I don't have too much time to check right now but just roughly look the document(English version)...well, found some of mis-spells(and just changed) but I think since you have the original source reference links listed, and they should be helps for checking those mis-spelled Chinese names if you really pay attention...hell, even the document name even mis-spelled too... "The legend of seven palladins", you have extra "l" when spells Paladin. :P

According to traditions, he was said to have been the founder of Zen, or Ch'an Buddhism. Although there is little information on his biography, he is considered a legend. His arrival to China is a debatable subject. Some say that he traveled to China during the Song Dynasty, around 420-479 AD and another says he arrived during the Liang Dynasty, around 502-557 AD. However, it is concurred that his activity was most present in the lands of the Northern Wei Dynasty, around 386-534 AD. In the 6th century he had a meeting with Emperor Wu-Ti. The emperor started having local Buddhist monks translate text form Sanskrit to Chinese, thinking this was a chance for the public to practice the religion; he wanted to give way to nirvana. Bodhidharma did not agree with Wu-ti and believed that one should not take action to get benefits, but should act because it's the right thing to; therefore, he and Wu-Ti went their separate ways. Bodhidharma later traveled to a nearby temple named Shaolin to speak to the translating Buddhist monks. When he first arrived he was refused admittance, but he meditated until he proved that he was worthy. During his stay at the Temple, he noticed the monks there were weak from the long hours of meditation. Because the monks were weak and thin at the time when Bodhidharma arrived, he developed Shaolin Kung Fu to make them stronger and healthier. Therefore, he went to a nearby cave behind the temple where he meditated for nine years to find a way to strengthen them. There are many legends about Bodhidharma and his stay at the Temple and caves. One legend suggests that Bodhidharma developed Shaolin Kung Fu to help heal cramps from lengthy hours of meditation. Another says that he developed it to protect himself wild beasts that crept close by the cave. Some say that while he was meditating, he faced problems with sleep, so he cut off his eye lids with a knife. Another legend says that the sun burned his shadow onto the rock where he meditated because he sat there for many years that rock is currently displayed at the Shaolin Temple. When he returned to the Temple, he used Indian stretches such as yoga to strengthen the monks.

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Tai Kwei knew that something had to be done to alleviate the suffering of his people. He decided to seek help from the legendary Shaolin Temple, known for its skilled kung fu masters. He gathered all the rice he could find and offered it to the monks in exchange for training him in kung fu. The villagers hoped that with a skilled master among them, they would be able to stand up to the oppressive landlord and his unjust rule.

For my part, it was by reading the origins of Wing Chun from Ip Man [1] that I wanted to take a closer look at its History. As Ip Man quotes in his essay, this mysterious monastery is mainly known through the legend of the 5 elders of Shaolin ; written in pinyin mandarin Shaolin Wu Zu, however I prefer the script in jyutping cantonese Siulam Ng Zou, since this legend is well attributed to the south of China. No matter what romanization is used, in Chinese the Shaolin 5 elders is writtenĀ  .

Note that Ip Man indicated in his essay that it was the Shaolin Monastery in Henan province. However, most of the other martial arts in southern China relate this legend to the Shaolin Monastery in Fujian province, in south of China [2].

In these texts, the authors told an extraordinary story, which specialists like Dian Murray called the Xi Lu legend, depicting the surviving monks of Shaolin after the destruction of their Monastery by the Qing. The adoption of this legend gave the Tiandihui a more political way with a strong anti-Manchu feeling. The first trace of this legend appeared at the beginning of the 19th century [8]. There are seven versions of this legend relatively close to each other (they are all transcribed in The Origins of Tiandihui by Dian Murray).

Many styles in southern China evoke a filiation of their martial art in the Southern Shaolin Monastery through this myth of the 5 monks of Shaolin, with variations according to the stories. It seems, moreover, that the Shaolin Monastery has survived solely in the martial arts folklore for more than two centuries. I will return in detail to the legend of the 5 elders of Shaolin in a future post.

Most scholars and intellectuals in the field agree that the Southern Shaolin Monastery is just a myth. It never physically existed. In the seven versions of the Xi Lu legend, the Southern Shaolin Monastery is located in different places. Mainly in Fujian province in Fuzhou [14] and Pulong. However for Pulong, Dian Murray indicated in his work that it is not a real place [15]. We also find in one version of the Xi Lu legend, the province of Gansu as being the place where the Shaolin Monastery is located [16].

Other scholars agree that Fuqing may appear to be the most plausible of the three monasteries to be the so-called Southern Shaolin Monastery [20]. Especially since the monastery of Fuqing is located near Fuzhou, one of the localities cited in one of the seven versions of the legend Xi Lu. Indeed, in the version of Gustave Schegel, the Southern Shaolin Monastery is located in Fuzhou [14].

The fact that there are three monasteries claiming to be the famous Southern Shaolin Monastery necessarily leads to a legitimate question : why are there three ? Various stories and legends about this monastery have always referred to a single Southern Shaolin Monastery. From there, we can therefore establish three hypotheses :

For the latter hypothesis, it is certain that the Southern Shaolin Monastery was a strong symbol in the circles of martial arts and secret societies in southern China from the end of the 18th century. Robert Chu and Rene Ritchie suggest that the Monastery could be a code of recognition between members of the secret society on the one hand, and martial arts practitioners on the other hand [26]. The Xi Lu legend was revealed during the initiation ceremony for new members of the Tiandihui (see below). This legend is based on popular elements sometimes inspired by the novels Water Margin and The Three Kingdoms, two of the four classic Chinese novels, by local cultural beliefs and stories, as well as events that took place at the Shaolin Monastery in Henan [27], like the extraordinary story of the 13 Shaolin monks who saved Li Shimin, the future emperor Tang Taizong [28]. The Xi Lu legend mainly developed from the beginning of the 19th century to further justify the political causes and the very existence of the Tiandihui.

Former UFC fighter Dan Hardy actually traveled to the Shaolin monastery to train with legendary Shaolin monks. He was just out of school at the time and wanted to go on a martial arts journey and train under the Shaolin monks.

I just got the platinum, the game is nice, but the trophies are glitchy in co-op, only the host gets the difficulty and story completion trophies, the skills trophy is also buggy in co-op, my friend got it all up, he didn't get the trophy, he quit and joined me again and the trophies pop well when he talked to the skills pnj againĀ 

If you want to do the game in coop, you will have to do the game at least 2 times in legend because only the host gets the trophies. Fortunately it is not long!

Growing up a ninety-pound weakling tormented by bullies in the schoolyards of Kansas, young Matthew Polly dreamed of one day journeying to the Shaolin Temple in China to become the toughest fighter in the world, like Caine in his favorite 1970s TV series, Kung Fu. While in college, Matthew decided the time had come to pursue this quixotic dream before it was too late. Much to the dismay of his parents, he dropped out of Princeton to spend two years training with the legendary sect of monks who invented kung fu and Zen Buddhism. be457b7860

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