The Fashion Agent that became a Spiritual and Wellness Coach: My Transformative Journey

My name is Jen Rubinetti and I'm a native New Yorker, a Mother, a Reiki Practitioner, A Sound Meditation Coach and a Life Coach. I usually just say I am the wearer of many hats! My story began as I was working as a model agent in the fast-paced fashion industry, but took an unexpected turn that led me to a new endeavor as a "Wellness Concierge". This transition was a profound personal evolution that allowed me to align my passions with my purpose. 

In the early years of my career, I immersed myself in the world of fashion. It's an exhilarating and dynamic field, filled with travel, creativity, high-profile events, and the constant hustle of managing talent. While the glitz and glamour were undeniable, I began to sense that something essential was missing from my life.

As years went by, I advanced in my career, eventually married and started a family. Still, there was a void within me. The fashion industry was exciting but draining. My job paid my bills, but I was missing a true sense of purpose. While grateful for the experiences I'd had through my career, I knew I needed something more. This longing pushed me to explore my own spirituality and to search for answers to questions that had long been buried beneath the surface.

By pure cosmic fate, I was introduced to an Ayurvedic coach who changed my life. At the time we met, I was in the midst of an ugly legal battle with a former employer and on top of that, many of my personal relationships were in vast need of repair. I was burnt out on all levels. My family was also feeling the sharpness of my discontent. Unsure of what to do and how to move forward, it seemed synergistic that she found me when she did. 

During my time with my coach, I worked through old traumas and misconceptions about myself. I needed to change the narrative I was telling myself about my own life. I had to literally rewire my programming. I delved into learning mindfulness practices, meditation and other healing modalities. I learned how to love myself and allow others in! Soon, I was inspired to enroll in courses in Reiki, Sound Meditation and eventually Life Coaching so I could share the gift of transformation with others. Finally, I became unstuck, open and ready to live my life in a new and more fulfilling way.  

As my mindset shifted and so did my energetic field. I began attracting others who were also seeking change and fulfillment in their lives and it was then I felt I'd found my path. 

My passion for helping others find their own purpose and inner peace became the driving force that helped me create The Mystical Connection

I've learned that it's never too late to follow your heart and find deeper meaning and fulfillment in what you do - even if it means trying something radically different! I've been fortunate to be able to bring my work in the healing arts into my life in the fashion industry. Who knew the two worlds could co-exist?! My fashion clients and colleagues now participate in many of the events and offerings of The Mystical Connection. Because of my experience working in such a high-pressure field, I've been able curate my coaching skills and bring wellness opportunities to diverse groups, companies and individuals. Today, I am grateful for the ability to help others on their own transformative journeys toward a more meaningful and fulfilling life.