Books and writings to inspire you!!!

Hello to all that see this site. My name is James Howard. I am a writer of encouragement, admonishment and seek to glorify God. I also love to work with the downtrodden and those not able to do for themselves. The word of God says to speak out and get justice for those that can't for themselves.

I was born in 1959 in Florida. It seems evil sought me early. I was abused and molested as a child by two different men. I was rejected by my dad and beaten by my mother at times till she could beat me no longer. My life was such a torment that at age 14 my greatest goal was to die and end the suffering. I thank God now that the evil one didn't get to destroy me completely back then.

I got hooked on different type of drugs and my main thing was strong vodka. I was in different relationships that couldn't go anywhere. I was evil to the core in my heart. I was in state reformatories, jails and prison. I was told I had many things wrong with my mind. Life was a drudgery and a pit of bondage. Then, suddenly, what man couldn't do, the Lord God did. He touched me by His Holy Spirit and brought me to Himself through His Son the Savior, JESUS CHRIST.

I now have a new life and there have been many struggles and many times of not trusting, but God is faithful!! Though I am not anywhere the man the apostle Paul was, yet I know God had grace and mercy on me so as I can help others to come to His glory. I hope to share with all you the heart of God for others as He reveals it to me. Be blessed my friends.

In this book I seek to encourage you to stay in the light of the Lord. I took bible characters and spoke on them briefly and wanted to give joy to your heart. I pray the book will work to be a beacon for your path in life.

Come to Light on Amazon

This book was written with the woman that God has has created so dear in mind. I find that in many places of the world women aren't given their place that God gives them. In this book I seek to encourage women to know and stand for what God has made you to be. I address men to allow women to be all God has called them to be. I have a section for prayer on issues that are sticky, but biblical. In the last part I showcase some women of God and their lives in Jesus.

The Woman of God

This book I wrote from some of the parables of Jesus. I put them in modern day snippets of truth from the parable. This book can be for someone you wish to share Jesus with in short writings. The book is short, but it can touch the heart of those who need to see Jesus as their Savior.

The Parables

This book I wrote on many subjects of the bible. I use short lesson and then some questions at the end for people to think about on the subjects. I wrote this with the new believer in mind, or the person who wishes to brush up on different subjects of the word. It can be a tool in bible studies.

The Manual of Growth

Here is an article I had published last year:

This is a plaque that is carried by the Dexsa Company that I wrote and they produced. It can be found on Amazon under, "The ABC's of Jesus. It is a good reminder for your wall to remind you of all the love God has for you!

Over the years, I have pastored, encouraged, and worked with many different people, and James Howard has been one of those people in which I have seen God do amazing things. His story, Jesus' story in James, is one which encourages all that hear it. As you read this book of insights God has given James, you will be strengthened by the fact that God is truly able to "make all things new", as He has done in James Howard.

Jeff Oakes- Senior Leader, Hosanna Fellowship


Hey Mom James Howard.pdf