The film takes place at that turning point in the West when the rule of force gave way to the rule of law, and when literacy began to gain a foothold. It asks the question: Does a man need to carry a gun in order to disagree or state an opinion? It takes place in the town of Shinbone, in an unnamed territory that is moving toward a vote on statehood. Farmers want statehood. Cattlemen do not. In a few characters and a gripping story, Ford dramatizes the debate about guns that still continues in many Western states. That he does this by mixing in history, humorous supporting characters and a poignant romance is typical; his films were complete and self-contained in a way that approaches perfection. Without ever seeming to hurry, he doesn't include a single gratuitous shot.

Let's start with the frame story. In my opinion, the frame story is a completely and unequivocally pointless addition that serves only to bloat the runtime. The payoff received at the end, which ostensibly ties up into a neat little package the personal agonies of Ransom Stoddard, i.e. being hailed "the man who shot Liberty Valance" when he was not in fact the person who carried out said deed, is not enough to justify the inclusion of the (frankly) plodding opening and closing sequences. It would have been a far better choice, I believe, to portray the immediate psychological consequences of Rance's choice. We know he feels guilty about stealing credit from Tom Doniphan: but why does he feel guilty dog's-years after the fact? Ford chooses to cut away from the scene once the younger Stoddard decides to accept the nomination. Did his conscience not rankle his heart then? Moving the anticlimactic resolution to the convention scene (or to the aftermath of the convention) would have inestimably improved the narrative.

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It's not just the frame story that undoes the impact of the film. In fact, the frame story itself is undone by the blandness of the characters. Fine, Ransom Stoddard is meant to be a straight man, but Tom Doniphan? Tom Doniphan, God bless him, is no Rooster Cogburn. He's a good-ole American boy with a gal in his heart and a pistol in his holster, with absolutely no dimension to him at all. His "rivalry" with Stoddard might as well not exist for all the focus the film chooses to put upon it, and neither exists a grudging friendship between the two men that the movie tries hard to convince you is there. I might even go as far as to declare that Tom Doniphan is entirely unnecessary to the story except as a mere plot point. He is the man who shot Liberty Valance, and that's all he is. His private character is glimpsed at in his actions following the shooting of Valance, but once again it is rendered pointless by the movie's refusal to focus on them. When he "reveals" that it was in fact he who shot Liberty Valance and not Rance, it's a reveal that can be spotted creeping towards you from ten miles away. It's something a man like him would do, and he does it. It's not something that he would not have done when we first meet him, and thus it can't even be considered pivotal moment for his character.

Realizing that he will be nominated on the grounds that he shot Liberty Valance. Stoddard becomes disgusted and leaves, but Doniphon stops him and reveals that it was he who actually shot Liberty Valance. His own conscience clear, Stoddard goes back into the hall and accepts the nomination; Doniphon goes home alone.

On the other end of the scale, Ford portrays Liberty Valance as the archetypal villain. The deadliest and most sadistic killer in all Ford's films, Liberty Valance has been filtered through all Ford's other villains, emerging as a composite of the worst features in each. Doniphon and Valance, then, represent the individuals of Ford's West, Doniphon standing for order, Valance for anarchy. When they confront each other in the restaurant, Ford cuts directly back and forth between close shots of the two of them, establishing the direct link between them and the instinctive understanding each one has of the other.

This bitter revisionist Western examines how town newbie and aspiring lawyer Ranse Stoddard (James Stewart) wrongly received credit for the murder of marauding criminal Liberty Valance (Lee Marvin), who was actually shot by rough-around-the-edges cowboy, Tom Doniphon (John Wayne). Stoddard goes on to have a fruitful political career (he is a senator when the movie begins, 25 years after the infamous shooting), while Doniphon, who did the dirty work, remains stuck in this shitty old town called Shinbone.

One of the moments that really stood out this time around was the flashback within the flashback when Doniphan (Wayne) reveals his point of view to Ransom Stoddard (Stewart). He was, in fact, the man who shot Liberty Valance. We knew it at heart but finally we have the proof and all of sudden his behavior seems justified and he becomes the tragic hero of the film.

I recently saw this for the first time- and I will just say this regarding who shot the liberty valance because of the spoiler- yes it was a shocking reveal- but what was more shocking was the aftermath of knowing the truth and how it all played out

In 1910, Sen. Ranse Stoddard and his wife, Hallie, arrive in the small town of Shinbone to attend the funeral of Tom Doniphon. A reporter questions him about his unannounced appearance, and Ranse tells about his early days as a young lawyer in Shinbone, when he opposed the ruthless rule of Liberty Valance, a notorious gunfighter. The only other two men in the town who were unafraid of the outlaw were Dutton Peabody, a drunken but courageous newspaper editor, and Tom Doniphon, a respected rancher in love with Hallie, who was then a young waitress. Valance became outraged when Ranse was elected delegate to a territorial convention and taunted him into a duel. Hallie knew that Ranse could not handle a gun and pleaded with Tom to save Ranse; but Tom, sick of Ranse's foolhardy bravery, refused. Late one night, Ranse and Valance faced each other on the darkened main street of the town. Several shots were fired, and although Ranse was wounded, Valance was the one who lay dead. Ranse became known as "the man who shot Liberty Valance" and was nominated to run for Congress. Unable to face a career built on a killing, he decided to refuse the nomination. Tom then appeared and confessed that it was he who, out of love for Hallie, fired from the shadows that night. Tom, in effect, became Ranse's conscience, the force that carried him to the U. S. Senate and a brilliant career in Washington, while Tom died a pauper. Ranse's story finished, the reporter decides not to print it because in the old West the legend had become ...MoreLess

In 1910, Sen. Ranse Stoddard and his wife, Hallie, arrive in the small town of Shinbone to attend the funeral of Tom Doniphon. A reporter questions him about his unannounced appearance, and Ranse tells about his early days as a young lawyer in Shinbone, when he opposed the ruthless rule of Liberty Valance, a notorious gunfighter. The only other two men in the town who were unafraid of the outlaw were Dutton Peabody, a drunken but courageous newspaper editor, and Tom Doniphon, a respected rancher in love with Hallie, who was then a young waitress. Valance became outraged when Ranse was elected delegate to a territorial convention and taunted him into a duel. Hallie knew that Ranse could not handle a gun and pleaded with Tom to save Ranse; but Tom, sick of Ranse's foolhardy bravery, refused. Late one night, Ranse and Valance faced each other on the darkened main street of the town. Several shots were fired, and although Ranse was wounded, Valance was the one who lay dead. Ranse became known as "the man who shot Liberty Valance" and was nominated to run for Congress. Unable to face a career built on a killing, he decided to refuse the nomination. Tom then appeared and confessed that it was he who, out of love for Hallie, fired from the shadows that night. Tom, in effect, became Ranse's conscience, the force that carried him to the U. S. Senate and a brilliant career in Washington, while Tom died a pauper. Ranse's story finished, the reporter decides not to print it because in the old West the legend had become fact.

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance focuses on the love triangle between Stoddard, Doniphon and his girlfriend Hallie (Vera Miles, Psycho). After a brutal assault by Valance, Stoddard is saved by Doniphon and nursed back to health by Hallie, who form a romantic connection. The rough and tough Doniphon later tries to teach Stoddard to defend himself and shoot a gun, all to little success. One night Valance demands a showdown and toys with the lawyer, shooting him in the arm and taunting him before Stoddard finally gets off a shot and Valance drops dead.

Most of The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance's story is told in flashback, as Stoddard and Hallie return to the town over 25 years later to attend Doniphon's funeral. The legend of how Stoddard stood up to Valance and killed him spread wide and helped him build a career in politics. Stoddard recounts the whole tale to a local newspaper reporter - and plans to come clean about that night. It turns out an unseen Doniphon shot Valance with a rifle from across the street and he later came to regret saving Stoddard as he lost Hallie to the lawyer, but he pushes him to pursue a career in politics to make Hallie proud.

Not sure I'd ever quite clocked the moment near the beginning when Ransom Stoddard demands that Tom Doniphon be buried with his gun and holster, and it's pointed out to him that Doniphon hadn't carried a gun in years. No need to. Stoddard may or may not have shot Liberty Valance, but he definitely killed Tom Doniphon.

Lc Purchase Collection, and Copyright Collection. The man who shot Liberty Valance. [United States: Paramount Pictures Corp., ; United States: Paramount Home Video, 1983?, 1983] Image. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, . 2351a5e196

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