
Day 1

Monday October 17

8:30 - 9:00


9:00 - 9:45

Andrea Montanari
Sampling from the Sherringtong Kirkpatrick measure in the high-temperature phase

9:45 - 10:05

Ivan Amelio
Temporal coherence of out-of-equilibrium 1d quasi-condensates (Online)

Lasing in 1D arrays of resonators or polariton wires provides an example of an out-of-equilibrium quasi-condensate. We will discuss the spatio-temporal coherence properties of these systems by highlighting the interplay between Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality and Bogoliubov-Schawlow-Townes phase diffusion [1]: the linewidth of a laser is a finite size effect. In particular, the lack of long-range order determines an important broadening of the linewidth of the emission spectrum, with exponents related to KPZ. Remarkably, the optimal coherence time is achieved for intermediate optical nonlinearity.

[1] I Amelio, I Carusotto, Physical Review X 10 (4), 041060

10:05 - 10:25

Giacomo Gradenigo
Symplectic quantization: a new deterministic approach to the dynamics of quantum fields inspired by statistical mechanics

We propose here a novel approach to study the quantum fluctuations of relativistic fields. By regarding the fictitious time of Parisi-Wu stochastic quantization as a true physical parameter we propose a deterministic dynamics which, in the case of Euclidean space-time, yields by definition the same results of the stochastic dynamics. But, at variance with the stochastic dynamics, the new deterministic one is well defined even for Minkowski space-time, thus providing a tool to sample even in numerical simulations the causal structure of space-time. Under a reasonable ergodicity assumption for the dynamics, within this new formalism the Feynman path integral simply reads as the Fourier transform of a pseudo-microcanonical ensemble built on the conservation of a generalized action rather than energy, therefore establishing a well founded probabilistic interpretation of quantum field theory. Here we will discuss the main idea behind this formalism and some preliminary results of numerical applications.

10:30 - 11:00

Coffee break

11:00 - 11:50

Jürg Fröhlich
The quantum mechanics of particle tracks in detectors

In this talk I consider regimes of Quantum Mechanics that can be described in classical terms. Such regimes constitute what I call the “Classical Periphery/Skin of Quantum Mechanics.” I won’t develop the general theory, but illustrate it in a study of tracks traced out by quantum-mechanical particles propagating in detectors. These tracks are close to classical particle trajectories.

11:50 - 12:25

Giuseppe Mussardo
A Random Walk in Number Theory

The random walk is a crucial concept in statistical physics and plays an important role in shading new light and understanding of a famous conjecture in analytic number theory, i.e. the one posed by Bernhard Riemann in 1859 on the alignment of the zeros of a function deeply related to prime numbers.

12:25 - 12:45

Giuliano Giudici
Topological quantum matter and Rydberg atom arrays

Topological quantum matter represents the holy grail for quantum scientists as it stands out for its exotic properties and numerous applications in quantum computation. In this talk, I will review the most recent achievements and discuss novel research directions in quantum simulations of topological spin liquids with Rydberg atom arrays.

12:50 - 14:30

Lunch break

14:30 - 15:15

Alan Sokal
From statistical mechanics to enumerative combinatorics

I show how the Potts model in statistical mechanics leads to two intriguing classes of unsolved problems in enumerative combinatorics.

15:15 - 15:35

Alessio Lerose
Influence matrix approach to quantum many-body dynamics

In this talk I will introduce a new approach to study the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of extended isolated quantum many-body systems and their ergodic properties. While conventional signatures of quantum thermalization are associated with statistical properties of energy spectra and eigenstates ("eigenstate thermalization hypothesis"), this approach is inspired by the Feynman-Vernon influence functional theory. I will describe the evolution of a local subsystem in terms of an influence matrix (IM) - an operator acting on the space of temporal trajectories of the subsystem. The IM fully encodes the effects of the many-body system on its subsystems, and thus characterizes its ability (or failure) to behave as an efficient self-generated thermal bath. I will show that this complementary angle of attack on quantum many-body dynamics offers many advantages, both conceptually and practically. I will introduce the notion of temporal entanglement and discuss preliminary evidence on its role in characterizing universality classes of quantum many-body dynamics and computational efficiency.

15:35 - 16:10

Hubert Saleur
The O(n) conformal field theory in two dimensions (Online)

I will summarize some interesting aspects of the recent complete solution of the O(n) CFT in 2D based, in part, on the bootstrap technique

16:15 - 16:45

Coffee break

16:45 - 17:20

Andrea Sportiello
Integrable models and algebras of symmetric functions

17:20 - 17:55

Pietro Menotti
Sergio Caracciolo: pupil, collaborator, scientist and friend

Personal recollection


Social dinner

Day 2

Tuesday October 18

9:00 - 9:35

Ettore Vicari
Coherent and dissipative dynamics at quantum phase transitions

The many-body physics at quantum phase transitions shows a subtle interplay between quantum and thermal fluctuations, emerging in the low-temperature limit and at low energy. I present an overview of recent results of equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium phenomena at continuous and first-order quantum transitions, covering also some aspects related to the presence of dissipative mechanisms. These issues are mostly discussed within dynamic scaling frameworks, by extending the equilibrium quantum scaling laws that can be obtained by exploiting the quantum-to-classical mapping and the renormalization-group theory of critical phenomena.

9:35 - 10:10

Andrea Pelissetto
3D Gauge theories with scalar matter

I will discuss the expected critical behavior of 3D gauge theories with scalar matter focusing on systems with Abelian gauge invariance.

10:10 - 10:30

Mauro Pastore
Effective bosonic theories for fermionc models on the lattice

In this contribution I will review some of the results we obtained in the context of lattice QFT, where we investigated the presence of bound states in the spectrum of certain fermionic relativistic models (’t Hooft, Gross-Neveu, Nambu-Jona Lasinio, etc.). To this aim, I will present a very general formalism devised by Caracciolo, Laliena, Palumbo et al. to obtain a theory of composite bosonic excitations above a non-perturbative vacuum state, starting from the underlying theory of fundamental fermions. The method consists in a Bogoliubov transformation in the Fermionic space of states, followed by a projection onto the space of composites, that will result in an effective action for the bosons, obtained from the elementary theory in a self-consistent way.

10:30 - 11:00

Coffee break

11:00 - 11:45

Riccardo Zecchina
Stochastic learning processes and effective energy landscapes in deep neural networks

Current deep neural networks are highly overparameterized (up to billions of connection weights) and nonconvex. Yet they can fit data almost perfectly through variants of stochastic gradient descent algorithms and achieve unexpected levels of prediction accuracy without overfitting.  

In this talk we will discuss the interplay between learning dynamics and the geometry of the space of input/output functions implemented by nonconvex neural networks. We will show how rare and highly entropic  minima of the error energy landscape are correlated to  attractive regions of the differentiable energy functions used to define stochastic gradient-based learning processes. 

The changes in the geometrical structure of the different minima of the error loss function have consequences for the efficiency of  the learning  processes and correlate to the generalization performance of the neural networks models.

11:45 - 12:05

Roberto Bondesan
Learning Lattice Quantum Field Theories with Equivariant Continuous Flows (Online)

12:05 - 12:25

Maria Paola Lombardo
Universality and scaling of the QCD chiral transition (Online)

The nature of the high temperature chiral transition in QCD can be studied by exploting analogies with a magnetic system. The results from ab-initio lattice simulations are contrasted and compared with those of spin model in the appropriate universality class. We speculate that the boundary of the scaling window marks the crossover from strongly to weakly coupled plasma.

12:25 - 12:45

Andrea Di Gioacchino
Euclidean correlations in the statistical physics of the Traveling Salesman Problem

One of the first successes of the statistical physics of disordered systems has been its application to a number of combinatorial optimization problems, including the famous Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). A limiting issue, however, has always been the difficulty to deal with the correlations introduced by the embedding of these problems in Euclidean space, and as a consequence most of the classical results are only valid in the infinite-dimension limit. I will discuss a series of papers [1, 2, 3] where we considered a variant of the TSP and managed to bypass this issue by focusing directly on the problem embedded in a low number of spatial dimensions. As I will show, our approach allowed us to successfully characterize some statistical properties of the solutions of the problem in 1 and 2 spatial dimensions.

[1] Caracciolo, Di Gioacchino, Gherardi, Malatesta, Solution for a bipartite Euclidean traveling-salesman problem in one dimension, Physical Review E , 97 (5), 052109 (2018).

[2] Caracciolo, Di Gioacchino, Malatesta, Molinari, Selberg integrals in 1D random Euclidean optimization problems, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment , 2019 (6), 063401 (2019).

[3] Capelli, Caracciolo, Di Gioacchino, Malatesta, Exact value for the average optimal cost of the bipartite traveling salesman and two-factor problems in two dimensions, Physical Review E , 98 (3), 030101 (2018)

12:50 - 14:30

Lunch break

14:30 - 15:15

Giorgio Parisi
Multiple Equilibra (Online)

15:15 - 15:35

Carlo Lucibello
Scaling hypothesis for the Euclidean bipartite matching problem

In this talk, I will present a work in collaboration with prof. Caracciolo and others appeared in 2014 on the optimal cost of random Euclidean bipartite matching problem. We propose a simple yet very predictive form, based on the Poisson’s equation, for the functional dependence of the cost on the density of points. This leads, for quadratic costs, to the analytic prediction of the large N limit of the average cost in dimension d = 1, 2 and of the subleading correction in higher dimension. A non-trivial scaling exponent, γd = (d−2) / d, which differs from the monopartite’s one, is found for the subleading correction. We argue that the same scaling holds true for a generic cost exponent in dimension d > 2.

15:35 - 15:55

Antonello Scardicchio
Localization and melting of interfaces in the two-dimensional quantum Ising model

I will show how the melting of a smooth interface in the 2D Ising model in transverse and longitudinal field shows signs of localization. This is done by means of a "holographic" mapping to a 1D integrable model of fermions in the large ferromagnetic coupling J limit and after the systematic introduction of 1/J corrections.

15:55 - 16:15

Sara Murciano
A probe of symmetry breaking from entanglement (Online)

16:15 - 16:45

Coffee break

16:45 - 17:20

Jesper Jacobsen
Geometrical web models

17:20 - 17:55

Vieri Mastropietro
Lattice chiral gauge theory, anomaly cancellation and universality

The non-perturbative formulation of a chiral gauge theory on a lattice requires the cancellation of the chiral anomalies. We give the first rigorous proof of this property in a system of N lattice fermions with the same chirality interacting with a non compact gauge field. The analysis uses the mathematical similarity of the anomaly cancellation with universality phenomena in quantum materials. The interplay between irrelevant terms in the RG sense coming from the Wilson term and the interaction is captured by the combination of lattice Ward Identities and regularity properties of correlations obtained by convergent expansions.

Day 3

Wednesday October 19

9:00 - 9:35

Luigi Ambrosio
The Matching Problem (Online)

9:35 - 10:10

Enzo Marinari
Understanding spin glass dynamics with numerical simulations and scaling theory

I will present results from (very) old and (very) recent large scale numerical simulations of spin glass systems, based on the use of the Janus supercomputer. I will first discuss the issue of computing correlation lengths both in numerical simulations and in experiments, I will analyze a very strict relation of numerical results analyzed by using and introducing scaling ideas and new, connected, experimental results.

10:10 - 10:30

Urna Basu
Activity driven transport in harmonic chains (Online)

The transport properties of an extended system driven by active reservoirs is an issue of paramount importance, which remains virtually unexplored. Here we address this issue, for the first time, in the context of energy transport between two active reservoirs connected by a chain of harmonic oscillators. The couplings to the active reservoirs, which exert correlated stochastic forces on the boundary oscillators, lead to fascinating behavior of the energy current and kinetic temperature profile even for this linear system. We analytically show that the stationary active current (i) changes non-monotonically as the activity of the reservoirs are changed, leading to a negative differential conductivity (NDC), and (ii) exhibits an unexpected direction reversal at some finite value of the activity drive. The origin of this NDC is traced back to the Lorentzian frequency spectrum of the active reservoirs. We provide another physical insight to the NDC using nonequilibrium linear response formalism for the example of a dichotomous active force. We also show that despite an apparent similarity of the kinetic temperature profile to the thermally driven scenario, no effective thermal picture can be consistently built in general. However, such a picture emerges in the small activity limit, where many of the well-known results are recovered.

10:30 - 11:00

Coffee break

11:00 - 11:40

Stefano Zapperi
Crackling Noise: Statistical Physics of Avalanche Phenomena

The response of materials and the functioning of devices is often associated with noise. Here I will concentrate on a particular type of noise, known as crackling noise, which is characterized by an intermittent series of broadly distributed pulses. While representing a nuisance in many practical applications, crackling noise can also tell us something useful about the microscopic processes ruling the materials behavior. Each crackle in the noise series usually corresponds to a localized impulsive event, an avalanche, occurring inside the material. A distinct statistical feature of crackling noise, and of the underlying avalanche behavior, is the presence of scaling, observed as power-law distributed noise pulses, long-range correlation, and scale free spectra. These are the hallmarks of critical phenomena and phase transitions. I will summarise the current understanding of crackling noise, reviewing research undertaken in the past 30 years, from the early and influential ideas on self-organized criticality in sandpile models, to more modern studies on disordered systems and glasses.

11:40 - 12:00

Gesualdo Delfino
Exact results for quenched disorder at criticality

The study of systems with short range quenched disorder has notoriously been a challenging problem for the theory of critical phenomena, and analytical insight on random critical points has been limited to rare perturbative limits. We will explain how we recently gained exact access to random criticality in two dimensions through a new way of exploiting conformal invariance.

12:00 - 12:20

Giuseppe del Vecchio del Vecchio
Generalised hydrodynamics and correlation functions

While statistical mechanics at equilibrium is relatively well settled, out-of-equilibrium phenomena escape universal description and represent one of the main challenges of theoretical physics nowadays. In this directions, in the past couple of decades, integrable models have represented a major playground territory not only because integrability gives access to analytic predictions but mainly because standard laboratory practices can now put them under direct experimental scrutiny. The main consequence of integrability is the presence of infinitely many conservation laws which strongly constrain the dynamics making the equilibrium ensembles rather different than the ordinary Gibbs state observed in presence of generic interactions. Generalised hydrodynamics (GHD) is the theory capturing long wavelength and large spacetime universal behaviour of integrable models and in the past five years it has produced an incredible amount of results in the field of our-of-equilibrium physics. In this contribution I will introduce GHD and discuss how, in combination with large deviation theory, it gives access to exact Euler scale (and beyond) correlation functions. Applications to XX and XY spin chain spin-spin correlation function and calculation of Reny’s and entanglement entropy are presented.

12:20 - 13:00

Sergio Caracciolo