I enjoyed your article, especially the part about how Nexus differs from Scrum, but making great software depends much more on teamwork and PM, regardless of the tools team may use.

I also invite you to go in-depth with Nexus implementation, for scaling Scrum, based on our experience -framework-for-scaling-scrum/. We share Nexus Implementation Strategy (step by step guide) it should help many teams with scaling Scrum.

This scaled Agile frameworks comparison will focus on five of the most widely used solutions: Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), Nexus, Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS), Scrum@Scale, and Disciplined Agile (DA). I have found these to be the most effective frameworks, and they can be applied to a range of scenarios and organizations. The following sections will equip you with the information you need to make the best choice for your unique scaling context.

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SAFe is the most popular framework for Agile scaling. A 2021 survey found that 37% of Agile practitioners use it, largely owing to its multiple configurations, all of which focus on value streams and have well-defined guides and procedures.

As we look to employ our scrum framework to more complex and larger projects, we need to adapt our approach to ensure we meet the emerging scaling challenges. As a Technical Program Manager, it is prudent you understand many of the common scaling scrum frameworks available, Nexus, LeSS (Large-Scale Scrum), and Scrum@Scale, exploring the frameworks and understanding their principles, and discovering how they empower organizations to achieve agility at scale.

Before deciding to change the approach into Large Scale Scrum (LeSS), Safe framework or Nexus, it is worth conducting a thorough analysis and talking to people who already use a given framework for scaling agile. This will allow you to review the current situation and identify the goal that you want to achieve through the change.

Since the inception of agile methodologies, there has been a varied evolution of scaled frameworks to enable scaling at enterprise level. Some frameworks like LeSS and Nexus, keep it very simple and recommend scaling scrum for multiple teams while other frameworks like Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD) or Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) are more prescriptive. While these scaling frameworks aim at recommending structure around scrum teams which is the heart of each of them, they revolve around the core agile principles.

In this section, we will focus on few of the popular scaling frameworks:  Scrum of Scrums - Scripted by two of the founders of scrum. Here, the methodology followed is scrum multiplied, with events of collaboration between scrum teams. This is a very simple framework and is generally well suited for organizations where there are multiple scrum teams who need to work synchronously and deliver a single product. The Scrum of Scrums meeting helps teams to coordinate the work and dependencies across teams. But as the size grows it may become overwhelming without proper guidance and structure.   Large Enterprise Scaled Scrum (LeSS) - Founded in 2005 by Craig Larman and Bas Vodde, LeSS aims to scale Scrum upward. LeSS can be used for up to eight teams with eight people each, while, LeSS Huge, which is a larger variation, can be used for projects ranging in size from eight people all the way up to a few thousand. The LeSS framework advocates one product backlog, one Product Owner for the teams, a sprint planning at the overall level before the planning event at the team level and one definition of 'Done', finally with an output of a potentially shippable increment at the end of each sprint followed by reviews and retrospectives at team as well as the product level. LeSS also tries to list many experiments which serve as a guide for organizations in their scaling journey.   Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) - SAFe was first detailed as a 'big picture' on Dean Leffingwell's blog, in collaboration with the agile community. However, the first official release of SAFe was published in 2011. The latest release, SAFe 4.5, was released in June 2017. Unlike other frameworks which require to tailor up on the base framework, SAFe attempts to address various organizations' structures and prescribe various aspects and needs from an enterprise level. It also maps how the enterprise can operate in SAFe right from demand/ ideation up to development and delivery. Organizations can tailordown the process where required. Word of caution though here, teams should not take the framework as a series of how-to-dos, but must apply it contextually as per relevance.   Nexus - Nexus is relatively new and was founded in 2015 by Ken Schwaber, who is also the co-creator of Scrum. Nexus is designed for 3 to 9 Scrum development teams and a common product backlog. Any further than 9 teams form another Nexus. Nexus builds on Scrum and introduces additional roles and events. At the core of Nexus is the Nexus integration team which is also another scrum team consisting of a Product Owner, Scrum Master, and other members whose purpose is to collaborate and guide the work of all the multiple Scrum teams to ensure that at the end of the Sprint, the teams collectively deliver a potentially shippable increment.  

Thus from the above, we see that each of these frameworks has its strengths and weaknesses. The success of scaling agile is not directly proportional to the frameworks used. Instead it requires deeper understanding of the organizational structure, imbibed culture, futuristic objective and applying part or whole of the framework to suit the organization's needs and expectations. Organizations can start with what suits their structure and solve the immediate expectation at hand, and build over that framework to experience the true benefits of agility.

Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is an agile software development framework which helps implement agile at Enterprise level by using principles of lean development. SAFe is both scalable and modular, providing flexibility to the organization to apply it in a way that suits its need. It is an agile scaling framework, which ensures that all the teams in the organization (involving thousands of people) are synchronized, collaborate effectively, and deliver complex systems. SAFe addresses scaling from a single team to multiple teams and also scaling at an enterprise portfolio level involving multiple teams and programs.

LeSS is a scaled up version of scrum, which helps product teams implement Scrum in a large-scale context. LeSS is applied to multiple teams working together on a single product. LeSS provides experiments, guides, frameworks, principles, and elements to aid teams in implementing LeSS through case studies or lessons learnt from earlier implementations or different contexts. It supports both multi-team as well as multi-site agile development.

There are two types of agile scaling advocated by LeSS:  LeSS Small: Supports up to 8 teams (of eight members each). It is best suited for co-located teams that are of size 8 to 10 per team with a total of 8 or less teams.   LeSS Huge: Supports up to thousands of people contributing to a single product. It supports both co-located and multi-located or multi-site teams, however recommends each scrum team to be co-located.  

LeSS Huge is adopted when there are more than 8 scrum teams. Essentially it is multiple LeSS frameworks stacked together. Since the overall output is a single product, LeSS Huge also advocates single product backlog, same sprint durations and all teams working towards a single delivery.

In a LeSS framework, Sprint Planning happens at two levels. Sprint Planning One focuses on what items need to be done in the sprint, while Sprint Planning Two happens at the scrum team level and focusses on how those selected items will be delivered.  Sprint Planning One (Common for all teams) - At the beginning of the Sprint, all the members from all teams attend the Sprint Planning One. However, as the sprints mature and understanding of the team improves, only representatives from each team attend the Sprint Planning One event. The Product Owner and team or representatives from each team attend this meeting and they pick the items from the product backlog that they will work on for the next sprint.   Sprint Planning Two (Done separately for each team) - After the items are selected by the team (from Sprint Planning One), the team holds their own Sprint Planning Two meeting. When there are strong interdependencies between teams, a combined Sprint Planning Two is conducted by these teams to identify interdependencies and figure out how to handle them effectively. At the end of this meeting, the teams have better clarity on the work to be done by each of them in that sprint and each proceed to work towards their respective sprints.  

Ken Schwaber, the co-creator of Scrum and founder of Scrum.org, created the Nexus framework and corresponding Nexus Guide to help organizations enable scaling Scrum for teams beyond 3 to 9 members. The word Nexus means a connection or series of connections which links two or more things or a focal point. Nexus framework thus integrates 3 to 9 scrum teams which are linked together through a Nexus Integration Team and can be easily used for large scale software development. It provides a structure where multiple scrum teams can work together on a single product backlog to deliver a single integrated increment every sprint. It guides teams in sharing work between teams, managing and minimizing dependencies and improving collaboration within and outside the team. Since Nexus builds on top of scrum, it is easier for teams who are familiar with scrum to benefit faster with Nexus. In addition to using Nexus, it is also important that teams and organizations factor in technical excellence as a foundation for growth, and establish and promote this within the organization. 17dc91bb1f

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