Welcome to the Natania Circle

We're one of the top neighborhoods in Arenztopia

We offer comfortable homes at low prices in a convenient location.

Comfortable Features

Each of our houses has three bedroom, two and a half bathrooms, a living area, dining room, full kitchen, outdoor deck, and large closets with a laundry room.

Large Outdoor Space

Our outdoor space features half a square mile of parks, with a public swimming pool, dog park, and regular park.

Convenient Placement

We're located within 5 minutes of an HEB, and within 10 minutes of two malls.

Good Education

Schools around us have an average AES of 4.25.

Renting Available

We have an option to rent a house for 75,000 dollars a month.

Large Square Footage

Each of our houses is 2,100 square feet, which is more than most houses in other close-by neighborhoods.