Module 1 Curriculum Guide

Research & Process Reference Guide


Fact Inference Opinion Misinformation Relevance Accuracy Reliability

In this module, students are introduced to thinking of research as a multi-step process. By the end of it, they will become familiar with each step’s role in helping them find useful information.


  1. Can you think of a time when something you watched or read changed the way you thought about a topic? What was it?

  2. What statements or facts caused you question your own understanding about the topic?

  3. Have you ever disagreed with someone’s opinion on an idea or issue? What was it?

  4. What reasons did they have for their viewpoint? What reasons did you have for yours?

  5. How would you search for information to find out who is right?


  • Students will need access to either a laptop or a mobile device.

  • Introduce them to Module 1: Online Reference Guide to Research

  • Here you will find videos, examples, and links to information about the following that students can explore and refer back to during any research project.

  • You can project the information as part of a direct lesson and/or have students explore sections on their own:

      • MLA Format, Plagiarism, Search Engines and Techniques

      • Key Terms: bias, source reliability, misinformation, fake news, fact, opinion, inference, relevance, accuracy

      • The Research Process Google Slides exemplar