Prior to 1956, all black men in South Africa were required to carry passes to move freely in urban areas. These passes were only allocated to men who had jobs and were a means of controlling the influx of black people into urban areas. In 1952, the apartheid government announced that black women would also be required to carry such passes, and this was met with grave resistance. Thus, leading to the infamous march on the 9th of August, where they petitioned against the new pass laws and Group Areas Act that would further entrench racism into the fabric of South African culture. Despite the lack of immediate change occurring with regards to the laws, this march served as a pinnacle for the resistance struggle against pass laws which were ultimately absolved in 1986.

At a time when South Africa was divided under the apartheid law, these women put aside any racial, cultural and political differences that may have existed between them, and banded together to challenge the government, with the sole intention of improving the lives of women for generations to come.

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Below is a list of 20 influential women across varying sectors, including some of my own personal role models. I hope that this list will inspire you to break through that glass ceiling and exist loudly, and proudly in whatever sector you find yourself in! 

Beyonce has more Grammy nominations, 66, than any other female performer, and she has won 22 times. She is an icon for feminism and for African American culture. She dipped her toe into politics at Super Bowl 50, when she had her backup singers dress in black with black berets and afros to protest racial injustice.

Betsy DeVos is the secretary of education for President Donald Trump. She is a longtime supporter of school choice, school voucher programs, and charter schools. Her positions on education, as well as amending Obama-era guidelines on rules pertaining to sexual assault cases on college campuses, have made her a controversial figure in the Trump administration.

As the first female head of the Federal Reserve from 2014 to 2018, Janet Yellen was one of the most powerful women in the world. Yellen projected stability and a calm demeanor as she began a series of interest-rate hikes that threatened to shake up the equity markets. Before Yellen, the Fed has been lowering rates or leaving them unchanged since the financial crisis in 2008.

South African middle-distance runner and 2016 Olympic gold medallist. Caster has had to overcome several biases and prejudices against her due to her high levels of testosterone caused by a sexual development disorder. In 2019, new IAAF rules prevented women like Caster from participating in female events unless she takes medication to lower testosterone levels. 152ee80cbc

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