The Scientist delivers monthly bite-sized interactive stories in the TS Digest, newsletters, quarterly print issues, webinar events, podcasts, and educational multimedia content tailored to your interests. All of our content is produced by scientists and for scientists!

The Scientist is a professional magazine intended for life scientists. The Scientist covers recently published research papers, current research, techniques, and other columns and reports of interest to its readers.

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The main purpose of the magazine is to provide print and online coverage of the latest developments in life sciences research, technology, careers, and business. Subject matters covered by the magazine include groundbreaking research, industry innovations, careers, financial topics, the economics of science, scientific ethics, profiles of scientists, lab tools, scientific publishing, techniques, product spotlight, and guides. [1]

In 2009, the magazine had a round of layoffs, and its owner, the London-based Science Navigation Group, merged The Scientist with the website Faculty of 1000 for peer review and evaluation of articles in biology and medical journals. The Scientist moved from Philadelphia to New York in 2010.[3]

In October 2011, the Science Navigation Group announced it was closing the magazine,[4] but the LabX Media Group subsequently announced it would purchase and continue publishing it.[5][6][7] The Group officially acquired the magazine at the end of October 2011.[5]

Since 2008, The Scientist has conferred awards for the top innovations in science and technology: Nominations are submitted; entries are reviewed by a panel of judges; and the winners are announced annually in the December edition of the magazine.[9]

The Texas Scientist is the award-winning magazine of the College of Natural Sciences at UT Austin. It is a digest of the people and groundbreaking discoveries that make our college one of the most amazing and significant places on Earth.

To start a new subscription, interested readers can visit and select digital, print, or both. Current digital subscribers will receive new issue notifications with links to the new platform. Please go to for detailed information.

American Scientist (ISSN 0003-0996) is an illustrated bimonthly magazine about science and technology. Each issue is filled with feature articles written by prominent scientists and engineers, reviewing important work in fields that range from molecular biology to computer engineering. The articles are carefully edited and accompanied by illustrations that are developed to enhance the reader's understanding and enjoyment.

Susan Taylor, Ph.D., research scientist at the U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, is serving as one of the guest editors for the June 2016 issue of Elements, An International Magazine of Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Petrology, featuring "Cosmic Dust."

Welcome to the Science Careers job board. Thousands of job opportunities from around the world and free career development tools and resources make Science Careers a one-stop site for scientists looking to advance their careers.

The continuing energy crisis, in the midst of an ongoing fight against climate change and movement towards renewable power, has brought the importance of energy systems into sharp relief. As scientists and the public grapple with how to transform our dependent relationship with energy, many complex and competing factors must be navigated, from public opinion and social wellbeing to economic development and net zero commitments.

American Scientist magazine's "Science by the Slice" speaker series invites Ph.D.-level scientists from area universities and research institutes to give talks about compelling research to a science-interested audience (science communicators, other scientists, students, and the general public) in the Research Triangle region.

Yellowstone Science shares information from scientists and researchers with the public to highlight in-depth, science- based knowledge about the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. The magazine is published biannually with content developed by the Yellowstone Center for Resources, Yellowstone National Park.

Please visit the Yellowstone Science website for all back issues and the most recent issue highlights. If you would like to be a digital subscriber of Yellowstone Science, please email us at the address below. 

The Science Communications Office is part of the Yellowstone Center for Resources, a division of Yellowstone National Park, National Park Service. We may be reached by email at e-mail us.

CUSJ is a professional-level, open-access science journal run by undergraduates at Columbia University. Our goal is to help young scientists develop a solid background in the complex process of science journalism.

Readers also enjoy The Scientists' Bookshelf, the most comprehensive book-review section offered by any science magazine, and a number of regular columns that cover topics in computing, engineering, public and professional issues and reflections on the history and practice of science. Once a year, the editors enlist children to help review books, software and other products for young scientists. And in the Science Observer section, the editors give the readers glimpses behind the scenes in science.

American Scientist has been published since 1913 by Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. In recent years it has been honored with many awards for editorial, design and illustration quality. Read faithfully by Sigma Xi's membership of distinguished scientists and engineers, the magazine is now available on newsstands around the world, as well as by individual or institutional subscription.

There was great interest in the databases of standardized citation metrics across all scientists and scientific disciplines [1], and many scientists urged us to provide updates of the databases. Accordingly, we have provided updated analyses that use citations from Scopus with data freeze as of May 6, 2020, assessing scientists for career-long citation impact up until the end of 2019 (Table-S6-career-2019) and for citation impact during the single calendar year 2019 (Table-S7-singleyr-2019). Updated databases and code are freely available in Mendeley ( ). The original database (version 1) can also be found in , the updated (version 2) can also be found in , and any subsequent updates that might appear in the future will be generally accessible in

Field and subfield discipline categories use the Science-Metrix classification as in our previous work [1], but multidisciplinary journals that were previously not assigned to a Science-Metrix field or subfield [3] have now been assigned to a specific field and subfield using a character-based convolutional deep neural network. This machine learning approach was trained with a set consisting of over a million entries was found to be outperforming other approaches such as Wikipedia and Yahoo! Answers [4]. This allows a more accurate classification of scientists who publish many papers in multidisciplinary journals.

Given the increasing attention given to the analysis of self-citations, we also include in Tables S8 and S9 data for each discipline and each subdiscipline of the 95th and 99th percentile threshold for the percentage of self-citations and for the ratio of citations over citing papers within the set of selected top-cited researchers. Very high proportion of self-citations and/or ratio of citations over citing papers may or may not be justifiable and may require a closer look at the citation practices of these scientists. A percentage (4.9%) of the scientists who are in the top 2% of their subdiscipline for career-long impact when self-citations are included are no longer in the top 2% of their subdiscipline when self-citations are excluded, and 0.01% (n = 15) of these fall below the top 10%. Some scientists have extremely high ratios of citations over citing papers, far exceeding the 99th percentile threshold. Many papers by the same scientist may be fully legitimately often cited together in the same article. However, some authors have been found to manipulate peer-review to add multiple citations to their works [5,6].

Orit Peleg, a University of Colorado Boulder computer scientist and physicist, has won a 2022 Cottrell Scholar Award, which honors and supports early career scientists who have the potential to become leaders in their fields.

At the top of the page: Orit Peleg's research will focus on the physics of firefly communications and how these communication signals are generated and interpreted (Photo credit: Fred Huang via Flickr). Above: Orit Peleg is a computer scientist and physicist at CU Boulder.

Recent advances in field and virtual-reality technologies allow scientists to probe further than ever and investigate deep questions about signal-design strategies and their broadcasting and processing, she said, adding:

These STEM and ELA resources discuss the science behind mRNA vaccines and how researchers were equipped to respond to COVID-19. Also, Vice President Kamala Harris and top scientists share insights about career paths in research. Help students uncover how mRNA vaccines work in the body and how other tools help prevent outbreaks.

These STEM and ELA resources highlight how scientists research the mysteries of pain. They also describe the function of anesthesia on the brain and feature some anesthesiologists who study pain. Help students uncover how medical research is fueling innovation in pain prevention.

Founded in 2019, The Planetary Science Journal is a fully Open Access, collaborative publication of the American Astronomical Society and its largest division, the Division for Planetary Sciences. It is specifically intended to be the nonprofit venue for publication of research in this field and the place where planetary scientists can disseminate their results to the broadest possible audience, in the most comprehensive and useful way, and at the lowest possible cost to everyone. e24fc04721

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