. Morton and Nathaniel Whitten revealed the concept of "super optimism" as a humorous antidote to the overblown self-help book category.

In his comedy special Complaints and Grievances (2001), George Carlin observes that there is "no such thing" as self-help: anyone looking for help from someone else does not technically get "self" help; and one who accomplishes something without help did not need help to begin with.[34]

In Margaret Atwood's semi-satiric dystopia Oryx and Crake, university literary studies have declined to the point that the protagonist, Snowman, is instructed to write his thesis on self-help books as literature; more revealing of the authors and of the society that produced them than genuinely helpful.

This "virtual" Self-Help Center has information and links to legal resources to help you represent yourself in Nebraska Courts. The information here is not a substitute for legal advice. You should talk with a lawyer licensed to practice law in Nebraska to get legal advice on your issue.

In some circumstances people have chosen to represent themselves, or circumstances dictate that they do so. In order to ensure that self-representation is undertaken with as much understanding as possible, this portion of the Judicial Branch website is designed to connect you with information or services that will better inform you of your options. The materials provided on this website are a product of either the Office of the State Court Administrator or the Nebraska Supreme Court Committee on Self-Represented Litigation. While these materials have been approved by the Nebraska Supreme Court for publication on this website, they are provided as a public service and any questions regarding their use in your circumstances are best answered by an attorney.

Please remember that court employees are prohibited for ethical reasons from dispensing advice or opinions about anything that may come before a court. We are also strictly precluded from interpreting any laws. If you need any legal advice, please contact a licensed attorney in your area.

In partnership with the California Judicial Council and Law Help Interactive, self-represented litigants can use the guided questionnaires to complete forms related to several case types. A self-represented litigant can work on their court forms online 24/7, from any location that has access to the internet, using a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or cell phone.

Each of the questionnaires focus on completing the paperwork for either starting a new case, responding to a case filed against you, or preparing necessary forms for a case that has already started. We strongly recommend you create a free online account as part of completing your paperwork. This allows you to save your progress and to ensure you do not lose any work you started. 152ee80cbc

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